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The wind whipped around them where they walked side by side through the long grass of a forgotten clearing, hands locked together as they trudged through on a particularly gloomy, yet dry, Saturday

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The wind whipped around them where they walked side by side through the long grass of a forgotten clearing, hands locked together as they trudged through on a particularly gloomy, yet dry, Saturday. It was one of the few times Alice had let them free from her grasp in weeks- they were now a week away from the big day and Ambrosia and Edward's excitement was rising, as well as the bride's nervousness. It seemed only a week ago, he had been proposing- it surely didn't feel like three months since then. Soon enough, over the next few days, Rosalind and Fred would be returning and then- it would be time to marry in front of their friends and family.

A vast array of people were invited, almost all of which were from Forks and would be staying in hotels near the area. And Ambrosia was terrified to have to stand in front of them all on that day, knowing their eyes were on her.

"I can't believe we're getting married in a week" she breathed as he pulled her gently to sit beside him at the very top of the hill, eyes staring out over the trees and grey sky. They felt so peaceful there together after the chaotic few months they had shared. Ambrosia's head easily found place resting against his shoulder and he held her hand sweetly.

"Getting cold feet?" he teased, though there was a certain nervousness in his tone that had her head snapping up in shock so that their eyes could meet. He truly believed that, after everything, she would change her mind about marrying him?

"Never, Edward. It's always been you, from the very start. I can't imagine marrying anyone else" she smiled warmly, leaning forward easily to press her forehead to his, eyes fluttering closed where they sat huddled close of the top of the windy overgrown hill. "Time has just gone so quickly, though similarly, not fast enough. I just want to marry you, to be yours forever."

"You already are mine forever, Baby, this is just a formality" he reminded warmly and she grinned as he pressed a kiss to her forehead and shrouded his arms around her, pulling her close. Being there in his arms, the nervousness that had pooled all the way through Ambrosia's body- dried up in an instant. In Edward's arms, she was only purely elated, overcome with love and emotion. Ambrosia knew that once she conquered the walk down the aisle, she would be okay again- in his arms. She just had to survive the walk first.

Sweetly, her arms wound around his neck and pulled him delicately toward her, lips seeling to his. Edward's hands found her cheeks easily, pushing back the hair that the wind had whipped into a frenzy as his thumbs danced patterns along her jawline, appreciating the dip of her dimples and the softness of her cheeks. With each passing second, the kiss only deepened and he chuckled as he found himself pushed back into the long grass.

Edward had never felt as alive as he did in the arms of Ambrosia Hatton, she made him feel like a completely different person and he loved it, he loved the person he became when he was with her.

"You're so gorgeous" he breathed in clear awe, even after all this time as he looked into the face of the bride who was splayed across him in that random field, his left hand holding back her hair that threatened to suffocate her from the whispering of the wind and his right arm holding her up so that she didn't have to strain so much. Ambrosia smiled shyly at that and it was a reaction he could never get enough of from her, he wanted to see that smile on her face forever. Gently, she allowed herself to slide forward so that she could press their lips together once more, her legs straddling his waist to hold up her weight- not that she even weighed anything to him.

Edward chuckled and pulled back just as the kiss had reached a new intensity and she breathed in a strange mix of affection and sadness that he had broken apart from her so quickly.

"Soon, Beautiful. I promise. We'll be married soon and then we won't have to wait anymore." he attempted to explain, sitting up so that she slid back into his lap, her arms wrapping around his neck to stop herself from flopping backwards once more.

"You don't need to explain it to me, Edward, I understand that you want to wait until marriage. I do too, I want to do everything right by you; Edward, just as you do me. Right?" she smiled softly and he nodded his assurance as his hands gently stroked sweetly through her thick curls. Soon, They would be Edward and Ambrosia Cullen; Husband and Wife.

And they couldn't wait for the day.

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