Chapter 1) It All Started With A Game...

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 Kate's POV: It all started with a challenge. The boys were gathering around a nice flat sandy patch and setting up a net for a game of volleyball, Kwazii and Peso were on one team, and Captain Barnacles and Shellington were on the other. I was sculpting something out of sand (I wasn't sure what yet), Dashi was taking some pictures of the coastline, and Tweak and Selene were tossing a Frisbee back and forth. All in all, a perfectly normal day off for the Octonauts.

Yeah, right. That was going to change. I could sense it in the prickling fur of my tail.

Meanwhile, Kwazii had sent the volleyball high and far. It was headed straight for Selene! "Selene, look out!" Captain Barnacles called. Selene turned around and bumped the volleyball back toward the net, where it landed next to a very shocked tabby.

"Whoa! I didn't know you were so good at volleyball!" he exclaimed.

The white wolf chuckled. "Well, now you do." she replied coolly.

"Bet I'm better." Kwazii challenged, grinning. Selene glared at him. Kwazii glared back.

Suddenly, Selene shouted, "Boys versus Girls Volleyball Contest!" Everyone else ran over.

"Oh yeah!" I yelled. Kwazii's grin widened. "You're on, me hearties!"

Tunip, who had been watching the exchange with interest babbled something. Shellington smiled. "Tunip said he wants to referee the game," the scientist translated.

The Captain looked at Kwazii, then at Selene, then back at Kwazii, probably trying to figure out what the heck had just happened between the two. Eventually, he shook his head. "Alright." He said, amusement in his eyes. "Boys versus Girls Volleyball Contest begins...NOW!"


Barnacles' POV: Selene hadn't been joking. She commandeered most of the shots at first, knocking the ball, as Tweak would say later 'faster than you can say bunch o' munchy crunchy carrots'! Dashi chose to stay out of the game, so Tweak, Selene and Kate went against me, Kwazii and Shellington. Kwazii tried his hardest, focusing most his shots towards Selene to try and knock her out of the game, but all of his shots she parried, hitting them back with ease and a growing grin on her face.

Tweak whooped a couple of times when Selen hit the ball really high, and there were large smiles on the Octonauts' faces as they played. Shellington, while jumping for the ball, slipped, and hit it way out of view in the bushes. 

"Sorry," Shellington apologized, going red. Kate shook her head.

"It's fine."

Tunip chattered to the other Vegimals and they grouped together, darting into the bushes and out of sight.


Kwazii's POV: Peso looked at Shellington. "Any idea what they just said?" he asked.

Shellington nodded. "They just said, 'let's get the ball. Be right back!'"

Captain Barnacles walked over to Selene. "You are really good. I feel honored to have played against you"

Selene laughed, a slight blush growing on her cheeks. "Thank you, sir. You're pretty good yourself." The polar bear's cheeks tuned a light rose colour.

Kate began to pace back and forth. "Shouldn't Tunip and the Vegimals be back by now?" she asked, obviously concerned.

Peso put a comforting flipper on her shoulder. "I'm sure they're alright..." He said, though he didn't sound very sure.

Captain Barnacles, Dashi, Shellington, Tweak and Selene also looked concerned. "Lets look for them." the Captain decided. The Octonauts all darted into the bushes as well with me following on quickly after the Captain.

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