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Trigger Warning: Suicidal Thoughts

While washing myself, I realized I had bled down there. Pain jarred entirely through me every time the expired cum and water encountered the wound. I tried focusing on the positives at this point. Thank goodness I had some privacy and alone time.

What should you do Lucas? What can you do? Should I try to run away? No, I'll be caught immediately by either Scorpion or his men. Besides, I don't think I'm even capable of running in this state. Should I kill myself and end everything? Stupid Lucas. Let's not think that way. It won't do anyone any good. You have your little sister, your family, Albert... oh right... No. No. No Lucas. Should I earn Scorpion's trust? Make him believe he can trust me? But will he even trust me? This is a dangerous game to play. You don't even know what he's truly capable of. How did I even get involved with this mess...?

After I completed tidying up, I grabbed dull, skinny jeans and a thin, white shirt that accentuated my muscles. The walk-in closet, supposedly mine, was enormous. it had everything from suits to dresses. Which was kind of uncanny. Why are there dresses here?

Scorpion wasn't in my room nor the bathroom. After scavenging my place for any suspicious items, I found a note on the counter beside my bed.

"I have an errand to run with some of my men. You can do whatever and go wherever you want, but remember, you are forbidden from going outside the mansion property. Try and you'll see what happens." - Scorpion.

Scorpion's handwriting was the contrast of Albert. Messy and hard to read. I folded the eerie paper and slid it inside my back pocket.

Of course, curiosity got the best of me. I explored almost every corner and it seemed like there were cameras and Scorpion's men in almost every corner. Most of them appeared pretty chill and left me be, but some just don't apprehend personal space and will try to provoke me. Scorpion's note came in the clutch. One survey of the note and they'll immediately step back into their place. It looked like Scorpion informed them about my existence, but not my visual.

Come to find out, there were three floors, not including the attic and basement. I couldn't find any entrance to the two other floors, but I assume they exist. Most of the doors were unlocked and inside them were either library, play area, meeting rooms, or will just be random rooms. The ones that remained locked, I guessed, probably belonged to Scorpion's men's. It makes sense considering there were so many of the men in the mansion.

After exploring several halls and turning into unknown corridors, I was at my last turn on the first floor. The light appeared to grow dimmer and the passage more petite. At the end of the hallway were two large doors and a huge, gold snake on each side. I was mesmerized by the great snake engraving, in black, on the wooden door. The art captivated me and seemed to almost drag me in. I slowly stepped closer with my fingers reaching out, impatient to touch it. Unlike the other entries, this one held a pin code and a key lock.

I remembered during my senior year in high school, we had a final silly project. The project was an easy A because we had to cover the different types of animals. I specialized in snakes. I could be wrong but the snake on the door seemed identical to a yellow eyelash viper. The reptiles are found in Central and South America. Although beautiful, they're deadly and highly venomous.

"Lucas!" A rigid, low voice yelled behind me.

The voice jolted me out from my delusion. I instantly spun around, deeming it was plausibly one of Scorpion's men coming to taunt me again. It wasn't. Sergio stood with his hands in his pocket, wearing his normal tattered black shirt and khaki short. As usual, his frown was buried into his forehead, and his deep, black eyes piercing through me.

I didn't know what to do either, so I frantically gave him a wave.

"Boss wants you now," he snarled.

I was puzzled. He was back so soon. What did he want with me now? Did I do something wrong?

"Follow me," Sergio ordered.

Hmm... might as well take this easily and play along.

I clutched my hands behind my back and tailed after Sergio. I wasn't sure what to do. I didn't want to come out as a nervous brat so I tried keeping my cool.

We strolled through the endless foyers, turning a few times and finally entered a spacious kitchen. It was capacious and well-cleaned. In the center was giant white marble. One side had six, white seats lined up next to one another while the other side of the island was sinks, cupboards, and so on. I was astonished by just how bright and tidy things were. On the right was not a wall but a giant window that faced the crashing ocean waves.

"Pretty impressive, I know," Scorpion spoke. I flushed. I had forgotten how expressive my face was. This was both a blessing and a curse. People were capable of easily reading how I was feeling.

Scorpion was sitting in the middle of the seats and on the other side of the island was a middle-age, Latina lady. Judging by her outfits, she was probably the chef.

Scorpion patted the seat next to him, motioning me to sit there. Of course, I complied, trying to not play hard to get and quickly seize his favor. If he even has one. If not, I'll make one for him.

Sergio, on the other hand, sat a few seats away from us and minded his own business.

As soon as I sat down, Scorpion pulled my chair closer to him and wrapped his arm over my shoulder. It was pretty heavy.

"Brenda, meet Lucas. Lucas, Brenda," Scorpion introduced.

"Umm... hi," I shyly said, giving her a small wave. Unlike the others, she looked trustworthy and friendly. She gave me a warm smile before responding. "Hey, Lucas. It must have been very weird in the last couple of days. You can relax around me. Scorpion can be a meany sometimes, so be on your best behavior."

I couldn't tell if she was joking or not. I also heard some accent escape as she spoke.

Sometimes? Maybe all the time, you mean?

Scorpion twitched a little before gnarring "enough."

I hadn't noticed that Brenda was preparing a dish until she sat them out in front of.

"Pabellón Criollo," she proudly presented. "It's one of mine and Scorpion's favorite meals to eat." My mouth watered as I took in the rich smell of the juicy, pulled beef, steamed white rice, some beans, and the cheese on the side.

"What are you waiting for? Dig in," Brenda confidently announced. I waited for Scorpion and Sergio to take a bite first. Sergio was gobbling up the food as if there was no tomorrow. Scorpion took his time, but his expression didn't change much. Maybe it was my imagination, but I thought I saw a small grin escaping the side of his mouth.

"It's not poisoned," Scorpion declared, after noticing that I was gawking at him.

I promptly picked up the spoon and took a big bite. Perhaps I underestimated the bite-size as my cheek bulged from the bulky amount of rice, beef, and beans. I had forgotten the food was prepared just seconds ago and disregard blowing it cool. My tongue burned as I tremulously clenched my fists and dpisbpisfpivpi though it. It was torture.

"It's delicious," I complimented after swallowing half of the food inside my mouth. Brenda released a small chuckle.

Scorpion silently observed me, almost as if startled by my sudden behavior. "You taste better," he mumbled under his breath.

*Authors Note: haha sorry, i just had to leave in the onomatopoeia for the hot food part*

For the mature version, please click on my profile and select the book "Deviant Lover {bXb} (18+)" CONTAIN SMUTS

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