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I started my medication the exact day I received my reports. I needed to learn to take care of myself a little more. And so there I was working on it. At the same time I was working on the closed case of my father's murder. At that moment I had no clue what I was going to do afterwards.

This man was not really a father to me, all he did is to be an asshole. Why should I need to bother about his death? Then I asked myself whom was I lying to? The revelation of his death and it's reason caused me insomnia. I lost the feeling of home for someone who was never there for me.

The world seemed to spinning around and I threw myself on the couch. The medicines contained high power and I reacted to it accordingly. I didn't fall asleep entirely but I felt a little dizzy after taking them.

My mother was returning on Saturday and I hadn't figure out how I was going to confess things to her. It was going to be hundred times tougher than it took me to Clara. My mother, she is kindest and modest human ever but the way she sounded the other day still send shivers down my spine.

My phone sobered me vaguely. It was Ryan.

"Hey mate" I answered in raspy voice.

"What the heck Theo! Why aren't you playing tomorrow!" The same amount of fury he had in his tone like coach.

"Yea, I signed the application form. Didn't coach give you that ?" I replied in low tone.

"What! No!" He said instantly.

"I cannot play. I'm really not in a good health. I have this constant pain in my abdomen. My pancreas is all destroyed and my intestines are bleeding inside. In conclusion that fight is paying back. I'm fucked." I explained him my condition. He didn't reply straight forwardly I could imagine the shock on his face.

"Goddammit Theo. Take care for fuck's sake. You rest and I'll find a way to get you back your position of Captain in the team." Ryan said in full concern.

"Hold on, you are captain for now.. right!"

"Yes well I am."

"Why do you want to give up on that? Ryan?" I asked.

"Because you're better captain and above that your hard work should pay you off, some nonsensical bullshit should not take it away from you. You deserve to be our captain. You runs the team better than me. I'm just not being selfish and try to be a decent friend." He nervously chuckled at the end. I had no words for him.

"Ryan man! Th.. thank you!" I whispered. Nothing else came in my mind.

"All the best for tomorrow though. I know you'll lead perfectly and win the game." I cheered him and wished him luck. He similarly deserved this win.

As I was busy on call Erick entered the living room. I got up and made place for him on the couch.

"Thanks" he mused.

I hung up and put my phone aside.

"You got your reports?" Erick asked later on.

"Uh hmm" I passed him the reports. The original copy that I left at home.

"Theo this is some severe damage! They asked for surgery too?" He asked timidly.

"No. Not for now, but if I'll show tiniest bit of carelessness in treatment then I might have to undergo for a surgery. And yea I don't want that." I replied chuckling apathetically.

"Shit Theo." He cursed slowly.

"Yea, shit hit the fan Erick." I smiled anxiously.

"So I heard you're not playing tomorrow. I think first time ever you've taken a right decision." He said.

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