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I panted as Albert suckled my collarbone multiple time and left a hickey. My vision became clearer and cried out "s-stop. I'm about to..." My body burned from his burning eyes that gazed up at me in ecstasy. He shuffled up slowly and whispered, tickling my ear with his warm breath, "then why are you dreaming of this?"

*Mature Content!*

I jolted up from the bed, sweating while my eyes shot wide open. I recollected myself. Ax had told me this room was going to be mine for a while. How long? No one was sure.



"S-so what exactly is Plan B?" I questioned, hoping it wasn't anything risky.

"Plan B is Boss's plan," responded Bear.

Kim rolled her eyes and facepalmed herself. "Bear, just shut up. Of course, it's the Boss's plan. He comes up with literally all of the plans."

Ax coughed, almost like he was offended.

Kim proceeded with a little laughter, "oh right, and of course Ax's brain too. Happy now?"

"Before Plan B, you need to understand the first plan that we were supposed to follow. Plan A was to safely meet up with the guy, Anthony Pedro," interrupted Ax, pointing to a guy's picture on the wall. "And his assumed leader that he apparently works for," continued Ax. Kim sat next to me as he rambled on. "Usually, Bear or Kim will tag along with Boss whenever a negotiation happens. However, this time, Anthony had informed us that his boss had specifically asked to meet with Boss alone."

I stared at Anthony's portrait. He had multiple scars on his face, and a smile so sinister I couldn't study it too long.

"W-wait, so you just... allowed Al- I mean... your boss to go alone? Did you take any precaution beforehand?" I stammered in disbelief.

"Of course we did. But Anthony's boss was just a step ahead of us," Ax protested.

My curiosity grew. "So am I in Plan A?"

"Plan B," gnarred Bear.

I cupped my face, rubbing them for comfort. "Before I ask what you want with me," I stated, "I'm assuming you want my help... or I'm of some help?"

They all nodded.

"Ok... so... it's better if I just go along and not put up a fight, isn't it?"

Once again, they nodded simultaneously.

"Ok... I'll help, but you guys... and girls... need to fill me in what happened, when, where, and all the necessary information that led up to this moment," I commanded. They glanced at one another, making skimpy faces before looking back at me.

"Alright," sighed Ax. "It was approximately six days ago when Boss left to meet them. But before that, about a month ago, Boss had informed us about the plans. Plan A was to safely meet up with Anthony's Boss. We don't apprehend much about him, but we knew he was known as 'The Scorpion' around here. Scorpion is a complex man. He's in charge of multiple businesses and has connections with high-status people. One wrong move and we're down. Anthony had notified Boss that Scorpion was smuggling weed into the city. It's illegal, but it's fine if you get caught with weed. Punishment ain't too harsh. Boss wasn't tryna mess with trivial stuff like those. But words were going around that Scorpion was also smuggling in a typa drug that could paralyze someone for a few hours, but leave all their senses on. This isn't the worst part. What makes this drug so valuable and dangerous was its after effect. The victim will be knocked out and... pang!" Ax snapped his fingers together, disrupting my concentration. "They'll forget everything that happened. We haven't 'tested' the drugs yet but it's said to work 99.9% of the time. I'm sure you can imagine the possible use for drugs like this," he explained, directing at me.

"In case you're wondering, we did take precaution. We had Boss bugged up and hid a few secret weapons on his body that they shouldn't be able to detect."

"What did Albert want with them?" I implored.

"Not too sure, but I think it's personal."

Personal? What exactly is this mess I'm involving myself with?

"The last data we have of Boss's whereabouts was 20 minutes East of their set location. If we're talking East, then that's not Scorpion's playground. That area belongs to Drag. He and Boss used to be mate, but something happened between them. Boss don't tell us much about their relationship. Thing is, why the heck would Scorpion drag Boss to Drag's playground? We don't know if Scorpion is toying with us," finished Ax, wiping his sweat off and adjusting his glasses.

Kim let out a long yawn, "can we go to sleep already. We have a long day tomorrow," she complained.

"Long day," completed Bear.

Ax nodded his head, "alright. We have to be up by five. There's more info we need to tell you, but I think this should be enough for today. Follow me."

Ax led me through a cold hallway and turned into a corridor.

"I know this is a lot of information and... sorry we brought you into this mess," said Ax guiltily.

I couldn' say anything to him. Of course, he should be sorry. I didn't deserve to be put in danger. I was just a normal college student who barely managed to survive each week. What's the point in getting mad, Lucas. You agreed to help them. I grunted, fisting my hand.

"This is your room," uttered Ax, interrupting my train of thoughts. He opened the metal door to a cold, gray, bricked room. The room felt empty and had a twin bed with a small drawer next to it. On top of the drawer was a small lamp. Ax resumed, "it's not much, but this should do for now. I understand if this is hard on you. But it is for us, too. We don't wanna be here any longer, but we have no choice. Who knows how long we'll have to stay here till we find Boss again. The bathroom is down there on the left corner," pointing straight at a hallway. "Good night, and here's a blanket," he tiredly vocalized, handing me it as he left.

I entered the cold room, locking the door behind me. I tried to force myself to sleep, but couldn't as my thoughts were all over the place. I repeatedly replayed events, and what Ax had said to me. The scenes rewinding over and over, until I somehow drifted to sleep.


My heaving slowed down as I felt my jean was tighter in my private area. Immediately, I rushed to the bathroom to release myself from the pressure that was building up. *Mature Content!*

For the mature version, please click on my profile and select the book "Deviant Lover {bXb} (18+)" CONTAINS SMUT!

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