21 - Another Realm

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———-Lloyd's POV———-

I jumped in front of y/n as soon as Inaperçu fired a shot at her. I thought that the blast would hurt, but it didn't. It felt like all the particles of my body were shifted then reassembled in a new setting, but when I opened my eyes, I realized that had actually happened—I wasn't in Paris anymore.

I looked around, and saw a desert stretching as far as the eye could see. There wasn't a lot of sand, but the reddish ground was so dry it looked like it hadn't rained in years.

"Uh, guys?" I called, wondering if they were in the same place as me.

"Lloyd!" Somebody yelled.

I turned around to see Kai waving at me. Relieved, I ran towards him and the others.

"What's going on? Where are we?" I asked.

"Inaperçu's power banished us from the realm," Bumblebee explained. "So... I guess we're in a different one, now."

"Who's Inaperçu?"

"It's akumatized Chat's name," Foxgirl said.  "Inaperçu means "unnoticed" in French—I guess Hawkmoth chose that name because that's what Chat was feeling at the time. His power is to make others unnoticed as well by sending them to a different world."

"Who cares what his name is!" Cole said. "We have to get back! Y/n, Jay, and Zane need our help."

—————-Queen Bee's POV———-

The seven of us trudged through the scorching hot terrain, not stopping to take a break. The ninja were convinced that we couldn't rest until we found civilization.

"Guys, can we please stop here for a while?" Ladybug asked. "You maybe used to harsh conditions, but dehydration and heat exhaustion are not the norm for the three of us."

"Fine," The ninja in red said. "But only for a little while."

Ladybug, Reena and I immediately sank to the ground. The girl ninja—Nya, I think—drew up some moisture from the air and ground, and offered everyone some water.

"You expect me to drink that?" I said.

"Well, unless you want to die, yes."

I rolled my eyes, but I let her pour some water into my cupped hands, and I drank it. The other ninja sat down as well, except for the one in black. He exposed his bare feet, and felt around the ground with them.

"What are you doing?" Reena asked.

"I'm checking the vibrations," he answered. "I feel something—it's faint, but I think we're close to a town."

"Come on then," Ladybug said, getting up. "Let's get moving. The sooner we get some shade, the better."

"Agreed," the green ninja said. I really need to figure out their names.

"Why don't you guys take off your costumes?" the red ninja suggested. "That fabric doesn't look very breathable."

"Kai's right," the ninja in green said. Ah, ha! That's fireboy's name! "You'll get heat stroke."

"We can't find out each other's identities," Ladybug said.

"You guys already know mine," I said. "Pollen, buzz off."

"Wow," the boy in black muttered. "You're even prettier without the mask."

I blushed. "Uh... thanks?"

"Now it's your turn," Kai said, pointing to the other two.

Reena shrugged. "Chloe, please don't say anything... Trixx, let's rest."

"Alya?" I questioned. "You... wow. You actually make a really good superhero."

"That's the nicest thing you've ever said to me!"

"Yeah, well, don't get used to it."

"Alright Spots, it's just you," the green ninja said.

"I can't! I don't want them to know who I am."

"Well, it's either that, or you're putting your life in danger. How are you going to save your city if you don't keep up your strength?"

Reena and I looked at Ladybug, trying to tell her that it's okay. With a sigh, she finally nodded.

"Tikki, spots off."

My jaw dropped. "Marinette?!"

"Oh my gosh! Mari? It was you all along??" Reena said, running to give her a hug. "I can't believe I was fighting beside my best friend this whole time!"

"Am I the only one who thinks she looks exactly the same?" Nya whispered.

I glanced away sheepishly. I couldn't believe that my idol was also the same person I bullied for years.

"Marinette? I, uh..." I started. "I just wanted to say—"

"You don't have to," she said sweetly, giving me a hug.

"But I do! I was horrible to you. I don't deserve to be a superhero."

"Chloe, do you know why I chose you to be Queen Bee?"

I shook my head.

"I chose you because you have a heart of gold beneath what you show. You just needed something to make it shine."

I wiped away a tear before it could fall.

"Thank you, Mari," I said. "For giving me a chance."

Miraculously from Ninjago | Stranded in EtheriaWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt