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9:50 pm. At the VULTURE HALL.

It was about time. The crowd was all set and packed inside for the show. After the last member entered the hall and they were about to close to tight, Bailey and George arrived.

The guard at the door shocked to his core and instantly called Jackson, who was head of everything there. After waiting for about ten minutes, Jackson came hurriedly at the main entrance.

"I thought, you were gone!" Jackson yelled at George.

"I don't owe you a shit Jackson. You were trying to play hero but you're same as all of them, an asshole." George spat.

"Very well! Go! fight! Die! Your sweet loving boyfriend will take his last breath tonight, now if you're okay with that then nothing will be now on my conscience anymore!" Jackson infuriated in frustration. He was done with everything.

"You don't worry about that." George smirked and entered the venue with Jackson and Bailey.

People inside the hall were jumping, screaming at the top of their lungs and hooting like lunatics. Everybody was going mad and the rush in their veins were purely visible on their faces.

Then a voice came through a mic, pierced through the speakers.

"You people sure as hell put everything in this fight club. I know why, cause you loved it. It made you feel free, it made you feel alive, it made you lose the contact from the reality out there. People! We are all messed up and some of us chose this way to deal with it. A day ago it would feel like the world is a small place but it's the matter of seconds when everything could change, it becomes wider and wider and non of it will stay pretty anymore. Remembrance of a slight thing here we need and, that is you're not the only survivor. You are fighter and YOU FIGHT BACK" the thick, hoarsely voice followed by the deafening screams inside the room.

"For today, we have got THE BAIT." People kept on screaming louder.
"The stacks we've collected it's seventy. It's fucking seventy tonight." it was sure as blue, they were aroused after hearing the total.

"On the opponent side, we've Michael!" I sounded like everyone in the room knew him as true as sin.
"And bait here we've got Bailey!" No one shouted enough for him but they all were excited to see how it ends.

"Are you both ready!" The voice on the microphone asked bluntly. They both slightly nodded.
"Are we all ready!" It screamed to the crowd to which they answered in louder cheering.

"So let the fight begin." The voice on mic suddenly went cold as concrete and announced the fight.

People were going insane with every breath fighters take. Bailey was trying his best not get hit horribly, he was constantly dodging Michael and that was infuriating Michael badly. When Bailey flinched for a spilt second, Michael stormed himself at him and hit him hard on the ground. Then after the count to three, the opponent got the mark. Bailey lied on the ground coughing, after taking his breath he stood up. Out of the blue for Michael, Bailey punched severely at the middle of his chest, consequently taking away his balance by kicking at the back of his knees, bringing him down on the ground. Crowd gasped at his move and after the count to three, this point goes to Bailey. Bailey's broken limbs were already giving up and he couldn't breath properly after attempting that move. And Michael took advantage of that, he knew where Bailey was already hurt terribly. He played the dirty game and kicked as hard as he could beneath Bailey's chest. In the result to that Bailey not only lost the point but blood started to coming out of his mouth and he knocked out lying unconscious on the ground.

Bailey lost the first round to the opponent.

The first round finished quicker than Theo imagined then the same raspy thick voice announced the break. During the break time, George rushed towards Bailey, lifted him and dragged him to one end of the ring.

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