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"For goodness sake, stop messing around!" Bear snarled at the building. I stared at him, in perplex when no one or thing reply.

"Kim, I know it was ya! Stop hiding and greet the guest!" Bear carried on.

"How'd dya know?" Whined a female voice, coming from the second floor of the shambled multi-story building.

Bear scanned back at me, commenting with a mock, "ya such a wuss for a man ya size."

I rolled my eyes as I turned to look at the dark wood, filled with tall, slender trees. The leaves grew and compiled each other at the top and little branches were visible at the bottom.

Bear stretched his hand out, waiting for me to accept his help. I needed the boost to stand up. My legs felt like jellies. I grabbed his hand as he pulled me with a little struggle. Quickly, I wiped my bottom, in case there were any dirt marks left.


I gasped, dropping my jaw slightly, as a small girl jump from the second floor of the building. She landed safely, both feet touching the floor at the same time, and knee slightly bent. She straightened herself swiftly and trotted over to us.

"So, you must be Albert," she smirked.

"Ugh yeah... and you must be Kim...?" I returned, remembering the name Bear had hollered out.

"Yes, it is moi. La one and only K-I-M," she boasted, flipping her high ponytail.

Bear twitched a little, muttering to me. "Don't mind Kim. You'll learn to ignore her sass."

I observed as Kim made her way over. She had her long, black hair pulled up into a sleek, high ponytail and it fell onto her shoulder. She had on a mahogany t-shirt that was under a black, leather, crop-top jacket, a tight black legging, and a black boot with a pink laced that popped out from the rest of her outfit.

"Ho ho ho," crackled Kim, stopping in front of Bear and I. "I saw you dropped like a scaredy-cat!" She exclaimed, releasing a deafening chortle, and wrapping her arms around her stomach as she tried to contain herself. "Anywho, why are y'all still standing out here? The rest of the gang are inside waiting for who this special Albert is."

Kim reminded me of a sunshine ball, almost like the girl-version of Bobby. Of course, she was cuter, smaller, and more bubbly than him.

We followed Kim through a metal door that had a crack starting from the top and made it's way down to stop in the center. There were multiple dents on the door, and more many signs to not trust the guys, but here I was, putting up no resistants and abiding by their rules.

Wet, musty stench overfilled my nose as my eyes adjusted from the glaring sun to a cold, dark, eerie inside. Looking up, there were multiple large holes that continued for several stories with numerous stains.

"Are we in the middle of nowhere?" I asked with awe.

"Not exactly," replied a voice from further in the pitch black. "Boss chose this specific location because it's exactly 40 miles from a hospital, in case anything happened. This will take approximately 37 minutes and 32 seconds to get there, talking if we maintain at a 60 miles per hour. 30 minutes East and you'll have a town with a population of just over 5,000." My pupils dilated more, seeing the scrawny man in the process of adjusting his round, geeky glasses. "My name's Ax," he carried on. "Boss told us about you a few years ago."

A few years? I've only met Albert about two months ago...

Bear, Kim, and I made our way over to Ax. He was sitting on an office chair, surrounded by laptops, computers, and other technological equipment.

"Why's so dark in here?" Barked Bear.

Kim pivoted to him, placing one of her hands on her hip. "Ax said he can't focus with lights on."

"Well, can't see crap in here."

"Neither can I, but I ain't complaining," Kim returned, but with sass.

Bear muddled in the dark, feeling and knocking down what I assume to be pieces of furniture. Multiple loud bangs continued until a switch was flipped, lighting up the room and burning our eyes. Ax and Kim began to groan as their eyes burn. My eyes quickly adjusted to the bright light and drifted to explore the room.

A painting caught my eyes. A lonely wolf engulfed the canvas, it seemed to be hurting, pitiful, and... lonely... The painting captivated me, enticing me. I gripped back to reality and resume inspecting the room. The large, dirty, brownish-red carpet was placed under the desk that Ax was utilizing. A black couch was leaned against the wall, and next to it was a long table with multiple documents spread out. On top of the desk were pinned up maps of cities, states, and countries. There were various red lines, connecting one location to another, and at least one portrait of someone by a dot they had marked.

"C-can I take a seat?" I tremored, once again setting my guards up.

Kim looked at me with a simper, "ya. Whatcha so nervous for? We don't bite... yet." She gave me a wink which seized me by surprise.

I rubbed my forehead as I took a seat on the couch, causing the it to issue an exceeding odor. I rested my elbows on my thigh, stressed out, and exhausted.

Kim and Bear made their way over to me, standing while waiting for me to finally leave my heeds and look up at them.

"Look, this is a lot to take in in one day," remarked Kim with softness in her voice. "But we can't leave you be stressed out for an entire day and waste time. There's more to Boss and further vital information you need to be conscious of."

My eyebrows knitted together, disoriented. More information? What else do I need to know? I release a long sigh, and finally, take in a deep breath.

I gazed at Kim's hazel eye. The car ride here and some conversing between them had given me time to think. It was better to concede them and see what they need with me. If I run away, where would I go? I'll end up being detected sooner or later. It's better to do what they want rather than put up a fight.

"Fire at me," I stated.

Bear tilted his head, somewhat in skepticism. I wasn't sure what he was contemplating, but his facial expression twitched for the first time.

"This is gonna be exciting!" Yelled out Kim, rubbing her hands in agitation. "Ax, it's time for Plan B!"

Ax was in the middle of typing when he shot up and gaped over at us. He had on a concerned cast.

What exactly is Plan B?

Ax wheeled over with his office chair, and soon I was circled.

For the mature version, please click on my profile and select the book "Deviant Lover {bXb} (18+)" CONTAINS SMUT!

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