49 - Defending Bright Moon

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————Lloyd's POV————-

I tried to put y/n out of my head as I waited outside the gates of Bright Moon. I was the lookout—the Horde army was in view, but Glimmer had told me not to do anything until they actually attacked.

I wouldn't admit it, but I was worried; the Horde's soldiers were stronger and smarter than any other opponents we'd ever faced before, and I wasn't positive that we'd win the battle.

There was a crashing sound up above us. I glanced up to see a fragment of the palace's exterior falling down, which was caused by a shot one of the tanks fired. I sent a burst of my element into the sky, signalling that the enemy had made their first move.

The blasts were starting to become a bit more frequent, but no one else was coming outside. I fired back, but I was starting to get a little concerned, so I headed back inside to see what the issue was.

"What do you mean you don't fight?!" I heard y/n shout. "You're the palace guards! That's what you're supposed to do!"

"What's happening?" I asked Catra, who was watching the situation from the outskirts.

"Y/n's going ballistic over Bright Moon's weakness," she answered, leaning against the wall as if enjoying this.

"Weakness? What weakness?"

She cackled. "Nobody here has a clue how to take down an army. I should know—I sent an attack on Bright Moon before, and there were barely any of them on the battlefield."

"You attacked Bright Moon?"

"Yep," she said, staring at her claws. "Although, the Princess Alliance ended up winning, so I guess I have to give them credit. But still, I can't believe the guards here refuse to get involved with violence."

"Okay, so Bright Moon's weakness is fighting. What's the Horde's weakness?"

"The Horde doesn't have a weakness!" Catra scoffed. "Well, except for magic."

I smiled. "And that's the one thing we do have on our side."

"Unfortunately, yes."

I have her a confused look. What did she mean by unfortunately?

"Uh... that's what I would have said," she laughed nervously. "Old habits die hard. Uh... go team!"

"Argh!" Y/n exclaimed, and came marching over to me. "Come on, let's go."

"The guards aren't coming?"

"Nope. What's the point of having soldiers if you're not going to deploy them??"

"I have no idea—but don't worry, we've got this! We've saved an entire realm with just six of us before."

"Right," y/n muttered with a nod, as if trying to pump herself up. "Alright; let's get outside and take down the Horde."

—————-Kai's POV—————

We rounded up everyone who was willing to participate in the battle, and started fighting back. Y/n and Lloyd took to the sky almost immediately, and brought down some of the war vessels further back in the army. Adora transformed into She-Ra, and the two of us ran forward to attack the advancing tanks and spherical robots. Glimmer used her sparkle power—it wasn't as ridiculous as it sounded—while Bow used his arrows to shoot bots down from a distance.

"Aww, they have dragons? I wanna dragon," Adora pouted.

"Did someone say Swift Wind?" a voice asked suddenly.

I turned around with a jolt, but all I saw was a white horse with the wings of a rainbow parrot.

"No one said Swift Wind," Adora groaned, but I could see who she was talking to.

"What the hell are you?" I wondered, reaching out to touch the animal.

"I am Swift Wind, She-Ra's noble steed!" he bellowed.

I gasped and jumped backwards. "You talk?!"

"I'll explain later!" Adora said as she hopped onto Swift Wind's back. "Swifty, pull up!"

"Sure thing, Adora!"

I shook my head to get my act together, then focused on defeating the bots. I smashed a few with the weapon in my hand, and set a few on fire.

"Hey! That's my move!" someone shouted.

"Uh... sorry?" I apologized questioningly, as a man with a moustache and a red bandana around his head appeared beside me. "Who are you and where the hell did you come from?"

"I am here, fighting alongside my lady Mermista!"

"Ughhhhhhh why are you always so annoying?" a girl—probably Mermista—asked. She, by the looks of it, had water powers, and was using her ability to short-circuit the bots.

"You've got even more attitude than my sister!" I laughed. "I'm Kai, by the way."

"Mermista. And this is Sea Hawk," the girl replied. "Are you a princess?"

"What does it look like?!" I cried, but I let myself get distracted. One of the bots approached me, and I went wide eyed as it was about to blast me in the face.

"Get away from Fireboy!" Frosta yelled, launching herself at the bot, her fist coated in ice the same way Karloff's was coated in metal from the tournament of elements.

"Thanks, Icegirl," I joked.

"Don't call me that."

"Okay, okay, chill out," I chuckled, then charged at a tank. I gave a war cry and stabbed the machine with my sharp-ended staff. "No pun intended!"

"Kai! We need you up here!" Lloyd called from above.

"Be right there!" I replied. I jumped up onto the tank, and then sprung into the air. I summoned my dragon, then followed Lloyd through the sky.

"What's the plan?" I asked as we met up with y/n.

"Your dragon's element is the most destructive," she said. "Take down as many tanks and bots as you can at the back of the army—Lloyd, take the front. The Alliance can take care of the ones your power doesn't destroy completely."

"What will you be doing?" I asked her.

"I'm going to help from the ground. I can't do much from up here without a long-range weapon."

"Good luck," we all said. We were about to split up, but then a tank shot at y/n. She gasped and clutched her chest, then her dragon disappeared as she went limp.

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