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Ambrosia swallowed hard in fear as Alice readjusted the veil on her head and the delicate ornate crown she wore, it was beautiful, a coppery rose gold colour and constructed of metallic woven leaves to create a halo through her delicately placed c...

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Ambrosia swallowed hard in fear as Alice readjusted the veil on her head and the delicate ornate crown she wore, it was beautiful, a coppery rose gold colour and constructed of metallic woven leaves to create a halo through her delicately placed curls. The bouquet in her hands was large and she knew it would be slightly heavy but she couldn't feel that. She was just glad that she couldn't sweat or stumble as she stood easily in her tall, custom made heels. Alice had spared no expense in proving her with the best of everything.

"It's time, Darling" Esme breathed her assurance to her daughter softly, sliding her hand through hers and directing her through to the landing with the other bridesmaids- once there, they met up with the boys, minus Edward of course who was stood at the end of the aisle outside waiting for his beautiful bride. There was a collection of gasps from the vampires in the hallway that had Ambrosia smiling shyly.

"Okay, Bree and Freddie- you're first, then Jasper and I, then Rosalie and Emmett... And then, We have our beautiful bride" Alice gushed handing out flowers easily and fixing up the slightly scruffy groomsmen, the time had finally come and Ambrosia could feel her body knotting up in fear as she linked her left arm with Esme, holding onto her bouquet easily with her left hand as her free right hand linked through the loop of Carlisle's arm, instantly tightening into his suit jacket in nervousness as he smiled gently down at her.

"Let's go people" Freddie clicked his fingers over his head with a beautiful Bree on his arm and he slowly began to lead the procession down the stairs and through the house toward the back door, setting the pace for the rest of the group. Once there, they all waited once more for the music to begin and even accompanied by her entire vampire family, Ambrosia was practically shaking like a leaf on the spot. This had Carlisle turning to her, smiling gently.

"Rosia, it's okay. It's all going to be okay" he promised. "Just around that corner is the love of your life, your soulmate. And he has been waiting a century to marry you, he's just as anxious to say 'I do' as you are. We'll be with you, every single step of the way" he promised softly, hand reaching down to shift her veil slightly. "You look beautiful" his eyes pooled with venom. "I've always wanted a child of my own and you are the closest thing to that that I've ever had. It has been an honour, Ambrosia, to call myself your parent. And it is an honour to give you away today, to officially join you with our family again."

"Oh, Carlisle" she breathed, feeling her nervousness swim away from her, though remaining slightly still when she heard the music begin and watched Freddie and Bree slowly step out from the doorway and into the light. Soon enough, that would be her and just after that- she would be marrying the love of her life, just as Carlisle had promised her. "I hardly ever knew my father, and I am so thankful to you, for everything that you have done for me. I wouldn't be here without you, or you Esme" she joined the matriarch in on the moment and Esme smiled with venom-filled eyes as Alice and Jasper took their step into the daylight.

"We love you, darling, just remember that. You have been our daughter since the very beginning. I hope that you have the most mesmerising day today Ambrosia, a day that you can look back on in decades to come and reminisce of. You truly are the most beautiful bride I have ever seen"

"I love you, Mom" Ambrosia smiled, eyes watery and Esme looked ready to burst into tears right there as Carlisle's step tugged them forward, the light illuminating his emerald green tie.

"Oh, Darling Daughter" Esme hummed excitably, pressing a kiss to her temple, slightly barriered by the silk quality of the veil. Rosalie and Emmett winked back at them once- Before they were off too and Esme, Ambrosia and Carlisle took their place with their toes pressed to the threshold, just a step from the white, copper and emerald green rose petals that scattered the earth in a pathway through the garden, sheltered by the canopy above.

Ambrosia Hatton looked exactly like their daughter that day, her skin and eyes matching them, her hair matching her 'mothers' and it was perfect, they were a vision of perfection, like angels as they finally took their step and the gentle stepping of Carlisle and Esme kept Ambrosia in time as they made their way along the garden path and her eyes stayed strongly on the ground the entire time, hearing the breathing of their guests as they finally turned the corner and nervously, she finally turned her gaze upwards...

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