Chapter 28 (Going to a Restroom encunters Bad People)

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***3rd person Pov***

After practice,Hinata went to the Rest Room. Suga wanted to join but Hinata decided that its fine since the Rest Room is near the Volleyball Gym. Hinata is walking to the Rest Room singing His "Pee Song."


The Baby crow finally reached the Rest Room,going in one of the cubicles to do his business. After finishing his 'pee time'. He went out finally and started walking to the gym.

He took a detour when a hand suddenly grabbed him,Hinata's eyes widened that he was trying to fight off this person. The person then grabbed a handkerchief on his pocket and placed it on Hinata's mouth that the Poor Crow was now getting dizzy and passed out on to the hands of the person. The person was now smiling that he took out his phone then dialed a number.

?: Wassup boss.
?:Yep its done alright.
?:Yeah,he out quite a fight.
?: You were right he is a cutie,mind if I have a go after you?
?:Yo~Chill..I was just joking. Yeah.Plan B success.
?: Yeah,Yeah..I'm bringing him over. Have fun with him.
?: Sweet! Finally! Took ya long enough find me a girl to hook up then bye.

**Call ended**

"Welp...Sleep tight. Sleeping cutie~ The boss is gonna take good care of you." The person then carried Hinata by the shoulders and walk away.

***Suga's Pov***

I ran out of the gym to search for Hinata,something triggered my mom senses. I ran to the Restroom to find No Baby Crow. I ran around the building for a search,Until something caught my eye. I went closer to it,to find...

A shoe and at the rear of my eye is a Bracelet. I picked out Both of them. I knew for a fact that the bracelet belongs To Hinata cause he showed us before. Then I guess the shoe belongs also to Hinata.

I quickly panicked that I searched around more desperately trying to find My Baby Precious Crow.

Minutes felt like Hours...That I was losing my breathe. After finding nothing of my Crow,I immediately dropped to my knees. Crying for not even watching closely,I blame myself....


That's when the clouds started to turn grey,as Rain started pouring while Thunders started clashing. Suga just stared at it with blank eyes,not even moving..Like you've lose someone dearest to you,which he told himself he already did.

***Daichi's Pov***

It started raining,Suga  still hasn't returned,I started to worry for both of them.

'Its 5:30pm'

I am at my dorm and just finished taking a bath,I was drying my hair when the door on my dorm opened,to reveal Suga soaked wet. I quickly approached him while grabbing another dry towel.

"What happened to you?! And where were you?! Its already 5:30pm!" I asked while drying his hair with a towel and made him sit on a plastic chair.

Suga just stared at me blankly and held up two things on his hands. A shoe and a bracelet,my eyes widened as I immediately knew those belong to. 'They belong to Hinata. Wait..What happened to him? Was that the reason why Suga started running out of the gym?'

(Corey: Idk why is it funny...when I typed the scene where Suga held up the shoe. Why was it funny to me? Idk myself. I'm out.)

I placed right hand to his shoulders...

Haikyuu! Precious Crow Hinata[Finished]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu