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I had completely let go of my sense as Albert continued to kiss me.

*Mature Content!*

"S-stop," I begged him. Albert continued kissing my neck and finally, he glared up with vicious in his eyes. "P-please stop," I pleaded as tears formed in my eyes. His panting slowed down and he finally backing away. Before he got off me, he heaved "leave Bobby."

He made his way into the bathroom and stayed in there for a few minutes.

I laid on the bed, rubbing my wrists back to life. Although there were no bruises, there were red marks left behind. I wiped away my tears, trying to understand what just happened. I was frightened by his control, yet I felt excited.

Albert came out with a wet cloth and made his way towards me. I sat up on the bed, still red from the kisses.

"Are you okay?" he asked, concerned. "I'm so sorry. I lost control. If you want to hit me, punch me, anything you want, it's fine."

I peered up at him, shivering a little. "No, it's ok. I could never do that to you. I-I-I asked you to do it after all..."

He walked over, gently. He must've seen me flinch, thus explained why he stopped a few times.

"I'm not gonna hurt you. Here, give me your hands," he implied as he sat down next to me on the edge of the bed. He delicately wiped my wrists with the wet cloth and apologized multiple times for the force he implemented on me.

For the rest of the day, Albert took care of me. I skipped my classes, something I've never done before. But it was alright. Albert and I were able to truly connect and talk with each other. Sadly, he had to leave. Before he left, he said something to me, almost like he implied to not get so close to Bobby. Like a warning.


I sat down on the couch, finally being able to relax. I scrolled through my phone to see the class updates, but I felt a cold chill climbing up my spine.

Something was off. But what exactly? Lucas, time to think back at what went wrong. Bobby excessively drinking? No, that's normal.
My eyebrows squinted together, as I sucked my teeth. I couldn't get my head around what was wrong.

"So who was that boy yesterday?" "Who was that boy you were with yesterday?"(*quote by Albert*)

I started getting goosebumps. It finally hit me. That was what's wrong. How did Albert know I was with Bobby? Why did he come over right after Bobby came over? Is there something going on between them? What is with his flashy get up? What about the hotel? Why does he come to the store I work at? Is this all just a coincidence?

There was so much I didn't know. I rubbed my eyes, trying to not pry too much into the detail, but I couldn't stop myself.

Maybe I shouldn't have agreed to date him. This relationship... it's... we're going too fast.


I woke up the next day, exhausted. I didn't have the energy to get back at Bobby's text. He wanted to go on a blind date with some girls his friend had hooked him up with. The lectures took even more energy for me to focus on. I couldn't understand what the professors had said and ended up copying the notes exactly like theirs.

I'll try to understand them when I get home.

Slowly, I made my way to the exit of the university.

"Lulu! Luluuuu!"

I turned my head to find Bobby shouting at the top of his lung and waving his hands at me. I paused for him to catch up.

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