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Ambrosia Cullen smiled dreamily as she listened to the sweet humming of Edward where he lay beneath her, his hand playing aimlessly with hers where they relaxed together, glass doors thrown open to reveal the sparkling brightness of the rising sun...

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Ambrosia Cullen smiled dreamily as she listened to the sweet humming of Edward where he lay beneath her, his hand playing aimlessly with hers where they relaxed together, glass doors thrown open to reveal the sparkling brightness of the rising sun that cast an array of diamonds across them. Ambrosia was in complete bliss, hand feeling incredibly sensitive as he toyed with it, her head pressed back into his other hand that caressed her curls easily. Time seemed irrelevant to them as they lay there, completely and utterly carefree.

"How do vampires ever get anything done?" she queried, head twisting upwards to face him and he chuckled, chest rumbling under her as she flipped fully over, leg easily finding perfect place over his waist as she held her head up in her hand, elbow pushed into the mattress and fingers lightly dancing across his jaw as he watched her- seeming somewhat hypnotised by her beauty. "We don't need to eat, we don't need to sleep..." she hummed and he chuckled, pushing his body upwards so their faces were centimetres apart, tips of their noses very nearly brushing.

"You're going to be the death of me, woman" he teased and she giggled, a bubbling stream that warmed Edward completely to hear. She was by his definition, perfect and he took her cheeks easily in his hands, kissing her again, deeply before she even had the chance to question him. Ambrosia giggled into the kiss as she found him roll on top of her with a hum... Life was good.


Ambrosia narrowed her eyes in suspicion when she entered the main room after a shower to find Edward sitting waiting for her in swimming shorts and a grin. She just stopped halfway down the corridor and frowned at him, until he broke off their staring competition first by laughing at her. Before she even had the chance to try and flee, Edward was racing toward her, grabbing her effortlessly and tossing her over his shoulder as she squealed.

"Come on, time for some swimming lessons" he hummed to himself as she flailed her body to try and get free. Edward couldn't contain his laugh as he brought his hand down cheekily onto her behind as she squealed again.

"No" she pleaded, hands holding onto the side of the door, stopping him from pulling her away. Truthfully, he could if he wanted to but it would result in him taking the entire house with him. "I'm wearing a dress" she reminded with a pout and he just chuckled at her response, never letting go. With an exaggerated huff of resignation, knowing that Edwards' stubborness would have them standing there all day long. Her arms dropped lazily, hanging down around her head, swinging back and forth from the motion of his walking.

"If you're really worried about your dress, try skinny dipping, I assure you I won't mind" she didn't need to see his face to know that he was grinning and it was her turn to slap his behind, that was right in her view. Edward jumped in shock as he neared the water and his laughter bubbled.


"For what?" she warned in nervous suspicion though he never answered as he grabbed her aroudn the legs and dropped her straight down into the water, dress and all seeing as though she didn't commit to his idea of skinny-dipping. After a long moment, a very grumpy Ambrosia resurfaced from the water, hands balling into fists and landing on her hips as she glared, her wet hair hanging down around her like a curtain. Edward tried his hardest but he could not contain the roaring laugh that spilt through his lips when he saw the pout on her face where she stood, only up to her waist in water.

"Edward" she stated in a warning tone and he held his hands up defensively, fighting the smile off of his face. Before he had the time to react, she vanished, making him frown before a strong shove sent him flying face first into the water. Her laughter met his ears and Edward chuckled as he paddled gently to deeper water, flicking his curls back as he splashed around, swimming easily, rolling onto his back to look at Ambrosia who was still on the beach with her arms crossed, soaking wet from his prank.

"Ambrosia" he called warmly. "You're not going to drown, I promise." he found his footing again and approached her much more calmly this time. "You'll be fine, trust me" he urged and laid his hands out in front of him, palms up to the sky, waiting for her to accept the offer. Looking up into his eyes and finding that there was nothing but sincere warmth there, she softly allowed her hands to slide into his and Edward proceeded to step back slowly into the sea, drawing her in. The water continued to rise around them and she was in a panic soon enough- she knew that it was irrational and that she didn't even need to breathe but she couldn't help her own worry as the water captured the hem of her dress and flowted the lilac coloured material up around her. Edward watched her reaction as the water reached her neck and her panicked eyes turned to him. That's where he stopped- his head and shoulders still out of the water. "It's okay"

Edward pulled her hands gently, tugging her upwards toward him so that her chest pressed to his, their faces inches apart as he bobbed them lightly on the spot. Ambrosia was completely off the ground now, held up only by his arms around her though she could see that the playfulness was gone- All her fears may by completely irrational but they were still fears and Edward wasn't going to take advantage of that or try to down play it.

"Hey hey, it's okay" he promised. "I've got you," Edward assured and gently, his arms loosed around her. "Lie back Rosia. I promise I've got you" and gently, she allowed him to pull her into a bridal hold, her body flattening out in the water. "You're safe Ambrosia" he promised, kissing her forehead once before his arms gently lowered from underneath where she lay. The vampire female screwed her eyes up- But was soon floating easily, bobing with each of the waves as Edward grinned. "There you go. And now kick your legs, not too fast or you'll shoot off back to the mainland" he teased as she giggled softly as she complied, moving slowly through the water with a grin on her face. It might had been childish but to Ambrosia, it meant the world.

Ambrosia had never had anybody to take her swimming, when she was younger her parents never felt the need to, not being avid swimmers themselves and then she was shortly in the orphangae. Miss Everett sometimes took some of the kids to lessons, the ones that had an interest in it but Ambrosia had always been too shy. It felt nice to accomplish that goal now, even if it was a small achievement. It meant a lot to her and therefore, it meant a lot to him.

✔️Ambrosia 2| EDWARD CULLENWhere stories live. Discover now