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The man shuffled back after grunting at me.

I picked myself up and proceeded my way toward my place. His gaze stalked, forcing my alert on after his suspicious act of glancing at his phone, and then back at me recurring times. I pushed my hand in my pocket to assure myself that my key was there and peeked over my shoulder to check on the strange man. Immediately, I turned back, realizing I had just made eye contact with his cold, hallow soul. "Lucas Park, located," I heard him say, pressing onto his left earpiece.

I bolted, targeting the door and equipping my key in my pocket. My head pounded as adrenaline pumped through my body. I refused to look back even though the loud footsteps pursed from behind. I finally unlocked my door and slammed it shut after entering. He caught up but I had already locked the door and started scrambling to my room. He banged on the door, increasing his attack after each, but I was too concentrated on finding the yellow folder. I looked under my blanket and quickly grabbed the yellow folder. My body was finally stress-free.

Oh no! Is he still out there? Where do I leave? I can't jump out the door from the second story.

I clambered over to the window, leaning over the edge to predict my fall.

Shoot! This is too far up! Oh hell no!

I clamped the folder as I dangled my legs over the edge of the window.

Just remember how Kim jumped. Land on both feet to absorb the shock. I couldn't think straight but instead trusted my gut. My eyes glued shut and I managed to fall as planned. I looked around, hoping no more suspicious guys like him were around and ran back to the direction of the parked car. I clutched the folder to my chest and ran through the street like a maniac. Kim pulled up with the door already opened.

"Get in loser, we're going shopping," she kidded.

She started vrooming away before I could sit and close the door all the way.

"What the heck was that?" I questioned, gasping for air. "What just happened?!"

"Did you see a claw tattoo on his right ring finger?" She interrogated.

"N-no...? I didn't get a clear look. But why?"

"I wasn't sure if it's just a random tattoo or not. I took a picture of it, but the quality is crap. We're going back to Ax to sharpen the picture I took of his hand. If he does have the claw tattoo, then we'll know 100% that this is Scorpion's doing, and he's on to us."

I gulped, clenching the folder to my stomach.


"I have good news and bad news," Ax said, as he twirled from his computer to face us. "Which do you want to hear first?"

I signaled at Kim and Bear, "bad news."

"Turns out, the guy is working for Scorpion."

My eyebrow locked, "what's the good news?"

Ax shrugged, "well... I was expecting you to ask for the good news first. Umm... the good news is that I can confirm he works for someone...? I-I mean, hey, thanks to me, we're sure that Scorpion is behind all of this."

Kim rolled her eyes, "are you freaking serious Ax? Wow, that's so nice of you," she finished with ridicule.

I skipped over at Bear and Ax who both gave me a shrug. "S-so what are we going to do now?" I questioned.


"I'm sorry I dragged you into this mess, babe" Albert retracted.

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