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Hospital plan went accordingly. But I couldn't manage to avoid suspicions raised after abruptly leaving the hospital and taking the patient with us. It was obvious. It was a runaway. Well that was exactly what I was pretty much doing the entire day.

Ryan by far nailed his acting skills and pretty much convinced them in giving us the form. After running away from the hospital, Ryan took Bailey back at the safe house. Leaving other part of the plan on me and Erick. Later on I and Erick went straight for the bank.

"Hello Mr. Arthur, how may I help you?" Our accountant, Joseph Morris, who manages mine as well as all other accounts of my mother including both formal and informal ones, warmly greeted me. I cleaned myself up accurately to show myself in not-so-into-danger posture, so that he won't think any otherwise.

I didn't engage myself into any kind of long conversation and simply forwarded the urgency-form onto the countertop.

"What's the matter?" He inquired tried his best hiding the sight of fear from his face. I ignored it though.

"Just, uh- an accident happened an hour ago. I need money urgently. It's an emergency as you can see in the hospital form. You can inform my mother accordingly after twelve hours, you know the regulations and conditions here." I stated the obvious, turned my tone into pathetically scared. Erick did nothing but simply nodded from the behind.

"We need it quiet quickly if you might see the fragility of the situation we've got here." I requested but relentlessly.

"Yea, I know it all. I bring the money you wait here." All he said and left the counter. And I kept on wishing this was the last hurdle, just hope it don't flip everything upside down to hell.

After a little wait, he came back with fresh sets of money and asked for my signature in transaction form. I filled all the formalities it required.

We left the bank with money at the backseat.

"You're nuts dude!", groaned Erick while driving.

"I know, I am!" I replied. I was feeling like I betrayed him for something and feeling sorry for it constantly.

"You could've called us, or atleast picked my phone." He angrily said.

"I know, I couldn't think of anything that moment. Look mate, I am sorry." I apologized.

"You stick that sorry up your arse. You meet after all these. If they won't kill you in the process, I'll kill you after it all ends." I knew Erick was serious after he gave me that death threat. But I couldn't help myself and chuckled at his words.

"You think it's funny!" He screamed but he didn't sound much angry anymore.

"Yea mate I love you too." I said taking deep breath without breaking my sight from the watch.

It was already seven thirty-five. Time was running out of hands like the wave of happiness. It was the time for ultimate plan. I knew no one's gonna like it but no one's got any choice either.

We returned back at Erick's place.

"Theo now what?" Asked George agressively losing patience.

"Everyone sit down and pull your shits together." I announced and they followed what I said."George, tell me everything, every detail, rules –upper hand, lower hand, nasty, pure, everything about this Fight Club." I pretty much ordered him.

"What you mean by that! Are you gonna submit your lifetime investments into this? What are you talking about man?" Erick asked out of oblivion still seemed furious at me.

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