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I was helping and trying to indulge myself completely into this. I wasn't ready I agree but nothing should go wrong in the Memorial. I would never let that happen. I was rechecking the guest list and confirming the catering services too. I was quite busy in my day, so that I wouldn't have time to think and don't let the rush of scary thoughts run in my mind.

I was coping up with last night's panic attack. I didn't tell grandma yet. After the event, I made a choice I will tell her I need help.

In the midst of my busy day writing down the invitation list and confirming the catering, then I heard my grandma calling me. I got up perplexed and sauntered into the hall.

"Yes granny-" I stopped in the middle of my sentence when I saw the same boy from Theo's place the other night.
How did he know where do I live, and why was he there? I had questions in my mind confusing me.

"Hey, Clara can I talk to you for a minute." He asked calmly standing in the middle of the hall. My grandma seemed amused by his surprise visit, it perhaps gave her hope that I was now making friends getting along normally in my life.

"You like tea son, I'll make some tea for you both." She chimed and went in the kitchen.

I didn't know why was he here, but still etiquettes. I lead him to couch in main hall and politely we took our seats.

"Hello, Clara I'm Erick Theo's friend. We go to the same school." He said looking a bit edgy.

"You're the same guy, we met at Theo's place the other night. I know who you are. Sort of." I told him, though I didn't personally know who was he.

"Yea, yea." He signed.

"What are you doing here, how'd you know where I live?" I asked him normally but I didn't think so it came out that normally.

"Yea, that exactly what I wanna talk about." He said looking straight into my eyes.

"That night, after everything that Theo went through the whole day, when I was driving him back home he told me he betrayed a friend that he promised to be there for someone but he failed that part. He couldn't keep up with his promise." He paused. I didn't say anything just listened to him."He was talking about you right?"

"What, how-" I stammered but he interrupted and continued.

"I tell everything that I could. Everything else would be his story to tell." He took a deep breath.

"Theo then went little crazy after realising he wasn't there for you. Instead for going straight to home, he asked me, begged me to take him to your place first. I drive him here before taking him to his place. He was hopelessly looking at your window, madly rushing here and there just for you to at least see him standing there. Just reckon that he didn't betray you. He was hurt, injuried but his remorse was so huge that brought him here before doing anything else. And no sorry, my apologies- it wasn't the remorse, he genuinely care about you even he put you above himself. I know my best friend." He smiled sadly. After knowing this I lost words. I was feeling various emotions. And it now even hurt me more that way the reacted that night. The way I treated him. He came here. He didn't forget anything. He came for me.

"So that's how I know where you live. I'm not here to bother you, I'm here for my friend. I cannot do anything but to request you to just talk to him, give a chance." He further elaborate. "And if you might be wondering, I must clear out he didn't send me here. He didn't even know I am here. Theo don't do arbitration."

I didn't straight way say anything. He was right. He care about his friend. So I thought I should let him know my side of the story. After a while, I broke the silence.

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