Communication (Baku/Sero)

Start from the beginning

Sero opens his own dorm room and plops onto his bed. Stupid Bakugou. Maybe he shows him too much that he'll be by Bakugou's side no matter what.
"Why do you just leave, idiot?" Bakugou barges into Sero's room. Sero doesn't flinch an inch, "Because you don't want to talk to me. You can leave again until you tell me what's wrong."
"Literally nothing."
"You can literally get the fuck out of my room then."
Sero is actually pissed off because he feels like Bakugou doesn't trust him and that thought hurts him.
"Why do you care? I said it's nothing. Why would it be anything?"
"Why do I care?" Sero scoffs.
"If you don't know you can leave."
"You're fucking aggravating. Are you my mom or something?"
"Go fuck yourself, please." Sero mumbles, "If you don't trust me that's your problem."
"Who said that I don't trust you?" Bakugou asks suddenly with a calmer voice.
"Your actions."
"What did I do?"
"You don't tell me shit. Every fucking time I want to know something you say that everything is fine. I don't even want you to tell me every goddamn thing if you don't want to but you never tell me anything. And now, I just wanted to know what I said or did wrong so I don't do it the next time but you don't tell me anything, again."
Sero talks angrily, facing Bakugou now for the first time.
"You didn't do anything." Bakugou mumbles and runs his fingers through his hair.
"Bullshit. Just leave, Bakugou. We can talk later." Sero lays down again.
Bakugou doesn't miss that Sero called him by his last name. That's when he sees that he fucked up. Sero is actually angry or disappointed. Bakugou breathes in and out in an attempt to get rid of the feeling in his chest but it kinda hurts more which leads to his throat hurting too because a sob is trying to escape. Bakugou turns around quickly and leans his forehead against the door and slowly inhales and exhales. He won't cry again. Not today. He's not some pussy who cries every time when Sero is around.
Sero observes his friend worried but he doesn't say anything. Bakugou needs to understand that Sero can't be there any minute of his life. Sero won't ever leave him but he feels like that's a reason Bakugou doesn't see the need to make anything for Sero because he knows that he won't go.
"You're a fucking bitch. I was just a little bit jealous and you act like I kept the biggest secret ever." Bakugou eventually says but his back is still facing Sero. Bakugou sighs frustrated and puts his face in his hands because he can't believe that he just confessed. At least he won't cry anymore.
"Jealous. Why were you jealous?"
"It's nothing. It's dumb."
"Do you really want to start again? Just tell me already." Sero sighs and rolls his eyes.
"Just and him cuddle and shit but we don't." Bakugou mumbles blushing. He thanks himself that he's facing Sero with his back because Sero doesn't need to see his tomato face.
"Look. Was it that hard to tell me?" Sero gets off the bed and steps to Bakugou.
Sero chuckles softly, "I'm glad that you overcame your fear and told me." Sero puts his hands on Bakugou's shoulders, reflexively giving him a gentle massage, "And now we talk about why you never tell me what you want."
"Like what?"
"Like cuddling. You can just tell me or you can just do it. I won't push you away."
"You push me away when I put a hand on you." Bakugou says unbelievably.
"I'm just joking there. If I do that and you come again I won't push you away twice."
"No, you don't like people touching you. I won't do that."
Sero wraps his arms around Bakugou's shoulders and gives him a kiss on his temple before laying his head on Bakugou's.
"It's not that I don't like it. I just never do it so people think that I don't want to be touched and then it just was like that. But Denki literally needs to touch the people around him, he's just like that." Sero shrugs.
"That doesn't mean that you like it."
"Well I don't hate it and I rather hold you near me than..." Sero stops to think about something he rather wants but he doesn't find anything, "Than nothing. I just want you to be near me."
Bakugou's heart flutters happily and the uncomfortable feeling in his chest disappears completely.
"Yes, really. I always tell you that you can come to me. I don't care what you're gonna tell me I will accept you no matter what. Why don't you get it? Godammit." Sero sighs and clasps Bakugou against his chest.
To be honest, Bakugou doesn't know. On the one hand, he knows that Sero won't go anywhere but on the other hand, he just feels like he can't be sure. They don't know what's going to happen in the future.
Bakugou turns around in Sero's arms and wraps his arms around his waist.
"Do you want to tell me anything else?"
"I don't think so."
"Ok." Sero picks Bakugou off the floor and leads him to his bed.
"What are you-" Sero lays him down on the bed and lays down next to him.
"I'm tired. Let's take a nap." Sero says and wraps his arms around Bakugou's waist to hold him against himself.
Bakugou freezes up and doesn't know what to do. As Sero notices he puts Bakugou's arms around his shoulders.
"Stop acting like a virgin." He says with a more quiet voice because they're so close.
"Shut up." Bakugou says flustered.
"Do you like kisses?"
"What? Why?" He asks frantically, turning a darker shade of red.
"I like it. Maybe you like it too." Sero says unbothered.
"Does Denki kiss you?"
"Yeah sometimes. You saw it."
"Yeah but like often, not just if you're greeting or saying goodbye to each other." Bakugou mumbles.
"Hm yeah. Sometimes."
"Pfft. Are you jealous again?" Sero asks and has to chuckle slightly.
"No." Bakugou says quickly.
Sero unwraps one arm around Bakugou and strokes softly through his hair.
"Katsuki, just tell me if something is bothering you. I can kiss you. I don't have a problem with it."
"Stop talking so uninhibited, idiot. Fucking embarrassing." Bakugou mumbles and hides his blushing face in Sero's chest and groans.
"It's weird seeing you embarrassed so often. You don't-"
"Shut up, Hanta. Yes, I like kisses. I like every form of affection. Now, be quiet."
"Ok. How long are we going to sleep?"
"Long. I'm also tired." Bakugou yawns softly into Sero's chest.
"We aren't allowed to sleep in other dorms."
"Well they can separate us but what are they gonna do. It's not like we're having sex."
Sero chuckles softly and moves Bakugou on him.
"What are you doing?" Bakugou asks and lifts his head off Sero's chest.
"Nothing. I want to hold you like that."
"Ok, goodnight, idiot." Bakugou mumbles and moves up to rest his head into the crook of Sero's neck.
"Ehy, Kats."
"I love you."
It feels like Bakugou stopped breathing and for the second time this day he freezes up.
He moves his head up to look at Sero and rolls his eyes slightly when he also sees him looking at him.
Bakugou moves to his old position again and says, "Tch. Love you too, idiot."
Sero has to smile because that's the first time he said it back.
"Shut up already."

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