34 - The Haddoks

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——Adrien's POV———

"I'm Zephyr, by the way. Zephyr Haddok. And this is my brother, Nuffink."

"Nice to meet you," y/n said, then she motioned to shore of the oasis. "Why don't we all come sit by the water to talk?"

We all sat around the oasis to listened to Zephyr and Nuffink talk about the hidden world and their adventures. I knew I should have been paying attention, but I couldn't stop staring at Marinette, Alya, and Nino. When did they get here?

My eyes widened as I realized the truth. They were a part of the superhero team! But who was who?

Nino was obviously Carapace, and based on how he acts with Reena Rouge, Alya probably had the fox miraculous. Which leaves Ladybug to be... Marinette?

"Hey, Adrien."

I looked to my right to see Chloé sitting down next to me.


"Judging by that look on your face, you must have put two and two together," she said, gesturing to the others. "Took you long enough."

I nodded, then I groaned and placed my head in my hands. "How could I be so stupid?"

"You're not stupid, Adrikins. Just blind."

I breathed a laugh. "Thanks for that, Chloé."

"So, when are you gonna make your move?" she asked, leaning back into her hands.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Oh, come on. Everyone knows you have a thing for Ladybug, and Mari obviously has a thing for you. Ask her out, you idiot!"

"But... she doesn't like Chat Noir. She's turned me down multiple times when we were in costume—wait. Mari has a thing for me?"

Chloé stared at me. "Um, yeah. Duh."

"Really? But she's always acting so nervous around me. I always try really hard to be nice to her, but that just seems to make the stuttering worse."

She rolled her eyes. "She stutters because she has a crush on you, dummy."

"She does?"

"Yes! Now go ask her out!"

"Not right now! We're in the middle of the desert!"

"Does it look like I care? Go!"

She shoved me over, so I got up and walked around the oasis. Mari didn't notice me yet, so as I was standing behind a rock, I glanced at Chloé. She gave me two thumbs up, then did a shooing motion with her hands. I took a deep breath in to calm my nerves, then walked the rest of the way over.

"Hey, Mari," I started. "Mind if I sit here?"

———————-Alya's POV—————

I dragged Nino over to the rest of the group. The ninja were talking to Zephyr and Nuffink, and Entrapta was playing around with some test tubes beside y/n, who seemed to be keeping an eye on her.

"Wait," Jay started. "Can your dragons travel between realms?"

"Duh," Zephyr said. "That's how we got to Etheria."

We all looked at each other.

"Is there... is there any chance you could bring us home?" Chloé asked meekly.

Zephyr and Nuffink exchanged glances, as if they were discussing it without words.

"I don't see the harm," Nuffink shrugged. "But we'll have to go in groups—Windwalker and Typhoon can't take everyone at once."

"You named your dragons?" I asked.

"Of course! They're a part of our family," Zephyr said. "Our dad's dragon is the father of ours."

"So, dragon riding runs in your blood, then," Cole said.

The siblings nodded.

"We're just following our parent's footsteps," Nuffink said, then he stood up with a determined look in his eyes. "Okay, let's get you back to Earth."



Bonjour! I hope you're all safe and well. I just have a few questions for you guys, if you don't mind answering them...

• what ships would you like to see in this story?

• is there anything in this story that you don't like or need me to clarify?

• anything I should add to the story? Another crossover, perhaps? I know I've done quite a few but I can't help it XD

Anyways, thanks for reading!

Love you guys!


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