Chapter 17(Our Sunshine)

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After the night at 6:30pm everyone said their goodbyes cause they ain't missing any dinner. And they couldn't ask Hinata to cook for them since there a lot,plus,They wouldn't want the managers and coaches to Yell at them.

Hinata was now left alone to his room with a smile on his face remembering The fun times they did.

"Hey! Hey! Hey! So today we'll be playing Truth or Dare!" Bokuto suggested only most to cheer but for the least to groan at disagreement.

"Damn it owl! No." Semi said while doing a face palm.

"Meanie...*pouts* Hey Shouyou,My wouldn't mind us to play that right?" Said Bokuto as be walks to Hinata and Gives him a hug. And the others were totally not "jealous" while some just wheezed a little from the "jealousy".

Hinata just laughs then Patted The Owl in the head.

"Yeah. I wouldn't mind." Hearing that Bokuto Lifts Hinata up while spinning him around.


As the others Just Circled around..Even moving other furnitures so they could Fit in. Bokuto placed Hinata Beside him on the Left as Akaashi is on Hinata's right. Which again,the others "weren't completely Jealous".

They spun the bottle and the bottle was pointed to Oikawa the 'Grand King'/'Trash~'.

(Corey:Heh! Oikawa: You're Trash! You Shorty. Corey: boo! You whore.)

"Alright! Oikawa! Truth or dare?" Asked Kuroo wih his cheshire smirk. :3

"Hmm~ ah! To make it Fun. Dare."

"Good choice. Hmm~I want you to do a lap dance with Iwa-chan~" Kuroo said still smirking.

Oikawa was Smirking but a lil frightened cause they'll bother get beat up. Iwaizumi on the other hand was ready to beat the shit out of them both.

"Fine~ Iwa-chan ~Let's Go~" Oikawa said as he motions Iwaizumi...Iwaizumi just Stares at him with annoyance.

"*whispers* Bokuto-san,what's a lap dance?" Hinata whispers to the Owl...the Owl just smirks then said.

"*whispers* Just watch and you'll know."

Akaashi overheard this then decided to do something.

"Cue the Music Cat!" Oikawa did a pose,that's Kuroo's Cue to play it.

As Oikawa starts...Akaashi covered Hinata's eyes. Hinata being confused he tried to Remove Akashi's hand but to no Avail.

"Hinata it's bad for you. I'll explain it to you later."


10mins later as Oikawa finished,Iwaizumi was now drained out as his mouth was foaming. Oikawa returned to his circle as the other cheered while his team were busy trying to Help Iwaizumi.

Next,Oikawa Spun the bottle as the bottle Landed to Hinata.

"Ok...Chibi-chan. Truth or Dare."


Oikawa mentally groaned in disbelief cause he wanted Hinata to choose dare.

(Corey: Don't worry y'all...I'll do another Truth or Dare.(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°))

"So Chibi-chan? I've noticed that you're still wearing the Women's outfit. Don't you have any boy's attire?"

Haikyuu! Precious Crow Hinata[Finished]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ