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Ambrosia Cullen had found it incredibly hilarious when she got to shove a piece of cake in Edward's face, seeing him swallow it as he attempted not to cringe in disgust- though that was until he had done the same to her, much more gently though st...

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Ambrosia Cullen had found it incredibly hilarious when she got to shove a piece of cake in Edward's face, seeing him swallow it as he attempted not to cringe in disgust- though that was until he had done the same to her, much more gently though still grinning in amusement at the knowledge that it would taste like dirt. Ambrosia, deciding to play with him, kept her features incredibly smooth as she bit and chewed the cake, acted the perfect bride as she smiled. To the rest of the world, I would seem that they were experiencing a beautiful exchange, but really they were attempting not to laugh at one another.

"Please, welcome Mr and Mrs Cullen for their first dance!" a voice called and the playfulness instantly dropped from Ambrosia's face as she was looked up at him. Edward chuckled and easily manoeuvred her over to the empty dancefloor to start the party the right way. There were expressions of shock on people's faces to see Ambrosia take up her place in Edward's arms- everyone knowing her aversion to the spotlight but the moment her eyes met his- Ambrosia relaxed and the music, the piano chords of her favourite song flowed beautifully through her ears as she accepted his steps into a simple waltz. Ambrosia and Edward couldn't physically peel their gaze from one another's faces as they danced and they were completely and utterly in love.

"I love you" Edward breathed softly into his ear. "You look absolutely gorgeous"

"I love you too" she returned warmly, relaxing her stuff posture so that they could dance much more freely, casually as the guests finally took pity on the shy girl and joined her on the dance floor. Just as Alice had promised- everything worked out perfectly.


"Uncle Laurent" Ambrosia grinned, a warm smile on her lips as she approached him through the crowd. He looked much neater than she had ever seen him, his hair perfected and an impeccable suit covering his body as he hugged her happily, glad to have regained his title of 'uncle' in her eyes. "I'm so glad that you are here, I did not get the opportunity to thank you"

"You need not thank me, Ambrosia. You are family," he promised warmly. "And speaking of" he smiled, gesturing to the blonde woman beside him who took his hand gently. Ambrosia was vaguely aware of Edward dancing with Miss Everett while Roz and Freddie laughed at him from the sidelines, but she ignored it. Her heart, did, however, warm when she saw Bree and Seth dancing together and a few feet from them, Max and Embry locked in an embrace with smiles on their faces as they watched the younger couple. Everything was turning out flawlessly. "This is my fiance, Irina Denali... Your new cousin, I believe the Cullens refer to them. But who knows anymore, our family dynamic is royally screwed" he winked and Irina laughed as she pulled Ambrosia easily into a hug- as if they had known one another forever.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Irina"

"And you, Ambrosia. Please, meet my coven" she wound her fingers through the little brunette brides and half-dragged her through the crowd to where a coven was residing, chatting gently. When they saw who Irina had in tow, they grinned. "These are my sisters, Kate and Tanya. And Eleazar and Carmen" she informed and Ambrosia had the overwhelming feeling of home as Carmen pulled her into a hug- the woman reminded her distinctly of Esme, which was a fond comparison.

"You look beautiful, Ambrosia" Kate greeted, hugging her too and the girl smiled shyly, accepting their introductions as a familiar pair of arms wound around her waist.

"Edward" Eleazar spoke, smiling. "You didn't tell us your wife was gifted" he grinned and Ambrosia turned confused frown to her husband whose eyes widened in shock, awe and pride as he read his male 'cousins' mind.

"I'm sorry... What?" she frowned.

"Eleazar can sense other people gifts" Tanya informed softly and Eleazar himself grinned.

"And you Mrs Cullen, are gifted. Sense deprivation is a very powerful gift."

"Sense deprivation?"

"Rosia, you can cut off peoples senses" Edward informed her in awe and she frowned. "Do you know how incredible that is? I only know of one other person who can do that and he's an elite guard in the Volturi. It must have manifested from your desire for silence, your shyness" he grinned, kissing her on the forehead and Ambrosia was in awe, mouth slightly parted as she took it all in.

"But... I can't do that?" she frowned.

"You will be able to, with some training" Eleazar promised. "Edward, when you return from your honeymoon- you must visit Denali and we can see how we can help you, Ambrosia" and there was a hum of agreement. Ambrosia didn't know how she felt about being gifted- she hadn't ever really thought about it, as silly as that was- everything else had overwhelmed her in the past few months that supernatural abilities seemed irrelevant.

Across the room, Ambrosia noticed Rosalind giggling away beside another of the wolf pack- a man she vaguely remembered Max introducing to her as 'Paul Lahote' and Freddie watched them with narrowed, venomous eyes. Their day just kept on getting more and more interesting.

✔️Ambrosia 2| EDWARD CULLENWhere stories live. Discover now