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Sensitive Scenes.

The second the silver Volvo parked in the garage, they were all action stations, doors opening and words exchanging

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The second the silver Volvo parked in the garage, they were all action stations, doors opening and words exchanging. Rosalind had a look of absolute bewilderment on her face as Fredrick opened her passenger side door for her and pulled her swiftly upwards into a tight hug, cradling her as if she was the most precious thing on the entire planet- and she melted into him.

"It's okay, whatever that thing is, Carlisle will get it out of you" he assured and Rosalind froze, it went unnoticed as she was half-dragged along into the house. Ambrosia sighed as she turned the engine off, stepping out of the car with Bree and Seth at her side. There was an air of tense nervousness that hadn't lingered in the air for a long time. The warm comfortability soaking up and leaving them all cold.

Ambrosia found herself attracted straight into the house and into the arms of Edward who was waiting for her, he held her strongly. It was a greeting and comfort and when they did inevitably pull back, they didn't need to say anything, they both understood that the stress had been ignited.

"Rosia" Rosalie was the next to greet her and the newer vampire accepted the hug graciously. That was when she allowed her eyes to sweep across the room- aside from herself and Edward who were now sat side-by-side, the entire family had congregated. Alice sat perched in the conversation pit with Jasper sat behind her on the edge of the floor, his legs on either side of her and hands rested gently on her shoulders. Esme was in an armchair, one leg thrown over the other calmly with her hands in her lap- though she was very clearly tense.

And then there was the absence of Rosalie who she could hear standing with Carlisle, Fredrick and Rosalind in the room upstairs now that she had finished greeting them. Emmett and Seth were side-by-side on one of the couches, talking lowly. It was a friendship Ambrosia hadn't expected but now appreciated- they were smiling despite the tense air. And Ambrosia was sat pressed against Edward, his arm around her, her other hand in Brees.

Rosalie was the first person to reenter the room, looking strangely conflicted, her eyes wide and watery as she addressed the people that all turned to her in a painful unison.

"She's pregnant" Rosalie confirmed. "It's-- The baby is growing at at least twice the normal rate," she informed and Emmett smiled softly at her, taking her hand from his sitting position where her fingers were hanging limply at her side. She had confirmed what they all already knew but needed to hear. At some point, Rosalind had become an important family member to them all, as important as Ambrosia, or even Emmett. They were all brothers and sisters who loved one another and the stress in that room was enough to indicate that.

"What is Carlisle going to do? Is he going to get rid of it?" Alice questioned, her head flashing upwards and Rosalie's expression twisted into one of horror.

"Alice! It's a baby!"

"It's a monster, Rosalie. It's a crossbreed, we don't know anything about it, that thing is going to kill her." Alice demanded, everyone else being eerily silent as the first argument broke out- one that they knew would not also be the last.

"Can you see that, Alice? Can you see that it's a monster that's going to kill her? Because if you can, I will gladly take your side" Rosalie threw her arms up in exasperation, her hand ripping out of Emmetts and her husband sighed, rubbing his hands over his eyes in stress. When Alice didn't answer, hanging her head, Rosalie smiled tightly. "Exactly, you don't know anything more than I do, Alice."

"Let's all just calm down, this isn't our argument to have, it's between Roz and Freddie" Esme soothed and the silence swam through the room, everyone mellowing straight away. Ambrosia smiled tightly up at Edward and he returned it, pressing a gentle kiss to her temple, his hand gently stroking over her shoulder. It was a form of comfort she appreciated and inwardly- she wished she was back on holiday, enjoying his comfort while they read a book or she failed to beat him at chess- anything other than wallowing in fear of what was to come. And maybe that was childish, to wish away their worries but right then- she did.

A crash startled them out of their silence and shouting, the shouting of Fredrick that they had heard so many times before. But this was different, this was pain. Soon enough, Carlisle dragged him out of his office, his hand clamped on the raging Masen boys upper arm and Ambrosia and Edward exchanged a look as Freddie stormed right passed them all, out of the room. With a simple kiss to Ambrosia's forehead, Edward stood and followed his brother out the front door.

"She's asking for you" Carlisle informed Ambrosia with a tight smile, his hand moving to rest upon Esme's shoulder and she reached up to place her hand over his comfortingly. Ambrosia nodded, smiling tightly when Jasper nodded at her in reassurance. Soon enough, Ambrosia was progressing across the threshold of the office and she found Rosalind sitting on the makeshift bed that had been constructed, looking at her hands.

"He's not happy. He thinks this baby is going to kill me, Rosia, and he says he loves me too much to let me just die but... It's my baby, I can feel little him or her inside of me and of course, I'm absolutely terrified and I love Freddie but... I can't let this baby die, it's a part of me" she expressed and Ambrosia's features softened as she pulled her into a gentle, reassuring hug.

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