20 - Miraculous Battle

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———-y/n's POV———-

We ran around the corner to join the fight. There were streaks of different elements flying everywhere, and the young miraculous holders were battling with weapons they weren't used to—the ninja probably lent the stuff to them.

I saw Chat ready to blast Queen Bee, but she didn't notice the danger. In a moment of impulse, I stepped forward with my right foot, brought my arms up, and when I swung them down, mist spread all throughout the hall. Nobody could see anything anymore, so the clashing sound of weapons hitting each other stopped.

"Great, why'd you do that, y/n?" Cole asked. "Now we can't see anything."

"Chat was gonna hit Bee! I didn't have much of a choice," I said. "And how many times do I have to tell you to call me Blue?"

"They already know who you are, relax."


"You detransformed in front of us," Reena explained.

I sighed. "Well, I guess it's about time you knew anyway."

I turned my finger around in a circle, causing The mist to swirl around me and eventually disappear. I still felt rather weak, but I joined the combat once it resumed. Bee and Cole were fighting Chat, Reena and Nya were fighting Mayura, and Kai and Lady were fighting Hawkmoth. Lloyd and I rushed to help get the giant butterfly under control.

Jay and Zane were already attempting to get rid of the sentimonster. Zane was using his ice powers to try to freeze the wings, but the insect's exoskeleton was a strong protection. Jay had somehow gotten on top of the bug, and was trying to electrocute it or something. Lloyd and I each ran from different sides, and grabbed a hold of a wing, trying to hold them down. Lloyd was able to weigh down his side, but I just kept bouncing up and down as the wings flapped.

"This is not making much of a difference, is it?" I said.

"Blue, duck!" Lady shouted, and she swung her yo-yo at the wing. The string looped around twice, and the butterfly resisted as she pulled it forward.

"Where's Carapace?" I asked, noticing his absence. "Is he okay?"

"He's fine," Zane assured me. "He used the turtle miraculous to go get Sensei."

"Why do we need Sensei?"

"Spots' luckiness power thingy suggested it," Lloyd explained.

"Spots?" I repeated, but then realized he was talking about Ladybug. "Oh."

"Ha! Take that!" Kai said, creating a ring of fire around Hawkmoth.

"Uh, Kai?" Lloyd called. "Your hand's on fire..."

Kai looked at his palm, and sure enough, it was aflame. He shook it violently, but it was still blazing. Bee and Cole got distracted, so Chat took the opportunity to blast them both with his power.

"No!" I cried. "Chat Noir, you bring them back right this instant!"

"I'm not Chat Noir, I'm Inaperçu!"

"Stop it, Chat! This isn't you!" Lady cried, currently trying to block her face from the flames.

Nya turned around and used her element to put out the fire, but when the water met the flames, a cloud of steam erupted from the floor. Kai and Lady shut their eyes, and then Chat—Inaperçu—hit them with his new power.

Hawkmoth was lying on the ground, having a coughing fit. Mayura rushed to his side, leaving Nya and Reena staring at her in confusion. This allowed Inaperçu to send blasts at both of them, and, unfortunately, he hit his targets.

"Bad cat!!" I yelled. "Very, very bad!"

Inaperçu grinned devilishly, and pointed his finger directly at me. My eyes widened as a dark sphere came hurling towards me, but before I had time to react, Lloyd jumped in front of me.

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