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"Have a good time, and stay for as long as you need" Edward smiled gently as he kissed her through the open drivers side window of his Volvo

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"Have a good time, and stay for as long as you need" Edward smiled gently as he kissed her through the open drivers side window of his Volvo. It felt so strange for Ambrosia, being in the drivers seat but equally, she was glad of it because it made her feel closer to him, even though they were separating for a short while. It was certainly the longest they had been apart in at least a year. Despite the sweet words he spoke, there was an underlying longing in his eyes that said one thing 'hurry back to me' and she couldn't help but feel the same way, even before she went anywhere.

"Tell Roz I'll visit soon" Fredrick called over Edwards shoulder, ending the sweet moment they were having. "Once Alice lets me go" he proceeded to grumble and Edward rolled his eyes, kissing her on the forehead once more before retracting his arms entirely to stand straight.

"I will. I'll see you soon. Love you" she directed the last part to Edward and he shot her a bright, proud grin- even as Freddie fake gagged. As Ambrosia pulled out of the garage, it was to leave Edward and Fredrick shoving each other playfully back and forth, rolling her eyes, Ambrosia allowed her window to roll back up as she smiled sideways at Bree who lounged in the passenger side of the car. "Are you excited to see Seth again?"

"Very, he told me to let him know when we're half an hour away so he can be at Miralda's house to see us. Rosalinds been getting really close with some of the wolves" Bree informed Ambrosia easily as the older girl drove smoothly onto the main road. Ever the respecter of rules, Ambrosia didn't go too far over the speed limit. Bree and Ambrosia found it so easy to talk to one another, they were sisters, just as much as Alice and Rosalie or Ambrosia and Roz were. Bree was more comfortable with Ambrosia than any of the others and that had never changed.

"I can't wait to meet him. I'm not really surprised that Roz is friends with some of the wolves, she spends a lot of time with Max and Embry so she probably see them a lot" the caramel haired female acknowledged and Bree hummed in agreement. "You'll have to tell me the story with Seth, I feel like I missed out on all of it. How are you with everything?"

"It was strange at first, being with a wolf, everyone excepts us to be sworn enemies but... I looked at him and I knew I never could be. Does that make any sense? He was the one that imprinted on me but I... something changed in me too. I know we're still young, but... it just feels so right and normal. We're taking things slow anyway, we have time. The wolves stop aging while they shift so as long as Seth keeps phasing, he won't age." She explained and Ambrosia smiled as she nodded. "After the wedding, he stayed a few days later than the others, and we just... got to know one another, I suppose. When Fred went back to Forks to see Roz next- I went too. We were just friends to start with, fast friends. It was like you and I. We were best friends straight away, right?"

"Right" Ambrosia nodded strongly, completely understanding Bree's explanation. It was just a click situation, they met each other and instantly understood and accepted one another. It was the same thing that Ambrosia had found with Edward and now, Bree had it with Seth. "I'm sensing a but..." she prompted and Bree smiled shyly, her eyes dropping down to her hands and it was clear to see how happy and excited she was. At least, to Ambrosia, depicting Bree's emotions was as easy to her as it was for Edward to read minds.

"But last time I was there, we went for a walk and... I don't know, something just felt different. And ... we kissed" she informed and Ambrosia grinned at her in excitement. It might not have been a big deal for some people- but to Bree it was and so it was to Ambrosia too.

"That's so exciting, Bree. I'm so happy for you! I can't wait to properly meet and speak to him."

✔️Ambrosia 2| EDWARD CULLENOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz