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Finally I felt like I was on the top of the world. I achieved the target which was unbelievably difficult to reach for me. It shouldn't be but the turns of events in my life made it tremendous.

I was standing in the front porch of my house, and wishing silently that Fin was still asleep. I unlocked the front door entered in as silently as possible.

"You're back!" I heard a voice called me from aside.

Bailey was standing in the kitchen with his shirt off and cooking something.

"Hey! And what do you think you're doing?" I asked him at his posture.

"Ahh! Sorry for this inconvenience mate, I didn't know you were coming so just headed up to help myself a little because of a feeling called hunger." He explained in detail. Yet there was no mention of his being shirtless in my kitchen. But mom was not in town, so who care!

"Hey, I'm making some pancakes and eggs, would you want some?" He asked, tossing the egg in the pan.

"Yeah! I would love some, but before let me shower. I awfully need that." I replied monotonic.

"Ironic" he chuckled.

I chose to ignore that. He kind of acted like a total jerk but I couldn't say anything cause of the favour he did for me.

I got ready real quick then realised I got ready only to stay at home and chill.

I walked down in kitchen for breakfast. Bailey flashed the biggest smile ever. And now he had a tank top on. Which was better. In few seconds, Fin came in the kitchen like a storm.

"So how was the girl?" And Fin being Fin, shoot his first comment. I coughed a little and Bailey burst into laughter.

"What.. what girl who told you that?" I nearly threw up the coffee.

"Oh c'mon! You could never leave me especially when mum's not around this was must be an end of the world condition. Plus I heard Bailey talking to someone before I fell asleep." And he grinned wider at the end of his sentence, there I gave death glare to Bailey. He was all red.

"Bailey, who told you I went to see a girl." I tried to make my voice sound lot calmer than it came out.

"I guess, I made a guess." He stammered. Poor choice of words too.

"And you just spit that out to my brother!"

"No.. no.. I was on phone. I'm sorry." Bailey was standing near the counter looking totally pissed.

"Please let's have breakfast. Or I'm calling mom." Fin stepped into the conversation.

I was really mad at Bailey but I decided to feed myself and listening to Fin.

"So, mum called?", Fin said.

"What, what did she say?"

"Oh goodness! Theo I'm asking not informing. Have you gone mad?" Fin snap me out of my lost mind. There i felt sudden rush of feeling of insecurity.

"No she didn't call, must be busy as soon as she'll get time she will call." I replied.

We had rest of breakfast quietly.

Bailey left shortly.

And it was Saturday, entire day I could spend with my brother and calm my soul.

In addition i was thinking of asking Fin to meet Clara. With twists and turns of words but couldn't come up with something valid to say. Therefore I didn't ask him that moment.

We both were watching Fin's favourite show on tv enjoying our Saturday in most ordinary way.

"Hey Theo, last night when you were gone. I woke up in the middle of night for wee." Fin started talking.


"I was alone, all alone in here. I called multiple times Bailey's name but he was not here. He was out. Where'd he go I don't know, but it felt sick and scary. Promise me Theo you won't leave me like that ever again." Fin almost cried, which squeezed my heart real hard but simultaneously I was also fuming with anger how could he leave him just like that. Plus he also acted strange in the morning, he need to answer.

But not today. I decided to spent the entire weekend with Fin, also I wanted him to meet Clara. It would be hell of a time.

After a little while, we both stayed quiet, I decided to talk to Fin about Clara.

"Hey, mate!"

Fin was busy in tv show, he hummed.

"Fin, I wanted to tell you something really interesting."

"Say it, Theo." Fin said biting the tv remote, probably oblivioun to everything around him.

"I had a sweet, calm and relaxing sleep last time." As I finished the sentence, he abruptly threw the remote control and turn at me and all his focus.

"I'm so happy. How did that happen? Tell me everything? Is that her who helped you?" He said with a cheeky blush, and he was wrong though.

"Yea, sort of."

"She's an angel" Fin declared.

I couldn't agree more.


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