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We notified everything to Ax and Kim as soon as we arrived back.

"Shoot!" Ax berated." The watch contained the GPS along with a microphone to record their conversation. But this time, we're gonna be extra careful and riskier," he smirked at me.

I unconsciously stepped back, tensing up as I sensed it was probably something stupid.

"Lucas, you requested a device that records visual and audio. Thus, I introduced to you EyeMic," he revealed, pulling a tiny black dot out of a small black case.

"What the heck kinda name is that?" Mocked Kim, trying to hold her laugh in.

"Buzz off, Kim, at least I'm more useful than you." He clucked.

Kim crossed her arm and raised one of her eyebrows, implying really?

"EyeMic will automatically send everything to my software where it'll save onto a harddrive. But to be more cautious this time, this device will only turn on if it senses that it's inside someone. It'll blend in like one of your moles."

"I- I'm sorry but what?" I spouted.

"Umm," he analyzed in confusion. "It's supposed to go in you to be stimulated and it'll blend in like your moles and it once it senses that it's out of you, it'll automatically deactivate?"

My skin trembled, and I could feel my stomach churning. "I heard you the first time, but th- this device is gonna go inside of me? Will it be safe??"

"It shouldn't be that deep in you, less than an inch. If it's pretty shallow, there isn't that much risk."

My forehead scrunched from the choice. Why am I trusting them so easily? Who knows what they can do with the device once it's inside me? How will I know they'll let me go once we find Albert? I mean, they haven't done anything harmful to me. They've fed me, clothed, allowed me to go anywhere I want, still attend my required classes. Ahhh I don't know Lucas!

I glanced around, looking at Kim and Bear and remembering their stories. Shoot!

"Put it on my neck."


Kim had laid me down on an operating bed in a room I didn't know existed. To be honest, there were a lot of rooms I wasn't aware of. Bear operated on me, numbing the area first with anesthesia and then cutting a small wound with a scalpel. I couldn't feel the pain but tingles erupted in the areas he touched. Crimson blood squirted out from the wound, but Bear had everything under control. Or that's what I assumed... He grabbed a clean white towel and dabbed on the blood to soak it up. After, he continued invading my skin and then my muscle. He carefully placed EyeMic in using a tweezer. Kim wiped his sweat off with a tissue as he kept his focus. I laid there, almost paralyzed, staring deep into the blinding lightbulb. I twitched when he stitched the cut up. Sharp stings traveled to every corner of my body.

"Done," he murmured.


After Bear had patched me up, they gave me a few hours to adjust and for the anesthesia to wear off. We returned to the room with Ax's technology. Ax showed me what the video will look like and sound like. Although the quality wasn't the best, it was fine since the unknown person will sharpen it.

We reviewed the plan, ate dinner, went back to planning, and then went to bed.

I woke up with an aching pain on my neck from the wound. Eye bags developed from the minimum amount of sleep. When I wandered out of my room to get ready, everyone was already prepared and had eaten their breakfast already.

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