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Scorpion continued to stay out of my sight and remained out of the house. I didn't think much, but guilt grew each day without seeing him. I mainly stayed inside my room, go visit the gazebo, or chat with Brenda. Most of the time, she was busy so I ended up being alone.

After dinner, I thanked Brenda for the meal, as always, and retreated to my bedroom as usual. It seemed uncanny as I've grown accustomed to the lifestyle of being trapped inside the property. It's been over a month and I've practically explored every inch of the house and memorized every little detail. In total, there were 25 doors, 10 which belonged to the men. There are two pools, one indoor and another one outdoor, a large ballroom, theatre, gym, three libraries, six maids in total, and five butlers. I left those rooms as they were often occupied by Scorpion's men. At most, there are about 50 men in the house.

While walking back to my room, the men appeared a little tense. Their body languages were easy to read. This could only mean one thing, Scorpion was home again.

I passed Clyde who he looked a little tipped off. Of course, it wasn't any of my business and whatever they're planning has a low chance of involving me. I still don't understand why Scorpion wants me here. If he says I'm one of his many toys, why keep me alive after what I've done? If what he says is true, then where are his other toys? Why haven't I noticed any of them?

Before I could reach my gold, cold doorknob, I noticed the door wasn't shut all the way. I scanned around for any men who might've been the culprit. Yet, no one was around or I assumed.

Did Clyde go into my room? Why? I don't have anything useful...

I, for sure, always remembered to lock the door before I leave.

Wearingly, I slowly pushed the door slightly open and peeked inside the pitch, black room. The curtain remained sealed like before and prevented any sunlight from entering. I quickly shuffled into my room and shut the door behind me, keeping my eyes out for any suspicious movement. I released a deep sigh after browsing the room and assuring myself that everything was normal.

I reached over and turned the lights, but I immediately stumbled onto the concrete floor after noticing a tall figure standing in the corner and still as a puppet. I liberated a relieved chuckle, later realizing that it was just Scorpion and not any ghost. He stood majestically, hair slicked back with a slim, teal suit that accentuated his figure. I laughed at myself. A grown man who got jump scared. Scorpion stood still, refusing to free any laugh and smile.

I pushed myself off the floor and made my way over to the edge of my bed. Scorpion pulled a chair from the corner and dragged it closer to me. He sat down, crossing his leg over another and tossed an old, small, deep blue backpack onto my lap.

"What's this," I adjured.

He dug into his pocket and took out a popsicle, making me watch as he slowly unwrapped the plastic and plopped it into his mouth. "See for yourself."

I became tense as the most corrupt thoughts grew. Is there going to be a human body part inside? Albert's ash? Hands? Fingers? What the heck...

Slowly, I unzipped the bag, dreading to discern what was inside.

"Don't be scared," he said out of the blue.

"And what reasons do I have to not be? Who knows what could be inside. A dead human body, drugs, poison. There are just so many things you've wronged me for and you expect me to just up and trust you? Don't be absurd, Scorpion."

His eyebrows knitted as a frown formed. "You truly know how to test someone don't ya, Lucas?"

Goosebumps rose through my body as I recollected how detrimental his actions were. Great going, Lucas.

I unzipped the pack and inside were a small, black composition notebook and a rectangular shape encased in brown wrapping paper.

"C-can I open this?" I inquired, picking up the notebook.


His answer hit a nerve as I discreetly breathed in and out to calm myself down.

I flipped opened the notebook. It was old with a few rips. What in the world is Scorpion thinking? Giving me an old, worn-out book as a gift? I glanced around until I saw:

This notebook belongs to: Albert Simpson

My heart grew heavy as emotions came sprawling out from deep inside me. "Why do you have this?" I questioned, endeavoring to suppress the tears that were building up.

"My men tracked down y'all's trace and found a rusty building. Seemed like there was nothing in there but trash along with that notebook.

"W-was there anyone else... that your men found," I said, clutching the notebook tight.

"Anyone? Are you implying that there were other people?"

I glanced up at him in distress. "N-no... there's no one. It was a place where Albert and I used to sneak off to," I lied

I scanned through the pages, marking that the dates date back to almost 14 years ago and the most recent being just a few months ago. This is Albert's diary, and the offense flowed inside me as the thought of someone invading his privacy. I shut the diary and slide it to the side. I reached in and grabbed the covered up item. I carefully tear the wrapping papers. It was my Master's Degree from my college, all framed up. I thoroughly spectate it, inspecting for any signs of fraud. But I couldn't locate any. My name, the degree that I earned, my college's name, and the majors I was working for, everything was correct.

I glanced up at him, "why do we have this," I questioned.

"Cuz you couldn't get it so I had my men pick it up for you."

"N-no" I stuttered. "I haven't been attending classes, done any of my assignments, projects, or taken any exams. This is impossible. I shouldn't be receiving this degree." 

Scorpion stood up and stepped over to me. He pulled my chin up gently between his index finger and thumb and pulled my face closer to his. "Anything is possible with money and connection," he whispered with a devilish grimace that divided his face.

For the mature version, please click on my profile and select the book "Deviant Lover {bXb} (18+)" CONTAIN SMUTS

(bXb) Deviant Lover Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora