27 - Love?

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Lloyd's POV

After telling Zane where we were, we decided it was best to get some rest. Kai used his powers so warm up the stone floor a little bit, then we all settled down on it. Soon enough, everyone started snoring, but I couldn't fall asleep. I tossed and turned, but my mind wouldn't ease.

"Lloyd?" Kai whispered from behind me. "Everything okay?"

"Yeah," I muttered.

"Can't sleep?" he asked.

"No..." I answered truthfully.

"Too much on your mind?"

"I guess you could say that."

"You wanna talk about it?"

"Not really," I admitted.

"You sure? It'll help. Then maybe you'll be able to rest easier."

I sighed, then flipped over so I was kind of facing him. He was lying on a ledge a little bit above me, so I had to tilt my head upwards.

"Alright, fine," I said. "But it's nothing, really... I'm just kinda sorta worried for the others back in Paris."

Kai scoffed. "They're not the ones stranded in a remote realm with people hunting them."

I laughed softly. "I know... I just have a tendency to worry for y/n. It's always been that way, ever since we were kids."

"I get that. If I were in love with someone, they'd always be on my mind, too."

I nodded even though he couldn't see me, but then I shook my head as I processed his words. "Wait—in love?"

"Yeah, you love y/n, don't you?"

"No! I mean, yeah... but as family. She's my best friend! She's like my sister, and I don't want anything to happen to her."

"Come on, Lloyd. You don't care about someone that much unless you're in a relationship."

"We are in a relationship—a platonic one. I swear, we're nothing more than close friends."

"Oh, really? Well then why did you act so jealous when Cole asked if y/n and Chat Noir were a couple?"

"It wasn't jealously... not exactly. I was scared that if they were together, it would mean y/n wouldn't come back. I was worried that she was going to choose Paris over Ninjago because she loved him... I also thought maybe that's why she left in the first place."

Kai was silent for a moment.

"So, you're sure that you don't like y/n?"


More silence.

"Okay, fine. I believe you."

I heard him yawn, which made me start to feel tired. I yawned, too, then rolled onto my back.

"Thanks Kai," I said. "You were right; this did help."

"Of course I was right. I'm always right," he muttered sleepily, then yawned again. "Goodnight, Lloyd."


——————-y/n's POV————-

Carapace and I linked our arms together, hoping that we'd end up in the same place if we kept contact with each other. On the count of three, we tapped our miraculouses at the same time.

We ended up on some kind of rock inside a cave. I let go of Carapace and looked around us, trying to figure out why the boulder looked like some kind of deformed pineapple—the texture was kind of scaly, and there was a spiky thing sticking out one end.

Suddenly, the rock moved, causing Carapace and I to tumble off of it. I hit the ground with a groan, then pushed myself off the dusty floor. When I looked up, I was staring right into the eyes of a gigantic beast. I screamed, but Carapace clamped a hand over my mouth.

"You'll scare it," he said.

"Well, he scared me first!" I replied, my voice muffled by his hand. "What do we do?"

"Let's back away slowly. If we don't make any sudden movements, maybe it won't attack us."

I nodded, then the two of us walked backwards towards the exit of the cave. Before we got far, however, the dragon lifted its head. The next thing I knew, there was a fire ball coming right at us.



I'm kinda stuck on ideas, so any feedback is welcome!

Love you guys!


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