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"Okay people" Alice clapped, marching back and forth in front of the family that had all been called to congregate in the main room fo the Cullen house, scattered in various locations around the conversation pit as they watched Alice strut in circ...

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"Okay people" Alice clapped, marching back and forth in front of the family that had all been called to congregate in the main room fo the Cullen house, scattered in various locations around the conversation pit as they watched Alice strut in circles around them, face all business- they were only missing one member, Fredrick who was happily staying in Forks until the wedding; Emmett suspected it was so that he didn't have to be a part of Alice's incessant wedding planning- she wasn't very happy with his joke. "We are having a wedding here in one month! Exactly one month! Rosia, go!" she snapped and the shy girl sighed, curling into Edward who found the entire situation incredibly funny.

"Okay okay," Ambrosia sighed. "Alice, Bree... I was wondering if you would please be my bridesmaids" she smiled tightly, nervously and they both grinned, beaming and nodding along- though the sad look that cast over Rosalie's face didn't go unnoticed by Ambrosia as she was already in the process of turning to the blonde girl who had been so kind to her from the very beginning. "Rose... Will you be my maid of honour?"

"I would love to, Rosia" Rosalie beamed, completely lighting up like a beacon, all her grumpy sadness diminished in a heartbeat as she pulled the newborn into a tight hug- it was a good thing neither of them was fragile anymore or suffocation would have occurred. "Don't you worry, you're going to have the very best wedding and honeymoon in the world!... Don't screw this up" she glared around at the boys and they held their hands up defensively.

"Continue, Ambrosia" Alice gestured and the newborn looked up at Edward who nodded his assurance. She was incredibly nervous about her next question though she knew it was something she really wanted, she couldn't imagine her wedding either way.

"Esme, Carlisle" both the parents snapped their eyes over to face her, waiting. "I was wondering if you would both walk me down the aisle? I know that it is traditional for the father to do it but... You're my parents, and I would like both of you to do it..."

"We would love to, Darling" Esme grinned, standing to kiss each of her cheeks while Carlisle smiled warmly. The dynamic of the Cullen coven was strange, and they were parents to all of them, the bride and the groom but it all felt so normal, so natural as they discussed the wedding plans- they would have it no other way.

"Perfect" Alice clapped, snapping off the moment abruptly. "We don't have time for idle chit-chat, it's full steam ahead. The invitations have been sent which means the date is set in stone. Okay? Okay. We're having a garden wedding, it's a sunny day so we will have a flower canopy which I have ordered. The theme, get this- so damn cute, I approve, Edward, Rosia... Copper and Greenery! Is that not just... Edrosia rolled up into two colours?" she gushed, clasping her hands in excitement as she bounced up and down.

"I'm sorry, Edrosia?" Bree laughed and Alice waved her off.

"Yes, Edward and Rosia. Get with the programme. The bridesmaid's dresses are en-route because obviously, I saw this coming. You groomsmen are going shopping tomorrow, yes, I said tomorrow Emmett, we're not dillydallying. I assume you will make sure our groom looks sensational, Carlisle's in charge." Alice rattled off and Emmett pouted at the thought.

"Flowers?" Rosalie checked.

"Sorted" Alice make a fake tick in the air.

"Seating plan?"

"Check. With some shuffling to allow for the pack of dogs."


"Yep, you Rosalie are in charge of delivering the best piano version of 'Hey Jude' the world has ever heard." Alice clicked her fingers and Ambrosia's eyes lit up as she looked over at Edward- the Cullen groom laughed gently and pressed a kiss to her temple. Edward and Ambrosia had created an incredibly untraditional wedding, but it was perfect for them.

"Honeymoon?" Rosalie looked pointedly at Edward and he smiled, eyes casting down to Ambrosia only briefly and then across the Carlisle who shot him a warm grin.

"All sorted, and it's a surprise" he warned Ambrosia, seeing that she had opened her mouth to question him- the vampire chuckled at her pout. "And no, Emmett doesn't know so you can't bribe him, nor does Bree"

"Nobody tells me anything" Bree pouted, crossing her arms in a huff as she threw herself back into the couch exaggeratedly, making them all laugh collectively. It was those moments, as a family, that they all loved the most. It made everything so worth it- it made them all feel as though immortality was wonderful after all because it promised that they would never be separated, not ever even for a moment.

"Now, everyone has been given their checklists for the upcoming events, we have a very very long list of things that needs doing and a very short time to do it in- it's a good thing we don't sleep" - There were a few groans and a mutual agreement throughout them all that the sooner the wedding was here, the better. "Ambrosia, Rosalie, Esme, Bree; we are all going wedding dress shopping tomorrow, we have got to find the perfect dress! Ahh, I've never been so excited" she gushed.

"What about our five weddings, Darlin'?" Jasper teased as she finally hopped down from her pacing to sit beside him. She just laughed at him and seeled her lips happily over his, contented. It was all coming together and soon enough- Ambrosia Hatton would be Ambrosia Cullen, officially. She couldn't wait.

✔️Ambrosia 2| EDWARD CULLENWhere stories live. Discover now