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"Get up!" Clyde commanded me. "Stop laying on the floor. He's dead. Move on."

Maybe Albert was dead, maybe he was not. But hopes prevailed inside me, assuring me he couldn't be dead.

I remained silent on the floor, motionless, and letting my arms dangle from the door. The scene kept replaying in my head over and over again. I couldn't form any thoughts nor say anything back to them.

"Leave him be" Scorpion's sharp voice dictated.

Throughout the flight, Scorpion and Clyde exchanged words with each other while Sergio settled in his place and quietly listened. My thought was a muddle and on its own planet. I couldn't comprehend any words, location, or time.

The plane landed on a rooftop of a huge, white, French-style mansion. The enormous roundabout had a fountain and a gold angel stood in the center. Together, they occupied the front of the house. I hadn't realized Scorpion picked up my spiritless body and carried me with one arm under my leg and another supporting my back.

"Sir, you don't have to get your hands dirty. Sergio can take care of it." Clyde bewildered.

Before he could utter another sentence, Clyde was immediately silenced after Scorpion glared over his right shoulder to him.


I woke up in a large bed and a cold, darkroom. The only visible light seeped through the corner of long, deep, mahogany draped. I instantly sat up in the strange bed and grasped my head with both of my hands to ease the pain that pounded. The unbearable scene rushed back into my mind and replayed over and over again. I could trace the lukewarm blood on my face and his presence. Tears boiled into my eyes and streamed down my cheeks. I concealed my face with both of my hands and attempted to hinder more tears from forming and falling into the hands of gravity.

I missed his warmth, his soft smile, his smell, his everything. I sought to stop the noise from escaping my mouth, but that only ended in me suffocating myself. Pools of tears poured onto the white cover. I continuously wiped away the tears in my eyes, but more replaced them.

"Are you done?"

I quickly scanned over at a shadow sitting in the dark corner in a chair. Shocks and fear paralyzed my body as I clenched the duvet from reflex. The dark silhouette stood up and took a couple of steps toward me. The rays of the sun revealed his dark, black, tight suit which made him appear leaner and taller, and his hair slicked back with excessive gel. 

"S-Scorpion," I stammered.

He snickered with a mock "glad you remembered my name. It's not often you see a grown man cry his heart out. Good to see something new every once in a while."

"What is this place? What do you want with me?" I stuttered as I tried to catch my breath discreetly.

"I'm not sure. Wherever this takes us," he proposed, grabbing a sucker out of his pocket to unwrap and place it in his mouth.

My eyebrows knitted together. "And what is 'this' you're referring to?" I suspiciously questioned.

"I don't know. In the meantime, you can do whatever you want and go wherever you want but you must remain in this house."

By the time our conversation ended, my tears had settled and dried up. This was too much information for me. Too many suspicious moves, too many questionable methods, and too many risks.

"Go get yourself cleaned up, there's a bathroom connected to this room and mine. This is now your room. There are clean clothes in the closet over there," he directed pointing to a door. "The clothes should all fit considering a tailor came by and took your measurement personally.

"I- I'm sorry but what?" I faltered.

"Quit chitter chatting, I'm hungry. Dinner. 30 minutes. Go."

The order produced chills to travel up my back. I immediately pulled the duvet away from me. The sharp, cold air made me realize I was naked. Quickly, I grabbed the blanket back and covered myself as Scorpion observed my behavior. I peered back at him and felt my body burn up a little from the embarrassment. Hurriedly, I scurried into the bathroom.


"Took you long enough," Scorpion whispered into my ear. I hadn't realized he had wandered into the bathroom and sneaked behind me while I was drying my hair with a towel. Fortunately, I was already dressed.

"What are you doing here?" I gasped, turning around to face him.

"Waiting for you to finish taking your sweet time," he replied with a smirk. "Let's go."

He grabbed my wrist firmly and dragged me out of the darkroom. My eyes burned from the light that shined in the hallway. As soon as my sights adjusted, the dazzling chandeliers above us stunned me. The large hallway, the porcelain marble floor, and the paintings hanging on the wall. Just everything about them seemed luxurious.

"You done admiring," he inquired, still gripping my left hand.

"W-where we going," I mustered up.

"Dinner," he bluntly replied.

"I know we're going to dinner, I want a location," I barked back, a bit annoyed at this point.



A large table with two seats on the opposite end awaited us. On top were a mass variety of foods stacked upon one another. Wine, lobsters, caviar, oysters, hamburgers, truffles, steak, sushi, spaghetti, just to name a few. The view overlooked a beautiful beach, and the sun illuminating onto the surface as it set midway topped it off.

"Can you release my hand," I asked, trying to tug it away. I bit my lip, recollection the moment Albert's and mine parted.

"Come," he directed, clutching on harder.

He pulled a chair out, motioning me to sit down. After, he sat on the other side and waited for the butler to prepare our dishes.

He began digging into the dish in manners, but I couldn't eat.

"Not to your liking?" He asked as he picked up a glass of red wine.

I didn't have the appetite to eat nor could my stomach handle any solid food after not eating for who knows how long.

I fumbled onto the glass of white wine and took a couple of big gulps. He silently watched as his butler prepared another dish for him.

"He's dead," he easily stated after placing another slice of steak in his mouth.

For the mature version, please click on my profile and select the book "Deviant Lover {bXb} (18+)" CONTAIN SMUTS

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