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"Okay" Eleazar smiled over at Ambrosia, the two of them, Laurent and Edward were currently standing in the back yard of the Cullen house, they intended to get some training in before the other witnesses arrived, but Ambrosia had no idea what she w...

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"Okay" Eleazar smiled over at Ambrosia, the two of them, Laurent and Edward were currently standing in the back yard of the Cullen house, they intended to get some training in before the other witnesses arrived, but Ambrosia had no idea what she was doing. "We're just going to see what we can do, I know for a fact that you have this power- I'm never wrong, we just have to find it. I've met three-hundred-year-old vampires who have powers they don't know about, your powers could very easily stay dormant for years- but we're not going to let that happen."

"Alec- the vampire who has a similar power to you, he has something like a mist" Edward explained, "it spreads from his hands and when it pools around people- their senses cut off, I already think that you're going to be different, but it's a starting point, just see what you can do." he smiled softly, reassuringly because he could already see how stressed she was- Edward knew Ambrosia better than anybody and even though her expression didn't change and he couldn't read her mind- he knew she was worried, he could see it in the familiar golden eyes she had. She was worried because they kept referring to her as a secret weapon- and she didn't even believe that she had powers yet.

"Okay, Amby" Laurent smiled warmly in greeting, placing his hands on her shoulders and turning her to face him- his eyes, she noticed then, were a startlingly vibrant gold and she couldn't help but feel a burst of pride in her. This man, she had once seen as an uncle, and then she saw as a villain, and now- he was her uncle again, in full force. It calmed her to see that smile which would once have made her skin crawl. "Focus on me, okay, just me. All you have to do is find whatever power is inside of you- and force it onto me okay."

And she listened to him, standing stock still, the pair of them looked like unmoving statues because for the longest time- absolutely nothing happened. The only visible change was the dent that formed in Ambrosia's face, a dent of concentration- Edward used to see that very same look on her face in long trigonometry lessons when she was stuck on a particularly taxing question. He vaguely longed for those days, when their worries had been so much smaller, but equally- he would never wish away the memories they had made, he would never wish away Emmy or their beautiful honeymoon. He wouldn't even wish away this long moment in the field because every single memory he shared with her was precious- even if they had forever.

Edward hadn't even realised he'd drifted out of the situation until he heard the awe in Laurent's mind- the tanned man could not see, nor hear, move, speak- He could not do anything but stand there in the darkness, completely lost to the world around him. Initially, his head showed awe and pride, and then panic- because the absolute and complete silence that dwelled on him then was something he'd never experienced before- he did not hear a single sound. And equally, he was blind. It has been said that pure silence could drive humans crazy, and though he doubted that was true for vampires too- he knew Laurent was panicking now.

Ambrosia was still yet to move an inch, and the mist idea was completely disbanded, she did not have a physical sign of having completed the task at hand, Eleazar was none the wiser- still waiting for her to use her gift. Ambrosia could cut off the senses and create complete and utter silence, the one thing she had always desired the most as a human- purely with her mind and Edward nearly exploded in pride, over the moon for her.

Shortly, Laurent gasped and fell to his knees, the mental panic he had experienced now painting over his face as he returned to the world but when Ambrosia stepped forward in concern- he grinned and leapt to his feet.

"That was incredible, Ambrosia." he encouraged and Edward couldn't help but smile fondly, Ambrosia had family here, even from other covens and it was warming to see how many people loved and protected her. When Laurent hugged her due to her achievement, Edward did not so much as flinch, despite once having wished to rip his head from his body. Laurent had redeemed himself the day he killed Riley Byers, that was the same day Freddie killed Victoria, a day they were all glad to have put behind them.

"You did it?" Eleazar grinned. "What was it like?"

"Unlike anything I've ever experienced before. I felt nothing, heard nothing, saw nothing, I did not so much as taste anything- I felt like nothing more than a lone mind swimming in a sea of darkness, my own body nowhere in sight," he explained to the best of his ability and Ambrosia smiled solemnly, they all seemed so proud of her gift though truthfully- she wished she had something positive to offer, she wished her gift didn't induce immediate fear- she had seen the panic on Laurent's face, even as he attempted to hide it and that scared her too. How could Ambrosia's power be such a horrible thing when all she ever wanted was to make people happy? Her desire for silence had been interpreted wildly differently in vampirism- she had wanted peace due to the calm comfort it provided, an absence of noise meant that one was alone. But now, her gift was to scare people away from their bodies.

She supposed it was positive for a war.

"How do you feel, Ambrosia?" Eleazar queried, taking note of her pitch-black eyes- she looked as if she hadn't fed in a week though truthfully, she had only fed the day before, her eyes had been a brilliant gold before they began the training- it seemed the power sucked up a lot of energy though Eleazar knew with enough training, it would be like second nature to her.

"I just feel... Drained" she frowned, physically, she could probably uproot a tree or take Emmett on at an arm wrestle but mentally, she felt like she needed to sleep, something that was impossible.

"Feed and then we'll try again" Eleazar smiled encouragingly.

✔️Ambrosia 2| EDWARD CULLENWhere stories live. Discover now