Chapter 49 (Mad Dog)

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***3rd person Pov***

After the 2 player match,they proceeded to have have their lunch on one of the cottages.

"Curry for the win 🍛!" Announced Tanaka,Nishinoya and Hinata as they dig in.

"Hey,Hey,Slow down at eating or you'll end up like Kageyama." Akaashi reminded them,making the 3 flinch.

'Where did he come from?' The 3 thought,as Akashi walked away towards Bokuto and Kuroo,For safety reasons with Kenma.

While their are eating,some of the over sick fools saw Hinata's cheek full of rice. The love sick fools looked at each other and with a lightning strike,they began to race on who gets to wipe the rice off Hinata's face.

And drum rolls,

The one who has won is none other than,our beautiful man.

'Akaashi Keiji'

"There were some rice on your cheeks,so I had them wipe off. You should eat slowly,cause like I said. You'll might end up like Kageyama,who almost choked on his food." Hinata blushed and nodded his head,while giving his 'thanks' by hugging and giving the Owl Setter a quick peck on the cheeks. This obviously made the love sick fools rage with jealousy or sulk I'm defeated.

"Arigato Akaashi-san."

"Don't mention it Hinata."

After they ate their lunch,they decided to rest for a while or its time to have fun like swimming.

Hinata was feeling thirsty that he went to a drink store and seated on the counter.There, a man appeared.

"What can I get ya?"He asked Hinata.

"A coconut milkshake please."

"Coming right up." The man said and went to prepare Hinata's drink.

After a few minutes,the man gave Hinata's drink. Hinata 'thank' the man,as he was about to drink it. Someone slapped the drink on his hand,causing the Hinata's drink to fall. Luckily,the cup wasn't glass but plastic.

"Sorry Little boi,you can't drink this. And you! Who are you to drug this little boi?! I'm telling this to the manager!" The person said..which is a girl.

"And what proof do you have,you bitch!" The man yelled.

Suddenly the girl held up her phone and played a video,she has a smirk in her face,as for the man's face to go pale.

"This is my proof and I also work here,So say goodbye to your job. Oh wait...Yeah say goodbye." That's when the man's phone started to ring and when the man picked it up,shouts could be heard.

After the man hang up,he looked at the girl with hatred.

"This isn't over yet."

"Bish...Try me."

And with that the man left,Leaving Hinata with the girl. He honestly don't know what's happening and feels uncomfortable and confuse now.

"Um..Excuse me but what did he do? Amd what's happening? Who are you?" Hinata started to ask the girl.

"Oh..Sorry if these happened..Um. Well,You see..I was working at the back. I turned to see him take your order,and I felt suspicious. And to my shock,I saw him placed something and having a creepy smile. So yeah..That's the whole story,sorry..I'll make you another. I'm sandy by the way,please to meet you." She held up her hand Infront of me,I took her hand and gave a light handshake.

"I'm Hinata Shouyou,Call me Hinata. Please to meet you too." Hinata spoke,they both let go. And the atmosphere went awkward for Hinata.

"Sooo...You work here?"

"Yeah..This is my part-time job."

"Do you have any friends that joined you?"

"I do actually. But they ran to talk to the manager first."

"Oh..Make sense. So what about this mess? And my drink?"

"Oh yeah..Sorry forgot. I'll make another one." And with that she left,leaving Hinata waiting alone.

"Hinata?" Hinata turned his head to look at the person who called him.

"Mad dog? I-I mean Kyoutani?! What are you doing here?"

"Oh..I was just going to get a drink."

"Ah! Make sense."

Kyoutani's eyes widened as he see a slight bleed on Hinata's hand. Kyoutani grabbed Hinata's hand feeling protective.

"Who did this?" Kyoutani growled.

"Ah..This must be from that incident."

"What incident?" Kyoutani's presence was scary today and intense.

"Oh,Oh! You got it all wrong Kyoutani! She didn't mean it,she saved me from an incident..." And with that Hinata told the story to Kyoutani. The mad dog was enraged that he wanted to rip the bastard into piece,but cooled down after Hinata Patted his head.

"Good that you have calmed down."

"Uh..Yeah." Kyoutani blushed since Hinata is still patting his head.

And with that Sandy arrived with Hinata's drink.

"Ara~Ara~Hinata..You have a friend with you." Kyoutani held Hinata's hand protectively and even growled at Sandy,leaving Hinata to sigh and held his other friend's hand.

"Kyoutani,this is Sandy. Sandy this is Kyoutani or Mad dog from the volleyball club. Kyoutani,this was the person that saved me." Kyoutani looked at Sandy up and down once again,he growled a little bit then inhaled and exhaled.

"Thank you for saving Hinata."

"Ah..It was my pleasure to help someone in need. Especially when he is such a cutie." Kyoutani immediately scowled at Sandy,The girl didn't seem to mind. But felt quite mischievous at the actions of the 'Mad Dog'.

'So..This person likes Hinata? Interesting.' Sandy thought,she thought of a few teasing things but if she wanted to live. She let it slide first and wait for the opportunity.

"Kyoutani,would you like to share this coconut milkshake with me and this coconut milkshake is big." Hinata didn't give a blushing Kyoutani time to process. Sandy being slick,just placed another straw on the cup. Hinata obliviously 'thank' Sandy and held the cup,as the straws were facing each of the others faces.

Hinata stared to drink,Kyoutani was blushing that he hesitated for a little while but gave in. Hinata got off first and looked at Kyoutani.

"Its good right?"

Kyoutani just nodded his head and there Hinata continued to drink.

They also didn't acknowledge Sandy's pressence or the other Staff who are watching. And your right,its the readers in disguise..(Y'ALL AIN'T SLICK!) Not when Kyoutani glanced back at Sandy and "Readers in disguise",with an intense look on his face.He continued back to drinking with Hinata.

***End Of chapter***

Readers: Don't expose us.

Corey: 😂😂

Fuku: Mad Dog! Precious Dog of Aoba Johsai.

Maj: Do you think that Kageyama and Kyoutani are related to each other? Since they do have same intense faces or scary faces.

Libs: Holy..Hmm...

Star: I-

Corey: its time to pull a todoroki!

Sandy: *Pulls a billboard* Where should we start?

Haikyuu! Precious Crow Hinata[Finished]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang