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The past few days had been eventful at the Oregon house and Ambrosia Cullen was proud to say that she and Edward had held down the fort splendidly

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The past few days had been eventful at the Oregon house and Ambrosia Cullen was proud to say that she and Edward had held down the fort splendidly. The wolf packs had congregated in the guest houses, the vampires in the main house; covens converged- The animal drinkers and the human drinkers alike. The Olympic coven, despite being separated at this current time, had brought together a larger community of vampires than ever before. Carlisle, Esme, Rosalie, Emmett, Edward, Ambrosia, Bree, Freddie, Rosalind and Esmeralda had been joined by the Quileute tribe, the Denalis (Including Laurent), the Egyptians, the Irish, the Amazon coven, the Romanians and even some nomads- One named Garrett had taken a particular interest in Kate Denali. And from their travels, Alice and Jasper had sent his old friends Charlotte and Peter. They had their army and now, for the very first time since the horrors began- they would be reunited as a family.

Ambrosia leant back into Edward as she stood in front of him on the porch of the beautiful forest house and seemingly on instinct, he placed a kiss to her temple. At their side, Freddie had one arm around Roz, Emmy placed on his hip- She was getting far too big for that now but he was unfazed, she was still his little girl and she seemed entirely content with fiddling with his shirt buttons (a habit she seemed to have picked up from her auntie Ambrosia who was doing just the same to her husband.) Bree and Seth were chattering lowly to one another, giggling and shoving one another playfully and nobody had the heart to listen in and see what was so funny. They were happy and that was all that mattered.

Finally, after what seemed like hours, the car turned the corner and they all seemed to jump forward in excitement at the prospect of a reunion. Their family would truthfully never be complete without Jasper and Alice but for now, at least, they were content in being together on that day as the air cooled and snow seemed near.

From the back seat excitedly jumped Emmett with a much slower Rosalie following with a smile. They had met up with Esme and Carlisle for the return journey and now- they were finally home. The mountain of a man burst forward in the energy of a golden retriever, ripping Ambrosia, Bree and Rosalind away from their partners to pull all three together into a tight hug, spinning them around in his large arms as they giggled brightly.

And the happiness seemed to sting the air as they passed around hugs and well wishes. They were together and for that moment at least, that was all that mattered. When Ambrosia hugged Rosalie, Carlisle and Esme- warmth swam all the way through her non-existent bloodstream because she knew that this was family- that their family was complete, even if two were separated. And this was the thing worth fighting for the very most. This was the reason they had collected friends from all around the world in the face of adversity and this was the reason why Ambrosia Cullen would stand in that snow-covered field, across from the vampires she'd never met before, their enemies and stand strong. She would use the gift of darkness she possessed, the gift of silence that terrified her so much because she completely refused to allow anything bad to come of her famiy.

She just hoped that it would be enough.

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