Chapter 35 (Mood Johzenji Team)

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***3rd person Pov***

After a lot of laughs that abrupt Hinata's room,it was lunch. The 2 had to go cause their "Team Captains" were making a ruckus,saying goodbye to Hinata and left. Hinata feeling lonely decided to go for a walk,maybe going outside of the school. So Hinata giving another bath and change on one of his clothes,Hinata grumbled a little cause by all means,he only has women's outfit attire. 'Damn mom,you went overboard.'

Since he has no choice,he decided to find some clothes that even if its a women's attire,it should be something that won't get notice of it.
So,Hinata is wearing an orange plain shirt,blue tight jeans and a sweater that is plain dark-blue.
Looking at himself one last time on the mirror.

"Not bad,I guess it doesn't recognized as a women's attire."

So he went out of his dorm,then went ahead.

***Time skip***

*At the City*

Hinata has a bubble tea on his hand while wandering through the city,walking to some shops and stopping for a little to look,then walk again.

"Its a beautiful afternoon day." Hinata is walking through a cafè,when...




"O-Oww.." Both groaning in pain,while rubbing at the parts on where they got hit.

"Aah! Oh my gosh! I-I'm so sorry for bumping into you man,You good?" A voice can be heard while a hand is stretching out.

"Oh..I'm fine,I'm fine. And its no biggie,I wasn't looking." Taking the hand as Hinata stand up,while bowing in apology.

"Hey man,I was the one who bump into you..Oh my gosh,Your shirt is stain cause of me. I'm sorry." The person was bowing too in apology.

"Oh..Its fine,At least..we know our mistakes,by the way..My name is Hinata Shouyou! Please to meet you." Hinata said while bowed in respect.

"Oh..Nice to meet you too..My names Libs." The person bowed in respect too.

"Anyways,are you in a hurry?" Hinata started to asked.



Thus made Libs flinched,while Hinata started to get a curious but afraid.

"Oh Crap..."

"What's happening?" Hinata started to ask a question,but Libs didn't answer and grabbed Hinata's hand and started to run.

"W-wait..What's happening? LIBS!"

"Sorry..I can't answer that question,just run and I'll get you out of here since this isn't your business. And I don't want you to get involve or anyone."

Just then Libs,dragged Hinata to a tailor shop. Hinata was about to open his mouth but muffled by Libs' hand. Hinata stayed quite as Libs look through the glasses,as she immediately duck down (My phone autocorrect 'Duck' to 'suck' XD),then she removed the hand that was on The crow's mouth.

"I'm Sorry for that Hinata."

"Its ok..But why were they chasing you?"

"Well..I can't tell you that,anyways...See ya." By that,Libs just ran out of the store,leaving the crow dumbfounded and confused.

"Well..I guess." Just as Hinata stood up.


"Eh?!" As Hinata was about to turn around,an arm was slung on his shoulder.

Haikyuu! Precious Crow Hinata[Finished]Where stories live. Discover now