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"Considering he was shot in the chest and along with the close distance to the heart. Give it up, Lucas."

I took another sip from the cup after a butler refilled it. The unnerving news sank my heart to the bottom of my empty stomach.

"N-no, he can't be. I- I know h-he's not," I stammered.

Scorpion leaned forward on the table and rested his chin in his hand. Unfazed, Scorpion affirmed "we saw what happened with our own eyes. There's no use trying to deny the truth, you'll only end up hurting yourself. Eat up, you've been unconscious for two days, get some energy."

I choked on the liquid which ended up burning my lung. "T-two days?" I exclaimed with coughs interrupting in between. "W-why haven't you told me this?"

"You never asked," he retorted.

Once again, I took another taste from the cup. My taste buds had grown numb to the intoxicating taste of the alcohol, and I've had several refills before I knew it.

"W-what do you want from me," I drunkenly asked.

"You want out?" Scorpion inquired, finally finishing his steak and pushing the plate away.

I grew silent. Yes, I want out. What type of lunatic will want to stay in this locked up hole anyway?

My head began to pound with pain once again. Quickly, I slipped my hands to my head, trying to ease the pain. The sharp shatter of the broken glass, that I had knocked over, startled Scorpion from taking another drink. Instantly, he stood up from his seat and paced over slowly.

"You alright," Scorpion asked as he squatted down to look at my face. Although his voice maintained its monotone, I somehow sensed a slight concern in them.

The promise I made to Albert, Bear, Kim, and Ax. Those came rushing back into my memory.

"I-I'm fine," I stuttered, lightly slapping away his hand that was about to come in contact with my hairs.

"O-of course I want to," I replied, locking our eyes together. His eyebrow knitted in confusion. "I want to leave," I clarified. Right now, I was playing a dangerous gambling game. If he lets me go, I'll have my freedom back, but that means I'm failing Albert and the others. But if I don't leave, I'm putting my safety at risk. Deep inside, I hoped he declined my suggestion. I want to seek revenge for what he did to Albert. He killed him after all.

"You can't do that... yet," he maintained, standing up and crossing his arms. I followed his face, staring at him with uncertainty.

"'Yet?' What do you mean?"

Scorpion gave me a small shrug and provided me with no further statements.

"I assume you're done eating?" He began while making his way back inside the mansion.

I shortly stood up after, only to realize my vision began to turn dark and my legs felt like jelly. I dropped to the floor as my legs gave out.

"Shoot," Scorpion mumbled while walking to me. He picked me up like a princess and stepped into the house.

"I-I'm fine," I groaned after finally getting a grip of reality. I made several attempts to push him away so he'll put me down, but my weak arms had little effect.

"No," Scorpion stated. I couldn't look at him in the face. I felt ashamed.

I could sense the stern and thick, cold air that Scorpion emitted. I rested my eyes from exhaustion and patiently waited as he made his way into 'my' room.

"You can let me down. I'm heavy," I muttered under my breath before he entered my room. He finally looked down at me and without saying anything, he shook his head.

Scorpion flicked a light switched, which was located on the left side of the door. The bright light revealed a large bed that was covered with a white duvet and multiple red pillows, a large chandelier placed in the center of the room, and a large glass wall that overlooked a garden outside which was filled with a variety of flowers.

Scorpion suddenly dropped me on the soft bed and covered me with the silky blanket. My stomach had already begun to churn with only the wine inside, but now, the noise was obtrusive. I felt the waste traveling up from my stomach. Instantly, I sat up from the bed and tried to bend over the edge. Of course, I was too late and ended up releasing the vomits on the white duvet and also my polo t-shirt. I swiftly scanned Scorpion's face, who was sitting on the edge of the bed, while covering my mouth with both my hands to prevent further leaking. The expression on his face revealed how utterly disgusted and shocked he was.

"I-I'm sorry, I-" Before I could utter another word, I felt additional wine attempting to escape. With all my remaining energy, I rushed into the bathroom and leaned over the toilet to allow the rest to fall into the bowl. I sat down next to it, waiting, in case I needed to puke one more. I was drained and could barely perceive anything.

I jolted awake from a nightmare as sweats drenched my hair and the rough, duvet. The scene of Albert's death replayed inside my dream and I watched it happen like a helpless bystander. My head pulsated with headaches and my mouth was dry like the desert. I finally realize a shadow sitting on the edge of the bed, holding my left hand gently and tight. I could smell the familiar aroma and feel the familiar warmth.

"A-Albert?" I called out with a hoarse voice to the shadow. I knew it. It was all a dream. Albert isn't dead. Why would Albert be involved with such dangerous things? Hahaha...

"Wa-water..." I pleaded. The shadow reached over to the counter next to the bed and helped me mouthful the cold, iced water from the glass. My thirst reflected through the full, three, tall glasses that I drank in a brief span. As soon as my thirst was satisfied, I hugged Albert. I missed his warmth. After a few seconds, he finally hugged me back tightly. He must've been surprised by my sudden action.

"I-I'm sorry," I tremulously apologized through the heavy panting and tears. "I shouldn't have left you. T-things we're just going too fast. M-my head was a mess and I didn't know what I was t-thinking. I l-love you, please believe m-"

"It's alright," he assured, cutting me sharp. He slowly bent over and kissed my mouth deeply. I was taken back a little, but gave in shortly and accepted him.

For the mature version, please click on my profile and select the book "Deviant Lover {bXb} (18+)" CONTAIN SMUTS

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