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Deep within the luscious greenery of Isle Esme, inside the warm confines of the pretty white house on the shore, under the star-speckled sky, relaxed the happiest couple

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Deep within the luscious greenery of Isle Esme, inside the warm confines of the pretty white house on the shore, under the star-speckled sky, relaxed the happiest couple. Ambrosia leant back easily into the welcoming circle of her husbands arms, a blanket needlessly shrouded around them both where they were draped across one of the pale couches, eyes trained on the television that flickered with high definition movie scenes. They were wordless though basking in the pure joy and simplicity of the calm that has enveloped them- it had been three days since Edward and Ambrosia had been joined in holy matrimony before a gathering of their friends, families and loved ones and the stupendous joy and happiness was yet to shift even slightly for the happy newlyweds.

Edward felt as though all his hopes, dreams and prayers had been answered joined into one utterly stunning angel who currently rested against him easily upon the couch. And all he had to do was think about her, to know that she was everything he needed; he could not possibly be happier than he was right then with his hands dancing gently through the smooth tangles of her curls. Ambrosia Cullen was the answer to all his life's questions and he felt, having her by his side, as though he had been gifted the most precious gift.

Ambrosia was in a bliss, it had been three days on none-stop perfection and, guiltily on her part, she didn't even miss home, she doubted she would for a long while. The island was a slice of perfection. Though, the prospect of home did offer a lot of excitement too. Rosalind and Fredrick's relationship was flying along, dancing like a comet and delivering them steadily to their own fairytale utopia, and Bree and Seths relationship promised to be a beautiful one, albeit utterly unconventional. With the inclusion of Seth in their lives, they would all be seeing Max and Embry a lot more too. It felt as if slowly, the old and the new members of her family were gently stitching together and it left her heart feeling elated. She no longer had to give up or say goodbye to people because they could be there alongside her.

"What are you thinking about?" Edward hummed our curiosity, slicing through the silence of their conversation as on screen, The Great Gatsby rolled passed in bright colours- they were currently witnessing the events of the stiflingly hot day and they all knew how that ended, Ambrosia knew the movie just as well as the book and she was glad to find how brilliantly true the movie was to the original story, albeit a few things were added and equally, removed. But she found herself loving it nonetheless.

"I'm thinking that I've never been happier" she informed him, easily resting on him in pure comfort. They didn't know that it was possible to be even more comfortable with one another than they already were, but their honeymoon had thus far, enabled their relationship to reach new heights. Ambrosia felt so free on the island, unweighted by the pressure of her own aching shyness. She wasn't shy with him, she hadn't been for a long time because he made her feel so loved, so accepted. "This is perfect" Ambrosia continued, toying gently with the buttons on his shirt just for something to fiddle with- he'd long since accepted that habit of hers and it didn't bother him as he smoothly pushed her runaway curls back over her shoulder.

"It truly is" he confirmed and she smiled shyly up at him. Ambrosia knew she was addicted to him, but it was the best possible thing; she couldn't get enough of her husband and she was sure she never would do. Edward felt the exact same way about Ambrosia, despite everything that had happened that led them to that moment, they knew they wouldn't change it for the world because it had delivered them to the height of happiness and everything suddenly became so worth it.

"I'm going to need to get a job" she hummed and he frowned encouraging her to continue speaking "So that we can afford to buy ourselves are very own island to live on and forget the world" she giggled and Edward grinned.

"You know, I rather do like the sound of that" and he sealed his reassurance with a kiss, and then another one and another. He kissed her multiple times, all over her face as she screwed up her features and giggled. They felt so young and free and completely and utterly in love. "Spending eternity with you is the best thing I could ever possibly ask for. Bumping into you in that trig class, telling you I was a vampire, asking you to move to Oregon, and asking you to be my wife were by far the best decisions I ever made. I hope I can continue to ask such important, questions. I want this happiness to last forever, Rosia because I physically cannot seem to get bored of the sensation of perfection that you provide. With you, the sun is always shinning" he delivered and she gurgled our a giggle as she instinctively curled into him.

"I'm glad you're happy, Edward. I always want you to be happy, forever."

"Forever, Mrs Cullen. That's how long I will be yours, forever... and even after that."

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