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I unzipped my pant, finally freeing the build-up tension.

I had slept in my casual clothes yesterday even though Ax offered me one of his pajama. I politely declined, considering he was much skinnier and smaller than me. The pajama would fit tight on me.

*Mature Content!*

I opened the door, almost bumping into Kim who was tremendously shorter than I was.

"Breakfast is ready," she said, staring up with her dark, brown, innocent eyes.

"Oh... ok..." I replied, unsure of what to say. Did she hear me? Was I too loud?

I observed if she was acting any differently from yesterday, but she was still bubbly. She skipped as I followed her into a room I wasn't even aware existed. Ax was already sitting in one of the four chair that surrounded the table. He was worked as he at his breakfast simultaneously, I assumed he was studying some navigations. Bear was passing out the breakfast box, they must've ordered it. Kim grabbed a seat and Bear grabbed another empty seat. This left with only one chair opened. I grabbed the chair and sat down. They stopped eating and stared as I accepted the box Bear handed to me. I glanced back, confused, and somewhat uncomfortable.

"M-morning," I uttered.

They quickly went back to eating. I watched as Kim devoured her pancakes and sausages that she had drowned in maple syrup, and Ax was invested in his technology. "Good morning," Bear answered. I gave him a tiny smile.

Finally taking a break from her meal, Kim explained to me, attempting to hide her pain that ended up escaping. "That used to be B-Boss's spot. He liked sittin' at the head of the table cause he said he it allowed him to clearly see us. Sounds really cheesy." She let out a small aching laugh.

"Finish up," Bear ordered. I hurriedly stuffed the foods inside my mouth. I was starving from skipping dinner yesterday. We somehow finished around the same time, and made our way back into the room we had huddled in yesterday.


"Plan A was to get in contact with a scorpion and sneak into his cave," exhaled Ax, sitting on his office chair just like yesterday. "We're wasting time if we descriptively explained to you the plan, but just know we messed up. The only thing Boss said for Plan B was 'Lucas Park' and 'yellow folder.' I'm assuming you know what he's referring to, right, Lucas?"

Yellow folder...? I refreshed my mind, resting my face on my hands. Yellow folder... yellow folder...


What mattered was that I have my folder, containing my project, in my hand.

Albert: "I came here to deliver you your material. I feel like you'll need this?"

"Yes! I do! Thank you very much! But how did you know I go to this university?"

I turned hurried back after we exchanged our numbers. I speedwell, almost jogging, in hopes I'll make it before class starts. For some reason, it bugged me. My folder had felt slightly heavier. It wasn't a drastic change. Did he look through my folder to see who it belonged to? Yeah, that's probably why...

I perched up, in exhilaration, "I might know where it is!"

The trios shot up at me, waiting for more.

"T-the folder!" I stuttered. "Albert had returned it to me when I accidentally left it as his place."

"You were at his place?" Kim cried out.

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