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I gagged on the food inside my mouth. Everyone stared at me in surprise and not at Scorpion. His expression didn't change. Did I hear him correctly?

Brenda passed me a glass of water and questioned with concerns, "are you alright?" I promptly accepted the drink and gulped a large amount in one go to ease the urge to cough more.

"Y-yeah, I'm alright. Sorry," I replied, finally calming down. "So umm... where did you go this morning?" I inspected Scorpion, playing with the beans on my plate. Brenda and Sergio both halted what they were doing to watch us. Shoot. Should I have pry?

Scorpion struck me with a silent glare, studying my face. "Usual business."

"Usual business," I probed. "Like what? I think I deserve an explanation considering you left me with only a note."

Once more, Scorpion examined my face before proceeding. This time, he clarified a little more. "I had to go back to the place and take care of some damages and a few troublesome insects."

I bit my lip, recalling the horrible condition of the warehouse. I frowned but also somewhat intrigued for more information. "You mean the place where Albert and I were locked up in? Along with who knows how many captives?"

He remained still, continuing to eat undisturbed.

I needed him to admit to it. If he did, I'll have a piece of hard, concrete evidence. That is if EyeMic still works. We made a mistake in creating the device. Although it was discreet, it was too cautious that even I don't know if it's still performing its job.

"What do you plan to do to the people you and your men locked up? Those poor innocent children, the young girls, and abused men. That's inhumane. Are you selling them to make some dirty money so that you'll continue to live in luxury and houses like this?"

I knew I was stepping over the line, but the thought of the place, the condition, and the treatments prevented me from sealing my mouth any longer. I wanted to leave this dumb hole as soon as possible. I understood provoking him was a stupid move, but this was the only idea I could think of at the moment.

Scorpion crashed his fist onto the marble counter, scowling at me with his intense, blazing eyes.

"So what? I'm still earning money. They're just small ants on the side of the road, that I picked up, and without any will to live. I did them a favor. I bet you haven't almost died trying to earn less than a dollar before. You're too privileged to understand the true worth of money," Scorpion grumbled. Roughly, he tugged me in by my collar until our faces were only an inch apart. "I can do whatever the heck I want with whoever I want."

"So you think it's alright to traffic humans?" I demanded.

He gazed deep into me. Squeezing my shirt tighter in his grip. "Do you think the government care about businesses like this? Nah, they help cover it up. Heck, some of them are loyal customers of mine. Don't try to provoke me so early on, Lucas. Just cause we messed around once doesn't mean you can disrespect and try to stoop on my level. You're just one of the many toys that I can simply replace with a snap. You better quickly know your place."

He rammed me back and stormed off, calling Sergio with him.

I was shaken. I knew Scorpion was strong, but the agile tug he implemented on me had an immense force. Cold shivers traveled through my body as I remembered Scorpion's menacing glare that shot through me like daggers. The cold, grimacing gape and the chilling tone. Every word he spoke stabbed deeper and harder into my chest. I was paralyzed, trying to get a grip on myself. I palpitated for air as soon as he left the room and was no longer in my presence. I hadn't recognized that I held my breath. I gulped down the remaining water because my mouth was dry. I didn't have any appetite to finish the rest of the plate.

Brenda grabbed Scorpion's and Sergio's plate and began rinsing them.

"You shouldn't have done that," she stated, refilling my cup. "Are you alright?"

"Y-yeah," I stuttered," forcing a slight smile. "I'm fine, yeah. Yeah. Don't worry."

"You know, it's alright to not be okay. Scorpion isn't usually like that. A small fact of the day: Scorpion doesn't like to talk about work or what he does. And the way you worded things was just... I suppose... a bit offensive to not only him but others too, Lucas."

I knotted my eyebrows in puzzlement. "What do you mean?"

Leaning over the counter, Brenda lowered her voice to a whisper. "Well... Scorpion had a troubled childhood. He wasn't always like what he is now. He used to be a cheerful, bright kid. He used to work hard to make ends meet each day. I'm not sure why he became this way, but maybe because of the death of his mom. Maybe the death of his past lover added to his stress. A lot of his men also came from a troubled background. I can't say much to you. Sorry."

"No, you're good," I responded, resting my arms on the counter. "Thank you for telling me this. And I'm sorry if I insulted you in any way."


"Hi, honey," Albert greeted as he stood in the middle of a field with endless red roses. The sun illuminated his thin, gold hair as the cool breeze flew through us. "I missed you," he chuckled, giving me his usual warm smile.

"I miss you too," I professed, gradually stepping toward him. I sped up, quickly running to him and trampling the roses in my path. I wanted to hold him and be near him. But the more I ran, the farther he seemed to stray.

"Stop! Don't leave me again. Please!" I begged, stopping to catch my breath. Tears built up and streamed down my cheeks as my chest tightened with the idea of him leaving once again. Yet, I couldn't do anything besides staring down at the crushed rose beneath my feet and letting my tears trickle onto them.

I suddenly looked up after feeling a hand ruffled through my hair. Albert stood in front of me, holding out a rose and a small egg in his small, tender hand.

"Pick," he declared. I was confused. Choose? Why?

Tears clogged up my view but I complied and randomly grabbed an item. Albert leaned in for a kiss but before our lips connected, I woke up in the dark, cold room and noticed a trace of tear dripping down the side of my cheek.

Here I am again. Alone in this cold room. Oh, Albert. I'm sorry I couldn't hold you in my arms. I'm sorry I left you. I'm sorry for being weak. I don't know how Kim, Bear, and Ax are doing, but I'll be sure to see them once more. I promise I'll avenge for what they did to you.

I had returned to my room after chatting with Brenda. We hit it off and talked about trivial topics like hobbies, likes, dislikes, etc. I presume I fell asleep after returning to my room to get some peace. Maybe I'm letting myself be too loose and I'm not being wary.

I peered up at the ceiling, attempting to remember the dream. What did the dream mean? Why did I have to choose? Shoot, which did I end up choosing?

For the mature version, please click on my profile and select the book "Deviant Lover {bXb} (18+)" CONTAIN SMUTS

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