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Ambrosia giggled at the story Fredrick was very engrossed in explaining from his position beside a grinning Rosalind- Edward on the other hand, wasn't much enjoying Freddie telling Ambrosia about the time he had fallen off his bike, aged ten and c...

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Ambrosia giggled at the story Fredrick was very engrossed in explaining from his position beside a grinning Rosalind- Edward on the other hand, wasn't much enjoying Freddie telling Ambrosia about the time he had fallen off his bike, aged ten and cried for hours over the graze he'd received. The mind reader had his face buried in his hands but the giggling of Ambrosia managed to warm his heart- she made it all worth it.

"Even though my big brother is a complete wet flannel, he's still the best big brother I could ever ask for" Fredrick sighed, smiling and Edward returned it as the conversation became sweeter and the two girls present almost awed at the softness. "And that is why there is nobody in the world I would rather god-father my child than his wet-flannel, perpetually broody, emo music playing, hero haired self." he whistled and Edward stared up at his with wide eyes.

"Wait, are you being serious?"

"Of course we are, Edward. Why would we lie about that?" Rosalind giggled, excited as she watched the way Fredrick clapped Edward on the back in a 'manly' hug. Once they'd parted and Edward softly hugged the soon to be mother, Rosalind turned her attention to Rosia. "And equally, Esmeralda or Noah is going to need a godmother, and there's really no one better than the only girl in the world who can identify a person purely by their shoes, can make an absolutely amazing blueberry muffin and can recite the Great Gatsby by heart."

"Does our baby have a godmother as well, Ambrosia?" Freddie grinned and she almost exploded in excitement as she hugged him. Everything had turned out perfect- Ambrosia hadn't even considered the possibility of her sister staying with her forever, and now- Ambrosia was married and Rosalind was pregnant. It was all very exciting- and equally terrifying.

"Works out perfectly, kids gonna be ginger just like his mom, dad and godfather. You're all a load of carrot-tops," Emmett teased as he waltzed passed and Fredrick narrowed his eyes at him.

"This" he pointed to his hair carefully. "Is not ginger. " he turned to his twin for support. "We're bronze, aren't we, brother?"

"Absolutely" Edward high-fived.

"Oh?" Roz quirked a brow. "And what's wrong with being ginger?"

"Uh- Nothing, love, of course." Fredrick grinned, "Ginger is beautiful" he nodded and she rolled her eyes at him teasingly. Rosalind was sure they were correct in that Esmeralda or Noah would be ginger- but the thought of it made her grin in further excitement. Every time she fell asleep, she could imagine what life would be like on the other end of all this pain and hardship- of course, she just had to survive birthday a hybrid vampire child first...

✔️Ambrosia 2| EDWARD CULLENKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat