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After covering the small distance, I found George sitting in a car parked across the street.

I ran up to the car and hopped in the passenger seat.

"What the fuck?" George screamed. Take a good look at my stance.

"Yea I know, I know. I got the pass though." I replied trying sound normal.

"So she gave you the pass and in return you donated the blood for her dog or something." He remarked the mockery. As I handed him the pass I received.

"You've got to be kidding me! Are you crazy? Tell me honestly are you fuckin crazy!" He screamed with even more intensity this time."What the fuck were you thinking of filling up the form for Fifteen fucking thousands Euros?  How could you be so thick inside your skull?" He was scolding me like mum now.

"Calm a bit down George. It's just a formality" I replied.

"Ha! Gracious Formality! Like the one almighty God did by providing me the insane quintessential life. That kinda formality right!" He snorted and let out a humour- less laughter. "They will bloody slaughter you in the name of the fucking formality! You understand."

"This blood all over your t-shirt is also a formality right," then he murmured into his breath,"That fucking sadist swine." He hit the staring wheel, "Were you fulfilling your fetishes too in the midst of this critical situation?"

"Now shut the fuck up! Have you lost your mind?" I tried to shout but my chest was hurting a little more by every passing second.

"You have lost your mind. Not me!" He said but this time he didn't shout.

He opened the drawer at other side of steering wheel and take out the first-aid kit.

"So can you do it yourself or I should do the honours!" George mocked.

"Stop taunting. I didn't have to go through this in the first place if it wasn't for Bailey and your nonsense. I should be the one shouting. But here I am trying my best to save your boyfriend's life which is in danger, all thank to you." I blurt out through the pain and anger.

He didn't say anything. But I could clearly see the sorrow on his face, and I felt bad saying all that to him afterwards.

He was now glancing down at the pass I gave him and I started putting the antiseptic and bandage on my wounds.

"I don't understand this." He said after long pause and awkward silence.

"What?" I asked calmly.

"I thought they'll choose the spot they usually choose, some place on the south side border of the town, but tonight's fight venue is Wentworth's lane, Block B-12, northeast, Silver Hem city." He finished telling something I didn't actually understand.

"What's wrong in Wentworth's lane, north-east?" I asked in oblivion.

"What's wrong! Everything is wrong with that side of the city. No one visits there. It's for more savage and treacherous kind of crime destination. Like if you want someone dead for good they've got assassins. And they smuggle drugs through out the country, the kind of drug that could end you up behind the bars for more than twenty-five years if you got caught in the act with them. It the side of town everyone's just solemnly avoid to visit. And these guys never usually held their Underground fights there. Especially the Sunday ones." He informed in frightened voice. The day was just getting worse and worse. And I was losing my patience, mind and sanity altogether. The world of crime is worse than hell.

"Okay, I think we can handle that." I tried to joke but it was useless. It was utterly useless to lighten up the atmosphere.

"Did you got any hint where they're holding Bailey?" I asked him about his part of the plan.

"Yea this tissue I've got from Madeline's handbag. I wasn't sure if it's the exact location where they are keeping him hostage. But now see,"he showed me the little piece of paper and it had the address written on it of the same place in northeast side. Just few blocks away from main fight location.

"It's Block D-6" I said after examining the paper. "Let's get going then. Let's rescue Bailey."

George roared the engine and we drive off to Wentworth's Lane.


The atmosphere in Wentworth's lane was edgy and uptight. There was barely anyone walking on the street. Seemed to like the least crowded place on earth.

George slowed down the speed of car as I looked outside the window everything seemed depressing and ready to kill. The atmosphere referred as the sun never spread it's warmth here. This place was darker than the darkest places of my mind. And my darkest places stole my sleep for a month. It was just worse.
My insides twist at the sight of this side of town.

I never knew the Silver Hem was so full of mysteries and straight face lethal. The treachery was in the air of the northeast.

George parked the car at extremely secretive spot he found.

"This is Block-D-6." He pointed his finger at the very old, monumental and most petrifying looking building ever.

This almost seemed impossible to rescue Bailey from the place looking as frightening as that. But we've got to do it.

"Now listen, you do the tough work here. Go in straight. Make them all attack at you." I said.

"Oh, so you basically asking me to walk into my grave. Let them all take me then die brutally." He mocked, "masterplan dude!"

"What no!" I stated."You have to bring distraction. Make them all focused on you and please don't die."

"Yea, it's like they're just waiting there to welcome me, as soon as I enter the manor they throw the fucking feast. Do you assume what they might serve for the main course? Oh yeah, how my intestine sounds to you! Delicious enough!" He boomed.

"Do you ever stop talking? Like ever. Just. Hear. Me. Out." I was controlling my anger, before they do anything I might kill him.

"Just get in there and beg." I spoke.

"What's-" he was about say something again but I cut him off.

"Listen once for fuck's sake." I grunted." Whenever you try to ask your enemy to show mercy or even better beg for it, they feel more powerful, think they've got the upper hand in the situation. Their confidence just shot up and perhaps cross the level of overconfidence. And that will gain you all the time you need." I explained with the simplest way possible for me,"I will trespass from the rearmost door of the building. I will find Bailey and get him out of there."

"And how long do I need to act like a helpless hobo?" He asked, looking pissed.

I took a glance at my wrist watch, it was four thirty.

"They won't hand over Bailey that's for sure you know that too, so all you need is to make them enjoy themselves enough to pass almost twenty minutes or more. They will eventually get bored after that. And because of their desperate measures to keep you away from the Superior tonight, they'll try to keep you locked down, they will bring you to room where they're keeping Bailey. And that's when you will escape. With him and me. All of your act of the mooch will help me gain enough time to find him. I promise I will get you both out of there." I tried to sound confident where I knew my heart could burst out any minute with this rapid beating.

"Don't make promises you might fail to keep" he wasn't mocking anymore, he was rather gloomy and I could see him physically shivering.

"Umm.. a doubt" he inquired,"what if they don't bring me to Bailey. And lock me away in another room or something."

"The troubled gowks like them will always try to restrain their mess, that way it is easier for them to handle it. They won't act through brains right now, their mind needs vengeance that will blind them from their wit, only if they have it." I answered and we both chuckled.

"Just try not to die." I patted his shoulder.

"Likewise mate!" He smirked and left the car.


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