Chapter 32(Clothes and Coach Ukai's Protectiveness)

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***3rd person Pov***

As they were having lunch,Hinata was at Karasuno table,Sitting beside his 2 best senpais.

"So Hinata,What are you going to do with these Girl clothes after Team practice?" Nishinoya asks,pointing to the clothes Hinata's wearing.

"Oh..I'll probably reserve these." Hinata said while holding to his clothing.

"Reserve?" Yamaguchi asked while eating barbeque.

"Yeah,I'll reserve this for Natsu,my little sister..You know,When she grows up." Smiling to himself at the thought of his little sister growing up,this made the whole team 'touched' especially the 2 senpais who tackled Hinata into a hug.



"You are such a great big brother!" They both said while squishing the poor crow.

"H...he-help!..." Hinata quickly whimpered that Asahi and Daichi had to pull them away and Suga being a protective mother had to send Hinata into his arms.

"Arigato,you three." They all just nodded their heads,Daichi was scolding the 2 for their sudden move. And Suga just placed Hinata beside him and Ennoshita.

"Just stay here and,Have some more meat 🍖." Ennoshita offered that Hinata thanked him and happily eating more of it.

***Meanwhile at the other tables***


"*Whistles* Chibi-chan is very thoughtful,Dang~" Kuroo said while eyeing the Karasuno table.

"Its only natural,since that's what older brothers do anyways." Kenma said while playing with his Psp.

"Yeah...If I were Hinata,I'd probably do the same." Inouka said while the others nod their head in agreement.

"I wonder if it was me and sister." Yamamoto mumbled to himself.

***Aoba Johsai***

"Chibi-chan is just too precious Iwa-chan!", Oikawa was shaking Iwaizumi back and forth earning a tick mark on Seijou's Ace that he jabbed the Brunette to chest.

"Shut up! I get it! It is adorable! Just shut your mouth and eat!"

"Mean! Your just jealous cause me and Hinata are the same! I have a young little nephew and Hinata has a young little sister." Oikawa immediately covered his mouth,realizing his mistake. He wanted to take it back,but its too late now,Iwaizumi was cracking his knuckles that a bunch of tick marks appeared to each vain on his body especially his hands.

"Now your Screwed...Good luck if there's a miracle Oikawa." Matsukawa and Hanamaki both said while snickering,pure evil.

"Though I have to agree on Oikawa-senpai,it is cute of Hinata." Yahaba said earning a nod from the other Seijou team,and yes even Mad Dog Kyoutani.


They are all just crying cause of Cuteness. Like a bunch of freaking saplings sap they are.

***Date Tech***

No one said a word but just get on with there food,but can't help with Aone and Futakuchi who are blushing.


Tendou singing the worst and annoying song Ohira and Yamagota tried to stop him,Shirabu just choked on his meat (Dirty minded again),Semi gave Shirabu water but eyes still looking at the Karasuno table,Goshiki was just eating his food faster and Ushijima was just keeping tabs on Karasuno 10.


Bokuto's mouth was being stuff with a bunch of meat by Akaashi,making him not shout but choke. Now showing mercy,Akaashi gave Bokuto water that The Owl captain drank it while coughing that Komi was Patting his back.


"For you to be quiet,And I get it...Hinata is Adorable." Akaashi said blankly while eating his food but keeping tabs on the baby orange hair crow.

Bokuto just pouts and just drank his water,the team just dead panned.

***Let's go to the Coaches***

The coach of Shiratorizawa Volleyball was having a head ache while talking to the Coach of Shiratorizawa Basketball,The Basketball coach was paranoid of getting Kiyome out of the Position as Captain of the Basketball team,since he is one of his best players.

Just as The Old man has had enough,A punch was slammed to a wall nearly hitting the Basketball coach,this mde them both flinched at the sight of the person.

"Now..As a Coach,Yes...Having great players is a ticket to Win. But.." Once again punch was land on the wall,making the Basketball coach wet his pants while Coach of Shiratorizawa Volleyball was amused by watch is presentation in front of him.

"Having a guy who is a brat is the most annoying thing to have on the team and they are a lot of good players to be Captain,So I suggest you do it..or I'll be the one teaching that student a lesson.And I won't hold back especially people who sexually harassed,not only a student but one of my Precious Kin." The Coach of Basketball was nothing more but a scared and pale blob of a human being. He just gave a nod then limping away in fear,Just he was away. Coach Ukai was now groaning a little in pain,since he put out so much strength that the wall is now damaged.

"Aargh..That bastard better do it,or I swear this wall is going to be him. Sorry about that Coach,I was annoyed." Coach Ukai said while rubbing the back of his head.

"Non taken young coach,I am impressed actually."

"Well..Since that's settled. Let's go see the other coaches and our team players on how are they doing today." The Old Coach nodded in agreement,Coach Ukai let the Shiratorizawa coach go first,'since respect the elders' he said to himself.

***End of Chapter***

Yass to Coach Ukai! I've always wanted to write a scene where Coach Ukai would make someone shit their pants. And yass! I timed it nicely!

Fuku: Why not give him a punishment? Like being tortured by the Volleyball team?

You should time it perfectly since no one cares aboit him and they would just break the 4th wall and kill him.

Fuku: Seems fair,but you still need to do a scene on what happened next.

Working on it!

Haikyuu! Precious Crow Hinata[Finished]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora