T W E N T Y -T W O

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I picked an army adorned matching suit to complement Scorpion's red ring. He didn't refuse but simply wore them.

"Come here," I ushered Scorpion after he changed into his outfit. He mindlessly stepped over like a dainty, fluffy dog.

"You shouldn't leave your hair wet for too long or else you'll get sick," I lectured him. Scorpion reminded me of a small kid. Similar to my sister. I grabbed the hairdryer and plugged it into the outlet near the door. He took his place and stepped behind him, allowing me to ruffle through his soft, short locks. I went back and forth through different areas until they were equally dried.

I always thought Scorpion was about my height, but being up close made me recognize he was an inch or so taller than me. Considering I had to get on the tip of my toe.

After his hair was mostly dry, Scorpion strolled into his room while I sat the dryer away and grabbed a brush out. He walked back in with a black container of hair gel in his hand. He placed it down on the gray-white marble counter and went back to the place he took before. I proceeded to brush through his dark, soft locks.

Scorpion had a fade on both sides of his head. Instead of pulling his hair back like usual, I decided to generously apply some gel to the strands, molding them until they stood with some touch of volume. It suited his face structure since his hair wasn't too long nor short. I smiled in content. Although his hair was set, I behaved like I wasn't finished and played with his locks longer.

"We're going hiking tomorrow. Leaving at 11," Scorpion stated, looking at me through the mirror. His defined face was complimented by his brown eyes and the green suit I picked out for him.

I glanced up and was a bit surprised by his comment. "Wait, what? Hiking? Why?" I inquired.

"You're cooped up in the house all day. It's no good," he replied.

I smiled from the feeling that he was thinking of me. I was thrilled to see a slight bit of his affectionate side.

"Ok," I agreed, finally lowering back onto my heel. "Oh, that reminds me, I haven't used the question we promised," I consoled, peering at him through the corner of my sights with a smirk.


"Well," I continued as I twisted the gel box sealed. "Umm... can I go inside the room with the snake on the door, first floor?" I wanted to ask him if Albert was dead. Or why he was keeping me locked up, but I didn't want to annoy him. I needed to get on his good side, and hiking was another excellent opportunity. I couldn't risk asking any questions that'll annoy him.

He shot me a glare before answering "sure," after a small pause.

A bright smile formed onto my face. I wasn't happy because I'll be able to enter the room. As a matter of fact, I was pleased because Scorpion granting me to do something, anything, was proof that I earned a small trust from him.

I turned to Scorpion and handed him the container. "Oh right, I didn't mean to pry, but you left your phone on your desk. And there were a bunch of notifications going off. I didn't mean to look... But umm... you have a few missed calls and messages from this person's name-" I hesitated, locking eyes with him, feeling a bit uncomfortable saying 'ass.' "Umm... a contact named A-S-S," I spelled out.

Scorpion eyes jolted. My perceptions widen after noticing his rash reaction. "I- I didn't read the messages," I lied, attempting to calm him down. He snatched the gel out of my hand and marched back inside his room, slamming the door that connected his room to the bathroom, shut.

I stood quietly inside the bathroom. Did I make him mad? Should I have told him about sneaking through his phone? Of course, I'll be mad too in situations like that. Wait, why am I feeling bad about this? After all, he kidnapped me and hasn't given me my phone back and I haven't been able to contact anyone outside of here.

I slapped both sides of my face and left my hand on them. I stared into the mirror. A grown man with dark, brown hair, wearing outfits that were worth thousands, fitted a bit loose, stared back. I noticed I had lost most of the muscles that I gained over the summer and became slimmer. My collarbone caved in, and dark eye bags formed under my sad, droopy orbs. Possibly from the frequent nightmares that kept me up at night.

"Are you okay, Lucas?" I mumbled under my breath.

After staring at the unrecognizable stranger in the mirror, I released a long sigh that had built up inside me. I loosened the grip from the counter and marched into my room, grabbing Albert's notebook from the backpack.

I relaxed on the bed, lying comfortably on my stomach. I cracked open the old, umber-shaded journal, deciding to carefully read from the beginning.

October 8, 19XX Today is my birthday. Dad gave me this notebook as a present. I appreciate the gesture but I'm sad cause I know Bearly-Bear picked it out. Dad probably forgot about my birthday.

March 19, 19XX A girl asked me out. She's cute but I didn't know she was in my class. I said yes to her though.

April 27, 19XX Rosé broke up with me today cause I couldn't get a boner. It was painful when she slapped my face, but I'm not emotionally hurt.

I slammed the book shut, feeling the second-hand embarrassment and smiling like a creep. I snickered lightly. This really is a diary. Teenage Albert is just like every average kid haha.

After finally calming down, I opened from where I left off.

November 2, 19XX Mother and Father filed for divorce today. I don't fancy the thought of living with both of them, so I'm renting an apartment downtown, and where I'll be away from them. Suburb life is dull.

Today is January 6, 19XX. I officially took over dad's business. I don't desire to, but I guess that's what transpires when you're the only successor.

July 14, 20XX. Today, a little girl named Ava bumped into me during the firework show. She was lost in the crowd and started crying, running around with snots dripping out from her nose. I calmed her down and was planning to buy her a popsicle. Her brother found her while I was away buying the treat for her though.

I paused, gazing up from the journal. Ava? Is he referring to my sister? I presume I remember? Was this when mom, dad, and Ava forced me to come with them downtown to watch the firework. I believe I was mad at them cause I wanted to stay home and play video games with Bobby. Right, right. Mom and dad were too focused on the fireworks and didn't even notice their seven years old ran off. I had to search through the sweaty, musty, grown adults as a wee boy. If only my puberty came earlier, it would've been easier to look for her if I was tall. If I was 13 at the time, Albert must've been... let me think... 19?

My eyes grew in hysteria. I couldn't believe he was so independent and mature at that age. I recollected being only 19 and having my first girlfriend. It didn't work out so well. I freed a giggle that mocked myself. I should probably make up for the snot and thank him, I thought, only to discern the grim truth. Right... I forgot... Albert is gone...

I dug my head deep into the bed, working to not conceive the depressing images that'll only end up hurting me. After several breaths, I controlled my emotion and resumed reading.

December 25, 20XX. Merry Christmas!

It's December 26, 20XX. I heard from my father for the first time in a while. He requested me to join a work party. I ended up getting wasted and slept with a guy from there.

April 14, 20XX. A girl is sticking to me like glue. After what she's been through, I'm glad she's still energetic and cheerful. I believe she stated her name was Kim.

May 3, 20XX. Life is troublesome.

October 8 20XX. I turned 21 today. Like usual, work occupied my day. I met the little girl again while visiting a school I sponsored. I wasn't expecting her to recall me, but it's a nice feeling knowing someone misses you and remembers you. She rambled on about how she wants her brother to get a girlfriend. She claimed she's irritated with her brother's constant talk about his incapability to get a girlfriend. It took me by surprise when she announced she wouldn't object if her brother and I dated. Such childish nonsense. She grew up well though. I suppose her brother did a good job watching over her.

My cheek strained. I hadn't noticed I was grinning the whole time.

For the mature version, please click on my profile and select the book "Deviant Lover {bXb} (18+)" CONTAIN SMUTS

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