Chapter 13 (Protect the Precious Crow)

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Hinata's Pov

The team and I are having a practice match with Date Tech. As the ball almost hit the ground,Nishinoya-senpai did his 'Awesome' Rolling Thunder! So the ball is in mid-air,As Bakeyama went to set it,I jumped in the air to spike the ball. That's where Aone-san Went to block,Slow motion..My eyes widened as I have searched the 'spot'. Like what I did on the practice match before with Kuroo-san,Akaashi-san,Bokuto-san,Stingyshima and Lev.

I spiked the ball to Aone-san's Fingetips then the ball bounced up and over to court where no one could catch up. We then made a point,I lost my balance and fell down,which I landed on my butt.

"Ow!" I tried to stand but Once again,I fell down.

"HINATA!" My team approached me with concern in their eyes.

"You ok?" Suga asked.

"Yeah! I'm fine. My butt just hurts a lil."

"You should take a rest. You've taken a big blow in your ass."

"No,no,no! It's fine...I can still jump."

"Suga's right...You need to rest,don't worry we'll call you later." Daichi put a hand my shoulder with a smile on his face.

"Ok Daichi-san." I sulked a little then went to switch with Narita. I walked to the bench,I noticed my Sprain,they noticed,huh?

A few minutes past,They didn't call me for a sub..but I guess it's fine. As now that I'm concerned for the sprain on my foot. 'Stupid Sprain'

The practice match has ended as our Team Won. I went to them for a high five and fist Bumps except for Stingyshima and Bakeyama.

I looked at Date Tech,for a successful eye contact with Aone-san. I flinced a lil,then relaxed with a smile On my face and did a thumbs up saying 'Good Job.'

Aone-san blushed? Wait? Why did he blushed then returned my gesture with a thumbs up too.

(A/N: *le cries of Happiness* AoHina is a pure ship ಥ_ಥヘ(༎ຶ ཀ༎ຶヘ))

The next match is Aoba Johsai and Shiratorizawa. My eyes gleemed because this is gonna be the best fight that I'll see. The Grand King vs Japan! This is gonna be cool.

I felt thirsty that I went to Daichi-san to ask permission to get a drink.

"Sure,Just be quick. That match will start at a few Minutes."

"Hai!" I quickly ran to the nearest Vending machine. (A/N: Does Shiratorizawa have those? There's no scene of it. Well whatever. Just pretend.)

I arrived at the nearest vending machine.

"Luckily there's one here." I chose a drink then jogged happily.


Ah CRAP! I bumped at someone only for not my drink to spill either in both of us,but his drink only spilled on me.
(A/N: This ain't a what is from the shounen manga what? I changed it cause why not?!)


"Oh crap,Sorry Man..." This man made eye contact with me.

"*Sigh* It's fine. I'll just go change." I was about to leave then his hand just grabbed me,so we made eye contact again. Only for me to be scared on what's about to happen.

"H-hey?! The heck?! Let go!" Moving my arms with the result to No avail. 'Aargh! He has a strong grip!'

"Now,Now...I rarely see any cute girls around here...What's your name? I wanted to meet a beautiful person like you. Want me to repay you? Let's go in a date."

Haikyuu! Precious Crow Hinata[Finished]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें