T W E N T Y - O N E

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"Mornin'," Scorpion said with a raspy morning voice, turning to his side, and resting his chin in his palm.

I shifted quickly, biting my lip in embarrassment.

"I need to go wash up," I stammered, hastily removing the duvet. Scorpion sat up at the same time as me and grabbed my wrist before I could step out of the bed.

"Let me," he offered.

I gazed at him confusingly while he roamed out of bed and walked over to my side. I watched in shock, noticing he had nothing on and letting his member dangle in the air. He noticed my stares but didn't flinch.

"U-umm, it's kinda chilly in this room, don't you think?" I tittered, briskly glancing out the bright window to make it less awkward. He gave me no reply and instead picked me up. I jolted, feeling his frozen hand slide under my thigh and also my back. I gasped from his sudden action, as Scorpion hauled me up into his arm, and pulled me closer to his warm chest.

"Is this your thing?" I confided, trying to lighten the mood. "Always carrying people like they're a princess?"

Scorpion gave me a simple shrug while he cradled me into the spacious bathroom. After placing me into the deep, white tub, he turned the hot water on and stepped out of the room. I played with the warm liquid as it trickled onto my toes and filled up the tub.

Before I could peacefully enjoy myself, Scorpion opened the door and marched in with three seafoam balls in his hand. My chest tightened, feeling a quick sharp pain because the green color reminded me of Albert's pure eyes.

"What's that?" I implored, grabbing the edge of the tub to slide myself up.

"Bath bombs," he replied.

I couldn't hold myself back and freed an agile snickered. Instantly, I bit my lip, attempting to hold my laugh. "I didn't know you're into this type of thing," I chuckled. He gave me a small frown.

"I-it's cute," I completed, hoping to not tip him off.

Scorpion paused, peering down at me and directed, "move."

"Move?" I questioned confusingly.

"Your leg," he finished.

I immediately pulled my legs closer to my chest, wondering why. My eyes widened from shock as Scorpion entered the bathtub while he carefully held the bath bombs like they were fragile eggs. He sat down, causing the clear water to overfill and spill out onto the marble floor. He passed me one of the bath bombs, placed another one on the counter behind him, and kept the last one in his hand. I observed while he slowly dipped his bath bomb into the sea and liberated it from his hand. My jaw plummeted in astonishment, seeing the sphere decrease in size and color the clear liquid into a light seafoam color.

"Your turn," Scorpion stated.

"H-huh? O-oh right," I responded, instantly snapping out of my thoughts. I plopped the pill into the water, observing it float and gradually diminish in size. I was dejected to see the ball disappear into nothing.

Scorpion grabbed the last orb behind him. "Here," he proposed, holding the globe out toward me. I glanced up at him, a bit flabbergasted by his offer.

"No, no, no. You can drop it," I smiled.

Scorpion raised eyebrows before repeating, "here." His tone made it clear.

I instantly plant my palm out. He dropped the ball into my hand and watched me release the sphere. We intriguingly ogled like we were little kids again.

Following its full dissolution, Scorpion dug underneath the dark seafoam as if he was searching for something. A few seconds past and Scorpion finally pulled his hand out, holding three, small, clear, marble. He popped open one of the plastic and inside was a simple ruby-red ring. He grabbed my right hand and promptly calculated my finger size with the size of the ring. He slid the ring into my pinky finger but it was too loose. He pulled it out and tried again, sliding it into my ring finger. Perfect fit. I raised my hand high in the air, watching the ring shine in the light.

Scorpion opened another case, but this ring had a small, gold snake. He slipped it on to his pinky, but it was too loose. He tried again but his ring finger was too slim. Finally, his middle finger was the goldilocks.

Scorpion was about to toss the last container aside before I stopped him. I cracked the sphere and inside was a necklace with a petite red rose. Scorpion ushered me to rotate around and helped me put the necklace on. He stopped me from shifting back and instead pulled me by my waist until our skin made contact with one another.

"Where did these bruises come from?" Scorpion demanded while he scrubbed the soap off me.

I shivered, feeling his warm breath touch my neck. Silence filled the place as I hesitated, wondering how I should answer him. "Well... I fell down the stairs," I lied.

He rested his hand on my right shoulder and applied pressure on a bruise. "I'm not stupid, Lucas."

I quietly yelped from the pain and slipt under the pool, just until it reached my chin. "Three of your men decided to pick a fight with me," I hesitated.

Scorpion finally loosened his grip. "And they did this?"

"I'm fine," I assured him. "I think they're still in the hospital. Besides, I'm a pretty big man. I can take care of myself."

"Next time you tell me."

I cleaned up before Scorpion and changed into my clothes while he washed himself up in the shower. I decided to put on a blue and white striped long sleeve, a white mohair trouser, a black calfskin with a gold-tone metal black belt and slipped on a dark Alessandro loafer.

Scorpion granted me his permission to enter his room and choose an outfit for him.

I wandered into his bedroom and noticed his taste was old-fashioned and antique based. His bed had a dark blue cover and rested against the wall. Although there was a chandelier in the middle of the room, much like mine, his place remained obscured. I scanned the room, searching for his closet. I jumped a little, hearing his phone go off with notifications.

I ignored the noise and strolled into his closet. Or so that is what I wanted to do, but instead, my curiosity got the best of me. I tip-toed over to the counter and found the newest version of the iPhone, with a mahogany plaid case, laying on top of his clear desk. Beside it was a personal computer and red pens that were neatly laid out in rows. Steadily and cautiously, I raised the phone and saw a few missed calls along with other information about the weather, news, and the normal stuff. I felt guilty, prying through his phone. I decided to put it down in its original position when a new notification popped up. It was a message from a person named A.S.S. Unintentionally, I read the text.

ASS: It's over. The mission is done.

Another message showed up.

ASS: Answer my text!

For the mature version, please click on my profile and select the book "Deviant Lover {bXb} (18+)" CONTAIN SMUTS

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