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Ambrosia sighed as she walked calmly through the cottage, quickly finding herself in the dining room where she found Edward- there was no need for the kitchen or dining room but they had one nonetheless, every house did

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Ambrosia sighed as she walked calmly through the cottage, quickly finding herself in the dining room where she found Edward- there was no need for the kitchen or dining room but they had one nonetheless, every house did. He was sat at the table calmly, his hands pawing through papers and only when she approached behind him, did she notice what they were. Edward was looking over their wedding photos that Alice had purchased, they were of varying sizes and they intended to compose a photo album when they got the chance.

Her arms easily wound around his shoulder from behind, her chin moving to rest easily on his shoulder and he smiled slightly upwards at her, pressing a kiss to her temple as she giggled gently. In his hands, he held a smiling picture of Ambrosia herself, though this one was from the holiday. She hadn't even noticed that he'd taken it, it was just as they were making the sandcastle and she had a grin on her face at whatever he had said, her dimples prominent, her hair slightly flowing in the breeze and her hat atop her head.

"This" he flapped it slightly in his hand. "And this... These are my favourites" he held up another one, also of her grinning, she was laughing. It was from their wedding, just as she had shoved cake into her mouth and someone had clearly taken the closeup, perhaps the wedding photographer but she wasn't entirely sure. It could have been Rosalie- the blonde girl had also had a camera a the event. "You look so happy" he hummed, placing them down to run his hands over her arms instead, the arms that were wrapped loosely around his neck.

"I'm always happy when I am with you, Edward"

"Even now?" he questioned softly, turning on the spot and gently pulling her around to face him, her body between his legs as he rested his hands easily on her hips. Reaching up, Ambrosia lightly pushed a lock of hair from his eyes, smiling gently, as she nodded softly.

"Even now. You make everything feel okay," she informed him and he smiled in response.

"Rosia" he sighed and she blinked at him. "I know that I have asked you before but... I feel like now is the time to ask again. Would you have wanted children? If we were human, would you have wanted children?" she knew that the questioned meant a lot to him, she knew that he had wanted children, though the opportunity was not a possibility to him anymore.

"I don't know" she frowned. "I didn't have an overwhelming desire to, no. I suppose I always thought that maybe I would eventually, all girls dream of it when they push their dolls around in pretty strollers but it was never anything I knew I really wanted, I barely remember my own mother, Edward. What kind of a mother could I ever have been?" she frowned.

"You would have made an incredible one, Ambrosia" he assured and she smiled softly, pressing her forehead gently.

"I don't need anything in the world, because I already have everything. I have you." she expressed and Edward felt his entire body light up at the warmth of her voice. "I'm sorry, that I can't give you children."

"Don't ever apologise for that, Ambrosia. I already have everything I need to. You are all I need, for eternity. You make me happier than I ever even thought it possible to be" he remarked and she grinned lightly before tilted her head upwards to press her lips to his softly, her eyes closed but still picturing his face. They knew that they could be truly happy with one another- they didn't need children for their happiness. Ambrosia was very alike Alice in that neither of them had ever really considered children, so now that they couldn't have them- they didn't really feel as though they were missing out.

Edwards hand easily found the back of her head, tilting her head gently so he could have better access to her lips, deepening the kiss easily. Edward and Ambrosia didn't need to be gentle with each other anymore and that thrilled them- they exploded with passion. And, despite all the pain that the next few months promised them, they knew that they would be okay, that they could retain their happiness from the honeymoon- at least a fraction of it- because they still had one another. The world could end, but as long as they still had each other, they would be okay...

✔️Ambrosia 2| EDWARD CULLENWhere stories live. Discover now