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"D-did anything weird happened last night?" I asked as the silence became deafening. I was ashamed of myself. Albert had grabbed a seat and was now sitting opposite of me. The room was plain, but neat and organize (besides the desk). The room had no color and remained neutral. It felt hollow and empty.

Albert offered me a coffee but I said I was fine.

He looked shocked when I asked if anything had happened between us. He smiled and said "no, nothing at all. Although you were very drunk yesterday. Sorry, I went ahead and took off your clothes since you puked all over it " I blushed. It was so embarrassing. He chuckled and continue "you were also very heavy." I blushed harder. "Sorry about that," I said, feeling the guilt build up. "I'm taller and much more... bigger than you haha."

I quickly realized I only had underwear on. Quickly, I grabbed the silk blanket to cover myself and sat on the edge of his bed. "What time is it?" I asked. He looked at his watch on his right wrist and said, "it's currently 8:57."

"Oh shoot!" I released the blanket and stood up. "I'm so sorry! I have to go to school right now or else I'll be late! But thank you for taking care of me!" He stood up too and said "no it's my pleasure. I washed your clothes for you. They're on top of your bag by the bed."

I quickly grabbed my bag and hurried off to change. I smelled like a drunkard. I grabbed my bag and rushed off. We waved each other goodbye at the doorway. He insisted to drive me, but I decline, hoping I didn't burden him any more.

His house was closed to my college. The run to my college felt like a breeze. That morning felt like we were married. Newlywed haha.

I managed to make it on time for my 9:30 class. The lecture ended at 12:58. My mind was occupied with Albert during the whole lecture. I shuffled through my bag and knew something was missing. My project for my next class! My next class was about to start in less than 10 minutes.

I got up as fast as I can and ran to the exit. I knew I wouldn't make it to class on time, but what mattered was that I have my folder, containing my project, in my hand. I ran and ran, almost to the entrance when I spotted him. He was standing by a sleek, black, shiny car. I couldn't make out the brand. However, what attracted me the most was his complimented suit. Black suit, tight, yet fitted for his body type, and made him appeared tall.

I took a deep breath and slowed down. I was wondering if he knew someone at my university as I walked up to him. I observed and realized my folder was in his hand. A few steps later, I was about five feet away from him.

"Hi," I said. He smiled back. "I came here to deliver you your material. I feel like you'll need this?"

I responded with a smile "yes! I do! Thank you very much! But how did you know I go to this university?"

He looked at me and paused. The stillness ate us up as chatters, footsteps, and the cicadas chirp overfilled our ear. He was blank for a second but quickly replied with "I guess it was a lucky guess. Haha."

I looked at him, but quickly brushed it off and joined him in laughing.

"Well... I better get back to my lecture. Thank you, you're a lifesaver!"

He looked at his watch and added "anytime. I better get going too. Well, I hope to see you again."

I turned around to go back to class but stopped after a few steps. I quickly did a 180 and voiced,  "oh right. I forgot to ask you this but is it okay if we exchange phone numbers?" The warmth in my cheeks increased. I was asking for his number. I never thought I'll ever have the courage to do so. The endorphins releasing from just seeing him made me do the impossible. He turned around and said with a peaceful smile "sure." We quickly exchanged our numbers and parted.

(bXb) Deviant Lover Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang