42 - Failed Experiment

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This chapter is for thisisverysad . Thank you for suggesting this crossover!

For anyone who doesn't recognize the references, don't panic. Just go with whatever's happening—and don't worry, I won't spoil anything.


Lloyd's POV

"We should be helping!" Y/n said. "Come on, let's go!"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa," I said, grabbing her arm. "You sure you're okay?"

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?"

"Your miraculous was damaged when you used it," I said. "That couldn't have been good for you."

"I'm fine! We have to get moving before that giant does any more damage."

"Plagg, claws out!" Adrien said.

"Ri—" y/n started, about to transform.

"Oh, no you don't," I said. "We're not risking anything."

She shoved my hand away. "Fine. I'll just be a ninja, then."

The three of us ran towards the danger. Catboy pulled his weapon out from behind him, while I used my element to arm myself. Y/n's element wasn't that powerful when used for attacking people, but she was an excellent fighter—as long as she didn't overdo it, she should be fine.

"Catboy, keep him distracted," I ordered. "Y/n, go for his face. I'll try to take him down from the base."

"Hey! Who put you in charge?" Catboy asked. "And it's Chat Noir."

"Catboy, Shat No War—same difference!"

"Stop arguing!" Y/n yelled. "I'll distract it—Chat, hit him in the eyes, but don't use your cataclysm."

"You got it, Blue!"

"Oh, so he listens to you?" I questioned as Catboy launches himself at the villain's face.

"He barely knows you!" she defended. "He's not going to take orders from someone he just met."

I grumbled under my breath as y/n headed for the fire escape on a building to get to higher ground.

Why did she take his side? I thought. Y/n and I almost never argue, especially during a battle...

Y/n climbed up several levels of the metal staircase before spreading mist all around the giant so he couldn't see.

"Hey!" Catboy yelled at the villain as he launched himself at the villain's eye. "Go pick on someone your own size!"

I rushed towards the giant and summoned up a couple spheres of energy. I hit the villain's feet with them, which made him screech in pain. I wished that we had the rest of our team with us—neither my nor y/n's elements were very destructive, and although Catboy's cataclysm could do some damage, he could only use it once.

Just then, another giant appeared. This one was smaller than the villain, and he didn't seem to be a menace; he went to prevent part of a building crushing a group of civilians.

"What are you doing, kid?" someone at the side of the road yelled at me. "Let the real heroes do their job!"

——————Kai's POV—————-

"Where did they go?!" I demanded, then turned to Entrapta. "I thought you said you fixed it!"

"Well, apparently the experiment was a failure," she muttered. "I'll have to work on that a little more once they get back."

"Experiment?" I shouted. "You put y/n's life in danger! Not to mention Lloyd's and Adrien's!"

"I'm sorry! I didn't know it would have an unstable reaction like that!"

"I'd hate to interrupt such a heated argument," the reptilian person said. "But there seems to be a bunch of angry soldiers coming down the hall."

Catra walked over to the door and peered out.

"We have to get out of here," she said in a panicky tone, turning back to us.

"Why? What's the matter?" Zephyr asked.

"Hordak must know you're here. If the cadets find you, they're sure to lock you away, or... or worse."

"Okay, then where do we go?" I asked.

"Entrapta, pack up your things," Catra ordered. "We're going to Bright Moon."

————————y/n's POV————-

With the arrival of the new superheroes, Lloyd, Chat, and I were cast aside. We watched from the rooftops as the powerful warriors put a stop to the villain's rampage, and got photographed by the city's residents.

"Wow, I'm glad the press isn't like that in Ninjago," Lloyd said. "That must be really annoying."

"Well, they seem to be enjoying it," Adrien said, then turned to me. "What are we going to do now?"

"I... I'm not sure," I muttered. "Until we can figure out how to get back to Etheria, we need to find a place to hide out for a bit."

"Hey, look," Lloyd said, looking over the side of the building we were on. "That guy has powers."

I joined him at the edge and stared at the boy who was making explosions around another kid about the same age.

"Kacchan, stop," one of the bully's friends said. "We're not supposed to use our powers outside of school."

The boy laughed. "That shouldn't be too hard for quirkless Deku."

"Hey! Stop that!" I yelled.

The group of teens looked up at me as I jumped over the edge of the building—which wasn't that tall—and plummeted towards the ground. Before I hit the pavement, I did Spinjitzu to slow my fall.

The bully scoffed. "Your quirk is turning into a tornado?"

"What's a quirk?" Lloyd asked, joining me. Adrien came down by using his baton as a fireman's pole.

The group—except for the green-haired boy—laughed.

"Sorry, we're from out of town," I explained, struggling to keep a level head. "Mind telling us where we are?"

The bully gave us a strange look. For some reason, he looked familiar... but I knew I hadn't ever seen him before.

"Musutafu," he finally answered.

Lloyd elbowed me lightly. "Is it just me, or does he look a little like Kai?"

"Ohhh, that's why he seems familiar," I answered.

"Kai?" the bully asked, confused. "As in, Kai Smith?"

"Yeah..." Lloyd said. "Do you know him?"

"He's... he's my cousin."

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