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I woke up sensing something heavy on me. I peeked through my heavy, sleepy eyelids; working to comprehend what rested on top of me. An arm.

Oh, shoot, Lucas. What have you done this time?

I slowly trailed the tan, slender arm as it continued its way to my right. A quiet gasp escaped between my lips, watching Scorpion's relaxed, asleep face. He seemed truly at peace and appeared much more attractive with no eyebrows stitched together.

I rested my head back onto the fluffy pillow after assuring myself I hadn't woken him up. My face buried into my hands, recollecting what happened yesterday, and my body heating of abash.


Scorpion left me to read Albert's diary while he sat silently, sucking and playing with the candy.

I decided to read from the most recent.

"Today is March 18, 20XX, and I'll be meeting with Scorp. Although he stated it'll just be the two of us, I can never be too careful. I'm apprehensive but I shall never display such emotions to my friends."

"It's February 22, 20XX. I met with Lucas today. I speculate he noticed my strange behavior. I'm simply nervous concerning the near encounter I will hold with Scorpion. I can never tell Lucas I'm involved with such dangerous occupations. On a lighter note, I enjoyed his cooking. It's been a while since I last had a homemade meal. Seeing Lucas made me realize just how much I've fallen for him."

"February 3rd, 20XX. Lucas spent the night at my place yesterday. He became considerably drunk, downing from the Daiquiri 1981. I'm presuming that's his new preferred drink. His flushed expression and honest personality are both charming and sweet. I'm sure he'll forget the confession he told me on our way to my place. Although I don't know when I'll be able to reply to his love in person, I suppose I can do it here and help ease my impatience.

Lucas, I love you too. Spending the rest of my life with you sounds wonderful. I can't imagine living the very next seconds without you. I feel like an empty bottle, desiring to be filled by your presence."

"It's January 17, 20XX, I've committed an inexcusable offense. I lost control, rooting from both jealousy and misunderstanding, and attacked Lucas. How could he possibly forgive me? Each day, the scene replays over and over in my head, and my yearning to undo what I've done arose. If Lucas leaves me, I don't deem I'll be able to live with this unloved heart once again."

I couldn't finish the paragraph. Tears that I held back came pouring out. I covered my face with my hands, ashamed to show Scorpion this side of me. I wanted to stop weeping, but the thought that Albert confounded me, that I was his hope, and yet I left him, that I rejected him without fully understanding, and that I was too late to recognize my feelings for him made it difficult for me to finish crying.

A warm arm wrapped around me. The tender affection shielded my frigid feelings.

I knew it was Scorpion, but I was in dire need of warmth. I wrapped my arms around his slim waist as he stood still like a mannequin. Scorpion was tender, not like the usual Scorpion I knew. His hand gently ruffled my hair and wiped the tears from my features.

Scorpion gradually slanted till our faces were a few inches apart. We stared deep into each other's eyes. I could feel the hot air escaping his mouth as he breathed out. It was like he was waiting for permission to pursue. I wrapped my arms around his neck, granting his wish. I watched while he mounted over me, on both his knee and high like a mountain. Gracefully, he unbuttoned his slim, cotton Sapphire suit and unlaced his denim tie.

I didn't apprehend that my bawling ended. At this point, my mind was blurred with the ideas of only Albert.

Scorpion suddenly kissed my neck, sucking the area, and then attacking another. Finally, he licked the edge of my quivering lips with his burning, fine tongue. He proceeded to give me an agile peck on the mouth before invading it. His fiery tongue whirled inside me, battling with one another. He gripped my hair, and pushed me closer to him, as another hand slithered its way under my shirt. I immediately pushed him away, coming back to my senses.

Scorpions backed up on his knee once again, gazing down at me in dismay and lust.

"I can't do this," I mumbled while teardrops streamed down the side once again. I covered my face with my arm, feeling guilty for suddenly stopping him. "I can't do this with someone I have no feelings for."

Frustrated and with both of his hands on his head, which exposed his biceps, he swiftly scanned the room. Finally, he released a deep groan. "How about this? We'll have the lights off so that you can imagine me as that piece of trash?

I tugged the bed cover, resisting the urge to punch him. "What the he-..."

Before I could finish, a thought jumped in my head. Wait, Lucas, this is a dumb idea but you could get some information out of this? After all, this is the only chance you're guaranteed to get.

I freed a long sigh. "Fine," I stammered as guilt built up inside me. "But you have to answer one of my questions."

Scorpion doubtfully stared down at me.

"You're desperate for some answer, Lucas," he breathed. "But we're doing this my way then."


I spent the entire night crying in pain. Thankfully, I was able to persuade him to keep the lights off.

For the mature version, please click on my profile and select the book "Deviant Lover {bXb} (18+)" CONTAIN SMUTS

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