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"Yea, he is my dad.. or he was as in he's dead now." I told him Erick seemed lost command on his words.

"I... Uh I.. oh damn goodness.. I uh... I'm sorry Theo." He finally managed to say.

"Ah it's alright! It was long ago." I stated yet not really long ago for me.

"You never talk about your dad, I didn't know about him." Erick said obliviously looking blankly on the sheets in front of him.

"Yea, I didn't know much about him either except that he was a jerk pathetic psychopath, who was murdered in cold blood." I blurt out as it was nothing but the words were jerked me a bit and Erick furrowed in complete shock. He froze it his spot and couldn't come up with anything. I totally understand it would be awkward and scary at the same time.

"Yep, it's true. Long story. But whatever he's gone." I coldly said shaking off the topic of my dad.

Erick didn't ask anything further. To which I was kinda glad. Then a cold thought came in my head send me chills down my spine.

Do my mum know about this?

There was a piece of me hoped she didn't know about this. But some part of me logically speaking that there's no way she doesn't know any of this. She was married to this man once. It wasn't something someone can hide easily for years. But she hid it with perfection from me though.

"Theo, your mom know about this"? Erick literally read my mind.

"I don't know." All I could say. I had suspicions but I wasn't sure.

These papers were seriously too old to be still valid, yet why they were kept safe and cleaned.

Then Erick's phone vibrated like it was a message or something, slightly taking us out of deep thinking.

"It's a Facebook notification." Erick said profound bewildered.

"So, what see that later!" I didn't pay much attention to it though at first.

"It's from you. From your account." Then it strick. I quickly crawled near him and he clicked on the notification.

That's when I saw it. The cold and numbness crept in my body. I was rooted to my spot; the thing on the screen blocked my mind and disrupt my mental state. It was gut wrenching. I couldn't believe it was really up there.

It was a video of me earlier in the little room of the cafe, madly making out with Madeline. Someone leaked it on the internet through my personal fucking account. And I knew who exactly was this person.


"Theo you said you've lost your phone right?" Erick said flabbergasted. "So whoever has posted it must have your phone because it is posted about fifteen minutes ago. Did you seriously do that?" Erick asked seriously upset with it.

"Yea, but sincerely I never made a video or did it intentionally. It was demand of the situation I did it just to get the passes. And it certainly didn't go as it seems here." I finished talking but I couldn't say if he believed me. He was upset I hoped not from me. Not again.

"You could've gone for anything else!" Erick said quietly.

"I had no choice. Dammit" I cursed under my breath. He didn't say anything for a long moment.

"I believe you. It's okay." Erick said and I felt a little relief. "Do you know who uploaded it?"

"Obviously the same person who made this video. This girl, Madeline." I stated the obvious staring furiously at the screen.

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