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Albert listened attentively as I silently explained to him what occurred.


"We just need to tweak it," I said to them.

Ax's face grew as smiles formed. "That's true! If he's already broken some of the deal, we just need to manipulate how the words are formed for the others. Of course, we need evidence. The most reliable are audio and videos. Do you know what he's already violated?"

"He's already broken three of the five agreements," I answered. "The first was breaking harmony by involving a bystander."

Kim crossed her arm in confusion, "but who's the bystander?"

" Lucas," Bear interrupted, pointing at me.

"Yes, I can play as a mere college student and Scorpion's man attacked me in public and chased me home," I stated. "We just need to get a video of him admitting to it, but where does the evidence go?"

Ax sighed, "you know of the dark web right? Well, the dark web is just the surface of the deep web. Everyone can access the dark web if they try, but the deep web has thousands of rooms that require an invitation. Boss is the only one amongst us with this specific code. After a few research, I've concluded that there are, at max, seven people with the cryptogram. Boss is one, Drag, Scorpion, Gloria, Klotho, Steve Hamlet, and an anonymous person who administrates the room. After uploading the files, the anonymous individual will immediately check if the data are valid or not. After verifying, the rest will be notified and they'll decide what to do with it."

"W-wait, can you tell me who these people are exactly?" I stuttered.

"This city is messed up," sang Kim. "The north is run by Scorpion, east is Drag's playground, south is Klotho, and west is Gloria. Steve Hamlet is the mayor of this city, but he's useless. He doesn't hold any power besides being the face of the city and claiming that this city is the best."

My eyebrows knotted, "then what about Albert?"

Kim jabbed. "Boss runs downtown of La Bison, which is located in the center of the city, where we are right now. What others did Scorpion violate?"

"Well, I'm assuming he kidnapped Albert. It wouldn't make sense if he had him killed. This obviously breaks the agreement that said signatories must respect each other. He broke the last one by associating himself with drugs. The last two he needs to break is taking advantage of his power and (attempt) stealing another person's territory."

"Just how are we gonna catch him doing all those stuff?" Kim hissed.

I declared, "I might have an idea."


I glanced up to see if anyone was near us to hear our whisper, but Scorpian's crew were too busy messing around. Albert consistently kept his focus on me, retrieving every word I revealed to him.

"This must be extremely hard on the three, and especially you," Albert lamented, too ashamed to glance at me. "It's... I thought I had everything under control, but Scorpion had planned a trap! Still, I'm thinking of something that we could do, I just need to buy us some time."

I quietly consoled him, "no, everything is proceeding as planned."

He swiftly looked up. "Really?"


"We can get into action as soon as tomorrow if things go as planned," I said to the trio.

Ax rolled his chair closer, and Kim rested beside me on the couch. Bear, on the other hand, remained backed against the wall, folding his arms to his chest but listened attentively.

"Today, someone needs to show me where Albert was last recorded. Maybe we could pinpoint where they might have taken him if they left some trail. Tomorrow, we need to find where they have taken Albert. Ax, can you create a chip that records both audio and visual? If possible, make sure the clips are automatically updated to one of your software and saved."

"Easy peasy," snorted Ax with cockiness.

"Thanks," I gushed. "So, anyone wanna go with me to where Albert was last located?"

"Me," hurled Bear.

Bear's sudden voice surprised me a little. "A-alright," I forced out with a smile.

I complied as Bear ordered.

Although I'm large, in size, Bear stood a few inches taller than me. He was also more buff and had an atmosphere that you didn't want to piss off.

I followed him outside to where we had parked last time. I climbed onto the passenger's seat and unlike Kim, he waited for me to buckle up and get comfy. The car ride was quiet, and no words exchanged between us.

I clenched my fists, as discomfitures increase, and tried to think of something to say. "S-so umm... how did you and Albert meet," I finally contrived.

"Boss's bodyguard since he was a baby," he explained.

Although his answer was discreet, I was able to understand more of their relationship and more about Albert.

"What was Albert like... as a child?" I skittishly wondered.

"Boss was a troublemaker," he smiled. "I was appointed as his bodyguard when he was just a baby by his dad. He feared that his business would make it unsafe for his loved one, especially his son. Mr. Simpson hired me when I was indebted to Maung, the successor before Drag. I landed myself with over thirty thousand in debt when I lost the drug that I was supposed to sell. I expected that I'll either disappear mysteriously or end up selling some of my organs, considering I wouldn't be able to pay Maung back. But I somehow landed into Mr. Simpson's hand, and he paid Maung back in the bargain of giving my life for Albert. Growing up, Albert didn't see his parents much and had little to no friends, but he'll always hide in his treehouse. He used to love playing hide-and-seek with me until he reached his adolescent year and wanted to be more independent. Of course, I respected his choice and made sure he had his privacy. When he reached his teenage year, he urged his parents to transfer him into a public school and that's where he met Ax and some other guys. In the end, Ax was the only one he stayed in contact with." I observed, feeling a little more at ease as Bear comfortably recounted his past, mostly Albert's.

Without even realizing, Bear pulled into a mass cornfield. Green and yellow maizes grew slenderly tall, almost three heads higher than us. We felt like a gnome in the presence of the grain.

"Follow me," ushered Bear as he led me into the disturbing maze. He made his way into the cornfield, pushing them away from the path but some still managed to whip us in the arms and faces.

I stuttered, "w-where are we going?"

"Center," he blatantly answered.

After multiple times of being lashed in the face by the sharp leaves, we came to a stop in the middle. Nothing grew in the large circle, but sands remained on the ground as monstrous maizes girdled us like measle ants.

"Is this it?" I asked, in awe and somewhat frightened. He answered with a simple nod.

We began digging around the area, but we couldn't find traces. We continued searching for five minutes, then ten, then fifteen, then twenty. I arched my back as it sore from the constant bending. I wiped the sweat off my forehead, looking up at the sun that fried us. I felt hopeless, wanting to give up. "Over here," called Bear.

I quickly shot over to him, curious as to what he had found. He was about 20 yards away. I finally caught up and bent down to look at what he was staring at. There were footsteps trails. We followed, stopping at a watch that had fallen. "That's Albert," I babbled. Bear nodded.

We cautiously proceeded to follow the footsteps, noticing a run-down warehouse far ahead of us.

For mature version, please click on my profile and select the book "Deviant Lover {bXb} (18+)" CONTAINS SMUT!

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