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Ah, the sun is blinding my eyes. Is it really the next day? I still can't Albert came over and had dinner with me. In case many of you were wondering, I made some bibimbap (Korean dish) with the leftover vegetables. Tteobboki is quite easy to make so I decided to add that too. I'll like to thank my mom for teaching me how to cook some simple dishes. I wasn't sure if Albert liked Korean cuisine so I made some ramen noodles. Please don't judge a college student. Life is hard.

After 20 minutes or so of prepping the food, I had brought it out to him. To my surprise, Albert had organized many of my messes. I was finally able to see the floor again. I quickly scanned the room for Albert and saw him lying on the couch, asleep. I don't understand how he's able to sleep at a stranger's home peacefully.

I sat the dishes down on the mini table, trying to be quiet as possible and not wake him up. After 10 minutes of debating if I should wake him up or not, I finally mustered up the courage to tip-toe over to him. I knelt on my knee next to him, thinking about how I should wake him up. Scream in his ear? He'll probably hate me. Shake him? My thoughts were interrupted by his beauty. His eyelashes were long, his pale skin, his golden threads, and his peach lips. He looked like the prince version of Aurora.

I bent down closer in an attempt to get a better view of his face. His mouth was slightly open. Unknowingly, my lips already touched his soft lips. This was something I never knew I was capable of. My mind started to swirl as I realized what I had done. To make things worse, he woke up. I expected him to push me, or have a reaction, but no reaction came out. I stared into his deep green eyes as he stared back.

"Ah, um, I'm sorry!" I quickly mumbled as I back away, almost tripping over myself and barely knocking the foods over.

After that, the dinner was quiet. His face was blank. Maybe I must have imagined him smirking a few times while we were eating. There were many questions I wanted to ask him. What does he do for a living? How old is he? Who exactly is he? Does he have someone he likes? But I decided it was best to stay silent... for now...

We silently dine through the food. I insisted on walking him home but he replied that it was okay. He thanked me for the food and was grateful for the meals. I waved him goodbye and shut the door behind me. I sat down, my back on the door, grasping what had just happened. My first kiss, the first meal with him, the unthinkable.


Just how many days has it been since I last saw him? 10 days? He probably doesn't want to see me anymore after what I did.

I hated thinking like that. I knew the best thing to do was to occupy my mind with something. Anything, but him. I looked down at my hands which were entangling one another on the counter. Each sliding door lifted some hopes in me. The noise meant that one of the sliding door opening could be for him. For Albert.


Is that him? I looked up, with a little more hopes than before. I slowly look back down at my hands again, disappointed that it was not him.

The door opened multiple times throughout the day. My hopes for him to come back to buy his lollipops slowly deflated as the day was about to end.


I looked up slowly, expecting the door to open for another random customer. However, he had came back. Maybe not for me, but my heart started fluttering by his presence. He walked up to me and asked "would you like to go out on a drink with me. It's a thank you for the dinner a few days ago. I'll wait for you outside since your shift end in about 10 minutes."

You might be wondering what I said next. Of course, I was panicking for five seconds straight trying to see how to respond. I tried to hide the smile on my face. Something I'm not very good at. I ended up saying "yes! Thank you!"

(bXb) Deviant Lover Where stories live. Discover now